
Why do Japanese men like to pee while sitting? 3 benefits have been proven, and it is recommended that Chinese men follow suit

author:Optimism is green

In my career as a doctor, I have met a wide variety of patients and heard about countless lifestyle habits and health beliefs. Once, a patient who had been living in Japan for a long time came to visit, and he shared an interesting observation: in Japan, many men choose to sit on the toilet. At first, I was curious and even a little surprised by this habit. After all, in our culture, it is seen as the norm for men to go to the toilet standing up. However, as I got deeper into the rationale and benefits behind this habit, I began to realize that it wasn't just a cultural difference, but a thoughtful consideration for health and hygiene.

I remember one time, a middle-aged male patient who was visiting frequently because of prostate problems, he revealed to me during the treatment that he began to try to change his toilet habits from standing to sitting. Initially, he just wanted to try a new way in the hopes of alleviating his discomfort. To his surprise, after a period of adjustment, he noticed that not only did he feel more comfortable going to the toilet, but his prostate symptoms also improved significantly. This change was a turning point for him, who began to pay more attention to the impact of small details in daily life on health.

Why do Japanese men like to pee while sitting? 3 benefits have been proven, and it is recommended that Chinese men follow suit

The top three benefits of sitting and peeing

1. Reduce splashing in the toilet and keep the environment clean

First of all, the most intuitive benefit is a significant reduction in urine sputtering in the toilet. We all know that standing up to pee is prone to sputtering, which not only makes the toilet floor and around the toilet bowl dirty, but also increases the difficulty and frequency of cleaning. Sitting on the urine minimizes this problem, and keeping toilets clean, especially in the home environment, is essential to maintain a hygienic environment in the home.

2. Improve urination efficiency and empty the bladder more thoroughly

From a physiological point of view, sitting on the toilet is a better way for men to relax the pelvic floor muscles and help to empty the bladder completely. In the long term, this helps reduce the risk of bladder infections and may have a positive impact on prostate health. Scientific studies have shown that a complete emptying of the bladder can help reduce the chances of urinary tract infections, which is especially important for men with prostate problems.

Why do Japanese men like to pee while sitting? 3 benefits have been proven, and it is recommended that Chinese men follow suit

3. Increase quiet and private moments to promote "slow living"

In a fast-paced life, everyone needs to find their own little "slow life" moments. Sitting on the toilet is not only a simple physiological process, but also a rare private time that can be away from mobile phones and computers and isolated from the outside world. Such a habit can give people the opportunity to calm down, do some reflection or simple meditation, and press the pause button for the tense pace of life.

Although this habit may seem less masculine in some cultures, the benefits of sitting and peeing are clear if we consider it from a health and quality of life perspective. Trying to change long-standing habits can take some time and effort, but the health and cleansing benefits are definitely worth trying. Give it a chance to see if it can bring some positive changes to your life.

Why do Japanese men like to pee while sitting? 3 benefits have been proven, and it is recommended that Chinese men follow suit

Health effects

Reduces pressure on the prostate

Sitting to urinate reduces pressure on the bladder and prostate. Experts note that when men urinate while standing, more muscle involvement is needed to maintain balance and control, which may increase pressure around the bladder and in the prostate. Sitting and urinating naturally relaxes the body and helps to reduce tension and stress on these muscles, which is very helpful in avoiding prostate problems.

Improves urination efficiency

Sitting on the toilet helps to empty your bladder more thoroughly. Studies have found that sitting urination better relaxes pelvic floor muscles and allows urine to flow more freely. This is key to preventing problems such as urinary tract infections and cystitis, which are often associated with not emptying the bladder completely.

Why do Japanese men like to pee while sitting? 3 benefits have been proven, and it is recommended that Chinese men follow suit

Promote healthy lifestyle habits

Adopting the habit of sitting to urinate is also seen as a way to promote a healthy lifestyle. This habit encourages men to slow down the pace of their lives and add some sedentary, personal time. This simple behavioural change is actually a stress-relieving way to help improve quality of life and may indirectly promote health.

Scientific research support

Several scientific studies support the health benefits of sitting and urinating. For example, one study noted that for men with prostate problems, changing the position of urination can significantly reduce the occurrence of the condition. Another study found that sitting to urinate reduced the pain of urination, a benefit that should not be ignored for men with associated health problems.

While sitting to urinate may be considered a non-traditional practice in many cultures, its health benefits have been supported by a growing body of scientific research and expert opinion. For men who want to improve or maintain prostate health, adopting this habit can be a simple and effective way to do so.

Why do Japanese men like to pee while sitting? 3 benefits have been proven, and it is recommended that Chinese men follow suit

How to promote this habit in China

1. Enhance public health education

Target: Hygiene education in schools, community centres and workplaces, emphasizing the hygiene and health benefits of sitting on the toilet.

Content design: Create easy-to-understand educational materials, such as comics, short videos, etc., to show the benefits of sitting and peeing, while answering any doubts and misconceptions men may have.

2. Make use of social media and self-media

Storytelling: Encourage men who have already adopted the habit to share their experiences and feelings on social media to increase persuasiveness with real-life examples.

KOL collaboration: Collaborate with well-known bloggers in the health and lifestyle category to promote the benefits of this habit through their platforms.

Why do Japanese men like to pee while sitting? 3 benefits have been proven, and it is recommended that Chinese men follow suit

3. Improvement of public facilities

Environmental Optimization: Adding or optimizing toilets in public toilets to keep them clean and comfortable to use, and encourage men to try and adopt.

Clear instructions: Place signs inside the toilet to encourage men to sit down and explain the benefits.

4. Policy support and health initiatives

Government guidance: Governments can encourage public places, offices, and educational institutions to prioritize the installation of toilets by developing health policies.

Health initiatives: Health authorities can launch special initiatives to regularly evaluate the effectiveness of outreach and adjust strategies to meet societal repercussions and needs.

5. Cultural sensitivity and personalized promotion

Respect for choice: Emphasize that the promotion of this habit is not mandatory, but rather provides a more hygienic and potentially health-friendly choice.

Individualized guidance: Recognizing that different groups of people may have different levels of acceptance and adaptation, provide personalized advice and guidance.

Through the implementation of these strategies, the habit of sitting and urinating is expected to gradually become accepted and popularized among Chinese men, thereby improving public health and personal health.

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