
Tang Seng traveled west and took out the customs clearance documents, most of the kings along the way were respectful, what did Li Shimin write?

author:Mr. Chen 006688

In "Journey to the West", whenever Tang Seng goes to a country, he always introduces himself first, and then takes out a mysterious small book and hands it to the king. When the king saw it, his attitude immediately changed, and he respectfully stamped it on it. What is the magic of this small book? What is the relationship between it and the strength of the Tang Dynasty? What is even more interesting is that after Master Xuanzang, the prototype of Tang monks, returned to the Tang Dynasty, why did Li Shimin persuade him many times to return to the world? What kind of story is hidden behind this?

Tang Seng traveled west and took out the customs clearance documents, most of the kings along the way were respectful, what did Li Shimin write?

The content and function of the customs clearance document

In "Journey to the West", on the way to learn scriptures from the four Tang monks and apprentices, every time they went to a country, Tang Seng would always salute the king first, and then solemnly took out a small book from his arms and presented it with both hands. The king took it and looked at it carefully, and the expression on his face often changed from puzzled at the beginning to respectful, and even took the initiative to invite Tang Seng to stay in the palace for a few days and enjoy the high-standard hospitality of the palace. This small book, which changed the king's attitude greatly, is the customs clearance document given to Tang Seng by the Son of Heaven of the Tang Dynasty.

Customs clearance documents, as the name suggests, are a kind of passable credentials. In ancient times, due to the inconvenient transportation, there were not many exchanges between countries, and many countries were wary of outsiders. Although Tang Seng is a senior monk, he is a foreigner after all, and he does not have customs clearance documents with him, so he will inevitably be interrogated and troubled by other countries. And with this document given by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the identity of Tang Seng has the most powerful proof, and the way is naturally unimpeded.

So, what is written on the customs clearance document that can make the kings of various countries so respectful to Tang Seng? It turns out that at the beginning of the document, the identity of Tang Seng is first explained: "The Tang Dynasty of the Southern Ganbu Continent is carried by the Tang Dynasty to carry Tang Tianzi to travel", and one sentence points out that Tang Seng is from the Tang Dynasty, and he traveled far away on the order of Tang Tianzi, and the origin is not small. Next, Wen Mu explained that the purpose of this trip was to "go to the West Tianda Leiyin Temple to see the Buddha and seek scriptures to return to the East Land". This shows that Tang Seng did not make this trip for other purposes, but purely for Buddhism, and had no other thoughts, which made people respect.

What's more, a sentence was added at the end of the document: "If you go to the countries of the Western Provinces, you will not destroy the good karma, and you will be allowed to go according to it." Those who need to go to the bar. The implication is that the Tang Dynasty hopes that all countries can treat Tang Seng and his party well and give convenience, which is a kind of good fate, if you don't give face, it will destroy this good fate. Although the tone of the words was tactful, there was a hint of threat in them. You must know that at that time, the Tang Dynasty was in its heyday, with strong national strength and far-reaching military prestige, and the surrounding small countries all bowed down to their vassals. offended Datang, and the consequences can be imagined. Under this consideration, when the kings of various countries saw the customs clearance documents, they naturally did not dare to slack off, lest they lose a big one because of a small one.

The customs clearance document seems to be only a few short sentences, but in fact, every word is concise and concise. First the identity, then the intention, then the goodwill, and finally the point to the point of the threat to come, clear, interlocking, the identity of Tang Seng and the purpose of this trip are clearly explained, but also convey the will of the Tang Emperor, no wonder the kings of various countries attach so much importance to this. The ingenuity of this customs clearance document reflects the wisdom of the Tang Dynasty, as well as the international status and influence of the Tang Dynasty at that time.

Of course, although the customs clearance document is useful, it is not a panacea. In "Journey to the West", Tang Seng and his party were attacked by demons and monsters many times, and these inhuman things naturally would not buy Datang's account. And sometimes, even if it is a human being, it may not fully follow the will of Datang. For example, the king of Che Chi once despised Tang Seng and even wanted to kill him, which also reflects that even if he is as strong as the Tang Dynasty, his influence has certain limitations.

In general, the customs clearance document is an important magic weapon on the way to the west, which shows the identity and status of the Tang monk in concise and powerful language, clarifies the purpose of the trip, conveys the will of the Tang Emperor, and also reflects the national strength and prestige of the Tang Dynasty at that time. It is with this customs clearance document that Tang Seng was able to overcome all the obstacles and hardships all the way, and finally arrived in the West Heaven to complete the great cause of learning scriptures. The ingenuity of the customs clearance document also allows us to see the subtlety of ancient diplomatic rhetoric and the wisdom of the Tang court.

Tang Seng traveled west and took out the customs clearance documents, most of the kings along the way were respectful, what did Li Shimin write?

