
The 34-year-old lawyer was killed, and the villagers exposed the truth! The murderer returned to his hometown to build a house, but was strongly targeted by the lawyer's family

author:Tomorrow could be better!
The 34-year-old lawyer was killed, and the villagers exposed the truth! The murderer returned to his hometown to build a house, but was strongly targeted by the lawyer's family

[Under the soil, the roots and veins are connected]

"Neighborly harmony is like a seedling clinging to the soil, symbiosis and co-prosperity, and once a dispute arises in an inch of soil, it is like a vine overgrowing, gradually reaching the point of being uncontrollable. In this fast-paced era, we still can't ignore the grievances and hatreds rooted in the countryside, which often start at the end and inadvertently cause irreparable tragedy.

【Turning Point in the Life of Inspirational Youth】

Sun Hu, a farmer's boy, with his unremitting efforts and perseverance, has carved out a niche in the world of law and successfully transformed into a respected professional lawyer.

The 34-year-old lawyer was killed, and the villagers exposed the truth! The murderer returned to his hometown to build a house, but was strongly targeted by the lawyer's family

His story was supposed to be a vivid inspirational textbook, however, in his 34-year-old years, a conflict caused by a dispute over the construction of a house in the neighborhood instantly rewrote the script of his life.

The 34-year-old lawyer was killed, and the villagers exposed the truth! The murderer returned to his hometown to build a house, but was strongly targeted by the lawyer's family

[The contradiction is emerging, causing heated discussions among netizens]

The official short sentence "neighborhood housing dispute" sparked heated discussions among netizens. One side believes that the murderer Sun Moujia is an honest duty to bully Sun Hu's family, and he brazenly takes people's lives because of trivial disputes; the other side speculates that Sun Hu, with his lawyer status, may have touched Sun Moujia's bottom line in the dispute, causing him to commit murder impulsively.

[The truth surfaced, and the origin was half a meter aisle]

The houses of the two families are close to each other, with a four-and-a-half-story blue western-style building and a three-and-a-half-story white building, with only a half-meter-wide aisle in between.

The white 3-story building belongs to the murderer's family, and the murderer Sun is also a local. He worked in Shanghai when he was young, and has been working in Shanghai for thirty or forty years, so he didn't save some money to go home and build a house for retirement.

The 34-year-old lawyer was killed, and the villagers exposed the truth! The murderer returned to his hometown to build a house, but was strongly targeted by the lawyer's family

The small blue 4-storey building is the lawyer's house, which has been built for some years. The murderer Sun's house had just been built and had not yet been renovated, and some of the decoration materials he bought were placed at the intersection, and the lawyer's father was not happy, and the two sides had another quarrel. And this half-meter distance has just become an insurmountable gap between the hearts of the two families.

The 34-year-old lawyer was killed, and the villagers exposed the truth! The murderer returned to his hometown to build a house, but was strongly targeted by the lawyer's family

[Netizens revealed, the cause and effect behind the tragedy]

According to the disclosure of informed netizens, the fuse of this tragedy was that Sun Hu's family encroached on the area of Sun Moujia's homestead. Sun Moujia, who had been working in Shanghai for many years, had just returned to his hometown to recuperate, and in the face of the problem of building materials piling up during the decoration of the new house, the two families were once again tense, and they were about to break out. Sun Hu's father's contribution to the conflict pushed the tension to a climax, which unfortunately led to Sun Hu's tragic death.

The 34-year-old lawyer was killed, and the villagers exposed the truth! The murderer returned to his hometown to build a house, but was strongly targeted by the lawyer's family

[Relatives speak out, lamenting the impermanence of the world]

Sun Hu's daughter-in-law's cousin expressed his views on the incident with a meaningful sentence "There must be afterglow in the house of goodness, and there must be aftermath in the house of unkindness". This sentence is also a warning to the world: every move in life, whether good or evil, may have a far-reaching impact in the future.

The 34-year-old lawyer was killed, and the villagers exposed the truth! The murderer returned to his hometown to build a house, but was strongly targeted by the lawyer's family

[When the dust settles, reflect on the way of the neighborhood]

If time could have been turned back, and Sun Hu's father had not chosen to recall his son at that moment, perhaps this tragedy could have been avoided. But there are no ifs in life, only results.

This tragedy between the blue bricks and white tiles has undoubtedly sounded the alarm for the world: while pursuing personal interests, we need to cherish harmonious interpersonal relationships, and keep in mind the admonition of the ancients - "six feet wide lane, tolerant of others is tolerant of oneself", only in this way can we truly achieve harmony between neighbors and build a harmonious society.



#浙江34岁律师遇袭身亡 Neighborhood Disputes#

#浙江34岁律师回乡被捅伤抢救无效死亡, police report#
