
Seven tricks of pickling girls, how many of these characteristics on a woman's body do you occupy?

author:Elegant white cloud fL
Seven tricks of pickling girls, how many of these characteristics on a woman's body do you occupy?
Seven tricks of pickling girls, how many of these characteristics on a woman's body do you occupy?
Seven tricks of pickling girls, how many of these characteristics on a woman's body do you occupy?
Seven tricks of pickling girls, how many of these characteristics on a woman's body do you occupy?
Seven tricks of pickling girls, how many of these characteristics on a woman's body do you occupy?
Seven tricks of pickling girls, how many of these characteristics on a woman's body do you occupy?
Seven tricks of pickling girls, how many of these characteristics on a woman's body do you occupy?
Seven tricks of pickling girls, how many of these characteristics on a woman's body do you occupy?
Seven tricks of pickling girls, how many of these characteristics on a woman's body do you occupy?
Seven tricks of pickling girls, how many of these characteristics on a woman's body do you occupy?
Seven tricks of pickling girls, how many of these characteristics on a woman's body do you occupy?
Seven tricks of pickling girls, how many of these characteristics on a woman's body do you occupy?
Seven tricks of pickling girls, how many of these characteristics on a woman's body do you occupy?
Seven tricks of pickling girls, how many of these characteristics on a woman's body do you occupy?
Seven tricks of pickling girls, how many of these characteristics on a woman's body do you occupy?
Seven tricks of pickling girls, how many of these characteristics on a woman's body do you occupy?
Seven tricks of pickling girls, how many of these characteristics on a woman's body do you occupy?
Seven tricks of pickling girls, how many of these characteristics on a woman's body do you occupy?

As the night darkens, the neon-lit bar is full of light and shadow. In this noisy place, a young man, Li Xuan, was sitting at a table in the corner with his friend Zhang Qiang, and the two were chatting and laughing while sipping wine.

"Brother Xuan, your ability to pick up girls has really become more and more powerful recently, teach me a few tricks!" Zhang Qiang's eyes were full of curiosity and envy.

Li Xuan smiled slightly, put down the wine glass in his hand, and said, "How can there be any fixed moves for pickling girls, but it varies from person to person, just see the right time." However, I can tell you some general rules. ”

Zhang Qiang's eyes lit up and he leaned closer: "Say it quickly!"

Li Xuan leisurely began to count: " The first trick is self-confidence, no woman will like a man with low self-esteem; the second trick is humor, which can make a woman have a good impression of you in a relaxed and happy atmosphere; the third trick is to be careful, pay attention to her details, let her feel your care; the fourth trick is to be independent, don't always stick to her, give her enough space; the fifth trick is to be honest, treat her sincerely, don't lie; the sixth trick is romance, give her some unexpected surprises; the seventh trick is to persevere, don't give up easily, and impress her with sincerity. ”

Zhang Qiang listened to it with relish, and couldn't help nodding: "These sound very practical!"

Li Xuan said with a smile: "Whether it is practical or not, the key depends on how you use it." However, before you can pick up girls, you have to learn to observe women and know which features are most attractive to them. ”

Zhang Qiang asked curiously: "Oh, what are the characteristics of a woman that attract men the most?"

Li Xuan pondered for a moment and said slowly: "This can vary from person to person, but generally speaking, gentle, considerate and empathetic women are always very popular; and women who are confident and independent, with their own careers and pursuits, are also very attractive; of course, appearance can not be ignored, beautiful looks and decent dress can always attract the attention of men; in addition, humorous, smart and clever women are also very attractive; most importantly, they must have a kind heart, such a woman can really make people feel tempted." ”

Zhang Qiang was fascinated by what he heard, and sighed: "Brother Xuan, you are really a master of love! ”

The two continued to talk about their experiences and experiences with pickled girls until the dead of night, when the lights of the bar gradually dimmed.

A few days later, Zhang Qiang decided to personally practice Li Xuan's seven tricks of picking up girls. He chose a gentle and lovely girl named Xiaoya. Xiaoya works in the library, always with a sweet smile, which makes Zhang Qiang's heart move.

Zhang Qiang began to approach Xiaoya under the pretext of borrowing books, and he showed a confident and humorous side, which made Xiaoya have a good impression of him in a relaxed atmosphere. He also carefully noticed the types of books Xiaoya liked to read, and took the initiative to recommend some good books to her. Gradually, Xiaoya began to take the initiative to chat with Zhang Qiang, and the relationship between the two became more and more intimate.

However, the road to pickling girls has not been easy. One day, Zhang Qiang noticed that Xiaoya seemed to be a little unhappy, and he tried to ask the reason, but Xiaoya avoided talking about it. Zhang Qiang remembered Li Xuan's words and wanted to give her enough space, so he decided not to ask for the time being, but silently accompanied her.

After a few days, Xiaoya took the initiative to open her heart to Zhang Qiang. It turned out that she had recently encountered some work troubles and felt a lot of pressure. After hearing this, Zhang Qiang not only expressed his understanding and support, but also offered to help her solve the problem. His honesty and concern touched Xiaoya, and the relationship between the two went further.

As time passed, the relationship between Zhang Qiang and Xiaoya became deeper and deeper. Zhang Qiang often creates some small surprises for Xiaoya, such as suddenly taking her to the movies, giving her a bouquet of flowers, etc., which makes Xiaoya feel his romance and intentions. And Xiaoya also reciprocated Zhang Qiang's love with her gentleness and thoughtfulness.

Finally one day, Zhang Qiang mustered up the courage to confess to Xiaoya. He touched Xiaoya's heart with his sincerity and persistence, and the two came together happily.

Afterwards, Zhang Qiang said to Li Xuan with emotion: "Brother Xuan, thank you for teaching me the seven tricks of picking up girls and those characteristics of women. If it weren't for you, I might still be in love!"

Li Xuan smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Brother, it's the result of your own efforts." Remember, there is no fixed rule for pickling girls, the key is to understand her, care for her, and love her with your heart. In this way, you can find happiness that truly belongs to you. ”

The conversation between the two gradually dissipates in the hustle and bustle of the bar, but their friendship and the experience of picking up girls have become unforgettable memories in each other's lives.

As time passed, Zhang Qiang and Xiaoya's relationship became more and more stable. They have experienced the ups and downs of life together, facing various challenges and difficulties together. Zhang Qiang always kept Li Xuan's words in mind and cared about Xiaoya with his heart, which made her feel his sincerity and firmness.

In this process, Zhang Qiang also gradually realized the true meaning of pickling girls. He understands that pickling girls is not just about pursuing superficial attraction and romance, but more importantly, building a deep emotional connection and trust. He has learned to listen to Xiaoya, understand her needs and expectations, and grow and progress with her.

And Xiaoya was also moved by Zhang Qiang's sincerity. She saw Zhang Qiang's efforts and changes for her, and felt his love and care for her. She gradually let go of the guards and worries in her heart, and walked into the palace of marriage with Zhang Qiang.