
In April, don't dry these 5 kinds of flowers, if you don't listen to persuasion, it's a waste of money!

author:Sister Rong Flower House

After entering April, many friends spend April, these 5 kinds of flowers must not be dried, do not listen to persuasion, it is a waste of money! But as the temperature gets hotter, so does the sunlight.

In April, don't dry these 5 kinds of flowers, if you don't listen to persuasion, it's a waste of money!

At this time, many people wear short sleeves, giving the impression that summer is coming. In this case, some flowers must not be sunburned, because the sun will die as soon as the sun is strong, and if you don't listen to persuasion, it is a waste of money, such as the following 5 kinds of flowers.


Many flower friends like to raise bamboo, because of the chic posture of bamboo, seemingly soft but very straight branches, especially when the leaves are green, can give people a lush, elegant and chic feeling. In addition, Wenzhu has the effect of soothing the liver and relieving depression, whether it is raised in the living room or the study, it is very beautiful and beautiful, especially with Zen flower pots, it gives people a clean and elegant feeling.

In April, don't dry these 5 kinds of flowers, if you don't listen to persuasion, it's a waste of money!

Bamboo likes a warm and humid environment, especially afraid of strong sunlight exposure, once the sun is too strong, coupled with less watering, bamboo will appear yellow leaves and fallen leaves, really become a bamboo pole.

Bamboo "April Maintenance Recommendations"

Especially after entering April, the high temperature in many places will reach about 30 degrees, and then in such a high temperature and sunny environment, the bamboo can grow more and more beautiful.

In April, don't dry these 5 kinds of flowers, if you don't listen to persuasion, it's a waste of money!

(2). Bird of paradise

The bird of paradise has fat and big leaves, green in all seasons, and some leather texture, not only looks very town, but also lush, looks particularly prosperous.

In addition, the bird of paradise can absorb indoor formaldehyde very well, and can also convert these harmful gases into oxygen through photosynthesis, which can be said to be a kind of large-leaf green plant that many families like.

In April, don't dry these 5 kinds of flowers, if you don't listen to persuasion, it's a waste of money!

Bird of Paradise "April Care Recommendations":

After entering April, the birds of paradise we raise, do not expose to the sun, because the leaves will curl and dry out, resulting in a great reduction in the ornamental value of the bird of paradise.

In April, don't dry these 5 kinds of flowers, if you don't listen to persuasion, it's a waste of money!

(3). Crab claw orchid

The meaning of crab claw orchid is the icing on the cake, when it blooms, it is a kind of New Year's flower that many people like to raise. Its leaves are like the claws of a crab, and the fat is thick, and the color of the leaves is green and shiny, and it is very beautiful to keep at home.

In April, don't dry these 5 kinds of flowers, if you don't listen to persuasion, it's a waste of money!

However, crab claw orchid is afraid of heat, and the suitable temperature for its growth is 15 to 25 degrees. In April, when the sun is too strong and the temperature rises, the growth of crab claw orchids will slow down or stop growing. At this time, the leaves of the crab claw orchid will wilt, soft, and listless. When the sun is strong, it can also sunburn the leaves.

April Crab Claw Orchid "Correct Maintenance Recommendations"

Therefore, if you raise crab claw orchids in April, you need to move to a place with less sunlight, especially at noon, and don't expose it to the sun. Don't water too much, because crab claw orchid is a succulent plant, watered too much, easy to rot roots, as long as you avoid the hot summer, crab claw orchid will grow more and more beautiful, and there will be more and more flowers.

In April, don't dry these 5 kinds of flowers, if you don't listen to persuasion, it's a waste of money!

(4) Du Xiaohua

The azalea is called the Shih Tzu of Flowers, because she is too beautiful and beautiful, and it is a kind of beauty that is weak. And April is the flowering period of azaleas, which are colorful and so beautiful, so many people will raise a few pots.

But azaleas are especially afraid of the heat, and they are also afraid of too strong sunlight, because the sun is too strong, it is easy to sunburn the leaves, causing the leaves of the azalea to become dry and scorched, and the two flowers are also prone to wilting.

In April, don't dry these 5 kinds of flowers, if you don't listen to persuasion, it's a waste of money!

Rhododendron "April maintenance recommendations":

Therefore, raising azaleas in April, do not expose them to the sun, as they are easy to wither and empty pots. Hurry up and keep it on the north balcony or in a bright place in the living room. And be sure to do a good job of ventilation, never water, and do not fertilize, at this time lazy care is easier to raise.

In April, don't dry these 5 kinds of flowers, if you don't listen to persuasion, it's a waste of money!

(5). Monstera

The leaves of the monstera are fat and large, and there are many cracks on it, like the back of a turtle, so it is called monstera. The meaning of Monstera is health and longevity, good luck, good luck and wealth.

In addition, the ability of monstera to purify indoor air is better than that of pothos, and it can also absorb smoke and dust in the air, such as second-hand smoke. It can also make the air clean and moist through transpiration.

In April, don't dry these 5 kinds of flowers, if you don't listen to persuasion, it's a waste of money!

"April maintenance suggestions" of monstera:

However, it is a green plant that likes shade, moisture, and warmth, and it can grow well in such an environment. After entering April, as the sunlight becomes stronger and the temperature rises, the leaves of the monstera raised in the sun are easy to sunburn. Moreover, it is difficult to recover the leaves of the monstera after sunburn, so it can only be cut off, and if the sun is strong, it will sunburn and die.

Therefore, after the temperature rises and the sunlight becomes stronger, you need to raise it in a place with a little scattered light, or a bright place indoors, such as some in the living room, or the north balcony of the home. In addition, because it likes to be moist, it needs to be watered more, or sprayed with water on the leaves to make them feel fresh.

In April, don't dry these 5 kinds of flowers, if you don't listen to persuasion, it's a waste of money!

In addition to these five kinds of flowers, there are also orchid plants, such as phalaenopsis, junzi orchid, orchid, and ferns, etc., do not dry, otherwise it is easy to empty the pot and waste money!