
Wei Daxun and Pei Xiuzhi took a group photo, what is the story behind this photo?

author:Kobayashi said entertainment

First encounter

In a group photo ten years ago, it turned out to be Wei Daxun and Pei Xiuzhi!

Wei Daxun and Pei Xiuzhi took a group photo, what is the story behind this photo?

You must be curious about how these two met. It is said that it was at a JYP event that the two met because of their common cause. Daehun was an artist at JYP at the time, and Suzy was also from the same company.

Wei Daxun and Pei Xiuzhi took a group photo, what is the story behind this photo?

Imagine that Daehun was still a young little fresh meat at that time, and Suzy was pure and cute, just like a couple in a TV series!


JYP's little luck

Don't you think it's strange that these two people know each other? After all, they are both JYP artists, and there are many opportunities to do things together.

Wei Daxun and Pei Xiuzhi took a group photo, what is the story behind this photo?

But then again, if these two weren't in the same company at the time, wouldn't there be so many interesting topics? Imagine if Daehun was in another company, maybe the fate between them would only stay in the category of idol contact.



Ten years are like a day, thinking back to Daehun and Suzy back then, do you think time flies so fast?

Wei Daxun and Pei Xiuzhi took a group photo, what is the story behind this photo?

At that time, they may still be fighting for their careers and dreams. And now, Daehun has grown into a well-known actor, and Suzy is also a bright star in the Korean entertainment industry. Looking at the group photo of their youth, I can't help but feel that the years have passed, but I am also proud of their achievements.


Blessing Giving Circumstance

Today is Daehoon's birthday, so let's send our best wishes together!

Wei Daxun and Pei Xiuzhi took a group photo, what is the story behind this photo?

Looking back on the bits and pieces of the past, it may evoke good memories of our youth. Whether it is Daehun or Suzy, they have made a world in their respective fields and have made extraordinary achievements. May they continue to maintain their original intentions and move forward bravely in the days to come!



After ten years, the story of Daehun and Suzy is like an adventure of youth, which makes people feel emotional. From the initial encounter to today's achievements, they interpret the wonder of youth with strength and hard work.

Wei Daxun and Pei Xiuzhi took a group photo, what is the story behind this photo?

Perhaps, their stories will inspire more young people to pursue their dreams bravely. Let's bless them together and praise our youth!


Wei Daxun and Pei Xiuzhi took a group photo, what is the story behind this photo?

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