
"Share" cat food, you eat it and I will appear

author:Peninsula Metropolis Daily

Peninsula all-media reporter Huang Jiexian


On April 12, gray magpie weasels formed a group to steal cat food in Qingdao Badaguan. On the wall of a courtyard on Shaoguan Road, caring people build a small house to place cat food for stray cats. Unexpectedly, the free meal attracted a large group of gray magpies to feast and take turns pecking. The gray magpie is bold and ferocious, and is not afraid of cars and people. A weasel sneakily also came to eat, timid as a mouse, took a bite and looked back to observe, heard the movement and quickly fled, repeatedly tossed and eaten some many times, until was scared away by the cat. The cat returned to find that the nest had been ransacked by thieves, and his face was full of melancholy, suspecting that the cat was ......

"Share" cat food, you eat it and I will appear
"Share" cat food, you eat it and I will appear

The love hut where the cat food is kept is pressed with stones to prevent the wind from blowing away, and there is also a rainproof layer

"Share" cat food, you eat it and I will appear

A magpie watched from a high place, and it was weak and could not fight the gray magpie who committed the crime

"Share" cat food, you eat it and I will appear

The gray magpie is brave and fierce, and confronts the magpie in the tree

"Share" cat food, you eat it and I will appear
"Share" cat food, you eat it and I will appear

and eat

"Share" cat food, you eat it and I will appear

Grey magpies are fierce and aggressive

"Share" cat food, you eat it and I will appear
"Share" cat food, you eat it and I will appear

The gray magpie is the most abundant bird in Badaguan, likes to eat forest pests, and is the "champion" of preying on pine caterpillars, guarding the green forest of Badaguan

"Share" cat food, you eat it and I will appear

Grey magpies and weasels are both national "three haves" protected animals

"Share" cat food, you eat it and I will appear

Weasels are widely known for their after-the-moment phrase "Weasels give New Year's greetings to chickens – uneasy and kind." In fact, although weasels occasionally steal chickens, their favorite food is rats, which can eliminate a large number of rats in a year and eliminate pests for the people.

"Share" cat food, you eat it and I will appear
"Share" cat food, you eat it and I will appear

Weasels sneak up on stealing food

"Share" cat food, you eat it and I will appear
"Share" cat food, you eat it and I will appear
"Share" cat food, you eat it and I will appear
"Share" cat food, you eat it and I will appear
"Share" cat food, you eat it and I will appear
"Share" cat food, you eat it and I will appear

When the cat returns, she finds that the cat food has been stolen and looks melancholy

"Share" cat food, you eat it and I will appear

Source: Peninsula Metropolis Daily, Peninsula News client