
Registration and reporting is a matter for everyone in the Eco-City

author:Look at Ben Shing

In order to further strengthen the standardized use and safety management of electric bicycles, do a solid job in the registration of electric bicycles in the jurisdiction, and continuously expand the coverage and public awareness of the registration and reporting of electric bicycles, in the past few days, various districts and communities in the Eco-City have jointly built units, police stations and property service enterprises to carry out electric bicycle registration publicity activities.

Careful deployment and multi-party mobilization

All districts and communities attach great importance to this work, and in order to achieve better publicity results, all districts and communities have carried out special meetings on pain points such as electric bicycle investigation and registration and illegal parking in their jurisdictions, accurately deployed recent key work, and used online and offline channels such as community billboards, WeChat groups, and public accounts to widely publicize.

Registration and reporting is a matter for everyone in the Eco-City

At the same time, the grid staff gave full play to the role of "iron footboard" and issued the "Proposal for Safe and Civilized Travel of Electric Bicycles" to residents in the community, popularized the fire safety knowledge of electric bicycles in an all-round way, and mobilized residents to report and register independently.

Registration and reporting is a matter for everyone in the Eco-City

Thorough investigation to eliminate hidden dangers

In order not to disturb the normal work and life of residents, the community staff adjusted the work and rest time and registration location in real time, and made full use of the two time periods of "before and after work" to help residents register their vehicles on the spot, and obtained positive response and support from residents.

Registration and reporting is a matter for everyone in the Eco-City

In view of the problems found in the investigation, such as riding without helmets, illegal parking of electric vehicles, and illegal charging, the staff immediately reminded, persuaded, and rectified on the spot, so as to eliminate potential safety hazards in a timely manner.

Registration and reporting is a matter for everyone in the Eco-City

At present, the registration and promotion of e-bikes in various communities in the Eco-City is still under intense progress. For the safety of your life and property, please take the initiative to contact your community, and the grid staff will register the electric bicycle registration information for you in time.

Registration and reporting is a matter for everyone in the Eco-City
Registration and reporting is a matter for everyone in the Eco-City

Source: Eco-City Micro Community

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