
Involving a number of subsidies issued!

author:Yuhang release

According to the latest news from the Hangzhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, a number of subsidies in the field of employment in Hangzhou will be issued to the financial social security card. Let's take a look!

Apply for subsidies in the following employment areas

A financial and social security card is required

1. Application for unemployment insurance money, skill upgrading subsidy, maternity subsidy, temporary living allowance for the unemployed, etc.

2. Application for employment subsidy for college graduates, application for social security subsidy for college graduates (flexible employment), application for social security subsidy for persons with employment difficulties (flexible employment), application for temporary living allowance for college graduates, application for employment subsidy for entrepreneurship, application for one-time entrepreneurship subsidy, one-time application for social security subsidy for entrepreneurship, etc.

3. Application for subsidy for job hunting and entrepreneurship.

4. Application for interest discount for personal entrepreneurship guarantee loans.

The above subsidies need to be applied for at the window of the employment business agency with the financial social security card, or through online platforms such as the "Zheliban" App, Zhejiang Government Service Network, and the "Digital Intelligence Employment" WeChat applet.

If you have not yet applied for a financial social security card or have not activated it, remember to get the card or activate it as soon as possible.

Involving a number of subsidies issued!


Where are the channels for handling and activating the financial social security card?

Answer: 1. The window of the cooperative bank of the social security card of the administrative service center of each district and county (city).

2. Social Security Card Cooperative Bank:

Involving a number of subsidies issued!


What should I do if I am receiving a subsidy if I am not a financial social security card?

Answer: If it is not a financial social security card, you need to bring your ID card to the administrative service center of the district, county (city) where you are located to modify the issuance account number, and the new issuance account number must be the financial social security card card number. The handling staff will also take the initiative to contact the person receiving the card to modify the card number.

If the recipient has not applied for a social security card, he or she must first go to the cooperative bank of the social security card to apply for the social security card and activate the financial function, and then go to the district, county (city) administrative service center to modify the issuance account number.


Can I apply for subsidy treatment for the financial social security card in different places in the province?

A: Yes. As long as it is a financial social security card in Zhejiang Province, you can apply for it normally.


How can people living outside the province apply for a social security card and activate financial functions?

Answer: Those whose place of residence is not in Zhejiang Province can apply for a financial social security card online through the "Zheliban" APP, the "Hangzhou Citizen Card" APP, and the "Hangzhou Citizen Card" WeChat official account.

"Zheli Office" APP operation:

1. If you have not applied for a financial social security card in Hangzhou, you can search for "entity social security card application" in the "Zheliban" APP, and select Hangzhou as the place of issue;

2. If you have applied for a financial social security card in Hangzhou and need to replace the card, search for "social security card replacement" in the "Zheliban" APP for operation.

"Hangzhou Citizen Card" APP:

After downloading the APP, complete the real-name authentication, and enter the citizen card service - I want to apply for a card column to operate.

"Hangzhou Citizen Card" WeChat public account:

Pay attention to the official account and click on the online service - I want to apply for a card column to operate.

In addition, the financial social security card business can be consulted by calling 0571-96225, or by calling the consultation telephone number of various districts (counties and cities).

Involving a number of subsidies issued!

In order to do it at one time, it is recommended to go directly to the window of the cooperative bank of the social security card of the administrative service center of each district and county (city), or the outlets of the cooperative bank of the social security card to apply for the financial social security card.

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Source | Released in Hangzhou

Edit | Zhou Ying

First instance | Fu Tengzi

Second instance | Yang Lan

Final Judgment | Jia Guoyong