The strength of the Tang Dynasty and the submission of neighboring countries

Tang Seng held the customs clearance document everywhere he went, the king along the way was respectful, which of course there were elements of the content of the document, but the more important reason was that the national strength of the Tang Dynasty at that time was strong, and the prestige that came from it.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, there were still many forces in the surrounding area. For example, the Eastern Turks, when Li Shimin, Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, had just ascended the throne, his khan Jieli took advantage of the fire to rob and lead his troops to invade. At that time, the Tang Dynasty still lacked sufficient understanding and precautions for the Eastern Turks, and the border was in an emergency for a while. Li Shimin had to personally lead the army to resist, and finally in the Weishui Alliance, the crisis was temporarily resolved on the condition of withdrawing troops and relatives.

But how could the ambitious Li Shimin be willing to be subservient to others? He knew very well that in order to completely solve the threat of the East Turks, it was far from enough to rely on diplomatic agreements alone, and it was necessary to use force to conquer the other side. Therefore, on the one hand, he actively prepared for war, trained the army, and on the other hand, surrounded the people of all nationalities to prepare for the decisive battle in the future. In 630 AD, the prepared Tang army finally launched an offensive against the Eastern Turks. In this battle, the Tang army can be said to have come prepared, with strong soldiers and strong horses, and high morale. On the other hand, the Eastern Turks have long been full of internal contradictions, and the people's morale is weakened. In just one month, the Eastern Turks collapsed, Jieli Khan was captured, and the Eastern Turks became vassals of the Tang Dynasty.

The fall of the Eastern Turks made the surrounding countries look at the Tang Dynasty with admiration. However, there are always some countries that have a fluke mentality, thinking that the geographical advantage in the far Western Regions can become their capital against the Tang Dynasty. The most typical is Gao Chang, the overlord of the Western Regions at that time.

Gaochang is located in the Western Regions, with strong military strength and a natural barrier of the Great Desert, so he thinks that he can not take Datang in his eyes. In the course of the Tang Dynasty's active management of the Western Regions, Gaochang repeatedly opposed it, not only refusing to submit, but also repeatedly obstructing other countries from paying tribute to the Tang Dynasty. In this regard, Tang Taizong couldn't bear it anymore and decided to go out in person to teach Gaochang a lesson.

In 640 AD, the Tang army made an expedition to Gaochang. This army was led by Li Shimin's favorite general Hou Junji, and the soldiers were brave and invincible. In the face of such a strong enemy, although Gaochang Wang Lu Wentai resisted stubbornly, he was outnumbered after all. In just a few months, Gaochang was captured, and Gaochang became a state and county of the Tang Dynasty. This great victory further established the hegemony of the Tang Dynasty in the Western Regions.

The demise of Gaochang, like a thunderclap, caused a great shock in the countries of the Western Regions. They finally realized that the strength of Datang's national strength was no longer what it used to be. From the Eastern Turks to Gaochang, without exception, they were all defeated by the iron cavalry of the Tang Dynasty. As a result, envoys were sent to Chang'an to worship and submit to the majesty of the Tang Dynasty.

In this context, Li Shimin, Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, was honored by the surrounding countries as "Heavenly Khan", which means the co-lord of the world. This title fully reflects the international status and prestige of the Tang Dynasty at that time. In such a Tang Dynasty, there is a customs clearance document given by the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, even if Tang Seng is just a monk, it is naturally contaminated with the aura of the Tang Dynasty, so that the king along the way does not dare to underestimate it.

Of course, it is impossible for the world to be strong forever. Although the Tang Dynasty was at its peak in national power, it was inevitable that it would decline one day. However, in the era when Tang monks traveled westward, the Tang Dynasty was in its most glorious period. The fall of the Eastern Turks and the surrender of Gaochang have become the best proof of the great martial arts of the Tang Dynasty. It is precisely with such national strength that Datang can give Tang Seng the most powerful endorsement for customs clearance, making his westward journey smoother.

Tang Seng traveled west and took out the customs clearance documents, most of the kings along the way were respectful, what did Li Shimin write?

In short, the strength of the Tang Dynasty and the submission of neighboring countries were an important background for the Tang monks to go west. Without such a strong backing as Datang, I am afraid it would be difficult for Tang Seng to have such a smooth journey to the west with just a piece of paper. From this point of view, the national fortune of the Tang Dynasty and the opportunity of the Tang monk can be said to complement each other and are indispensable.

Master Xuanzang's real experience

Speaking of Tang Seng, we have to mention his prototype - Master Xuanzang. Master Xuanzang, commonly known as Chen Yi, was born in a scholarly family. He was bright and studious from an early age, well-read, and especially fascinated by Buddhism. However, at that time, there were many controversies and disagreements in the Chinese Buddhist circles, and many scriptures were also incorrect. Master Xuanzang was deeply dissatisfied and decided to go to Tianzhu in person to seek the true scriptures to clarify his doubts.

In 629 AD, Master Xuanzang ignored the ban of the imperial court, secretly went out of the customs, and embarked on the road of westward travel to seek the law. Along the way, he went through hardships, crossed the desert, climbed over the mountains, and finally reached Tianzhu. There, he visited many famous monks, learned a lot of Buddhist knowledge, and personally copied many precious scriptures.

It is worth mentioning that Master Xuanzang basically traveled west alone all the way. Unlike Tang Seng's three apprentices and a white dragon horse in "Journey to the West", Xuanzang in reality is the only one and has no companions. With his wisdom and courage, he overcame many difficulties and finally achieved his wish. This experience of traveling west alone highlights Master Xuanzang's perseverance and determination.

In 645 AD, Master Xuanzang embarked on the road back to China with the scriptures he obtained. He returned all the way east and finally returned to Chang'an. For the return of Master Xuanzang, the government and the opposition attach great importance to it. At that time, Li Shimin, Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, personally met with Xuanzang and gave him the honorific title of "Sanzang" in recognition of his achievements.

However, what people didn't expect was that after Master Xuanzang returned to China, Li Shimin persuaded him to return to the world many times, hoping that he could become an official in the court and assist him in governing the country. In Li Shimin's view, Master Xuanzang not only has profound Buddhist attainments, but also has a lot of knowledge, and is a rare talent, if he can be used by the imperial court, he will be able to play a greater role.

But Master Xuanzang was not interested in this. He was devoted to the Buddha and determined to promote the Dharma, and he did not have much attachment to worldly power and status. In the face of Li Shimin's repeated persuasion, Master Xuanzang always insisted on his own views and politely declined Li Shimin's kindness.

Master Xuanzang's attitude reflects his dedication and firmness to Buddhism. In his view, it is his lifelong pursuit to promote Buddhism and universalize all sentient beings, and even the king's appreciation and reuse cannot shake his faith. This spirit is undoubtedly worthy of our admiration and learning.

Of course, although Master Xuanzang did not accept Li Shimin's call, he did not live in the monastery, but actively devoted himself to the cause of translating scriptures and propagating the Dharma. Under his auspices, many of the scriptures brought back from Tianzhu were translated into Chinese, greatly enriching Chinese Buddhist culture. At the same time, he also received a wide range of disciples and lectures, cultivated a large number of Buddhist talents, and made great contributions to the development of Buddhism in China.

Tang Seng traveled west and took out the customs clearance documents, most of the kings along the way were respectful, what did Li Shimin write?

Master Xuanzang's life can be described as legendary and inspirational. He braved hardships and dangers, traveled west alone, and devoted his life to the cause of Buddhism, even in the face of the king's retention, he was able to adhere to his ideals and beliefs. This kind of perseverance and steadfast spiritual strength is undoubtedly his most valuable quality, and it is also an important factor that supports him to complete the feat of westward journey.

In general, Master Xuanzang's real experience, although it is different from the story of Tang Seng in "Journey to the West", the spiritual core embodied in it is the same. That is: for the faith and ideals in the heart, the determination and courage to move forward bravely without fear of difficulties and obstacles. This kind of spirit, no matter what era it is, is worthy of our admiration and learning.

The difference between fiction and history

After reading the story of Tang Seng and the real experience of Master Xuanzang, it is not difficult for us to find that although there are many similarities between the two, there are also many differences. These differences not only reflect the artistic processing of the creation of novels, but also reflect the unique shaping of historical figures in literary works.

First of all, from the perspective of the storyline, "Journey to the West" has carried out a lot of artistic processing and imagination on the process of Tang Seng's westward journey. Tang Seng in the book, accompanied by three apprentices and a white dragon horse along the way, fought against demons and monsters together, and experienced nine hundred and eighty-one difficulties, which can be described as thrilling and fascinating. The historical master Xuanzang embarked on the road to the west alone, although he also experienced hardships and dangers, but it was more of his own struggle with the environment and difficulties, and there was less legend.

Secondly, in terms of character image, although Tang Seng in the novel is also a devout Buddhist, he is more portrayed as a flesh-and-blood image with a complex personality. Although he is compassionate, he can also appear a little cowardly and indecisive at times. And his apprentices, such as Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, are even more distinctive, each with its own characteristics. In contrast, the historical Master Xuanzang, although he also has his own personality characteristics, is more portrayed as a monk who focuses on Buddhism and has firm beliefs in historical materials, and there are relatively few personalized portrayals.

Thirdly, in terms of story background, although "Journey to the West" is set in the Tang Dynasty, it also incorporates many elements of mythology, legends and imagination, such as the Heavenly Palace, the underworld, demons and monsters, etc., making the whole story more colorful and more magical. The real experience of Master Xuanzang takes place completely in the real historical background, although there are many legendary stories, but on the whole it is still based on reality, and there are many less imaginary elements.

Finally, in terms of thematic significance, although "Journey to the West" also praises the courage and perseverance of Tang monks and apprentices, it is more from the perspective of a literary story, which also contains many rich ideological connotations, such as the retribution of good and evil, the struggle of human nature, etc., reflecting the literary talent and depth of thought of the author Wu Chengen. Although Master Xuanzang's journey to the west also has important spiritual significance, it is more examined in the context of the history of the development of Chinese Buddhism, and its significance lies more in promoting the development of Chinese Buddhism and enriching China's Buddhist culture.

Of course, the difference between fiction and history does not mean that the value of the two is high. On the contrary, it is precisely because of the processing and imagination of literary creation that the story of Tang Seng is more vivid and interesting, and it is easier to be accepted and loved by the public. At the same time, the portrayal of historical figures in literary works can often excavate the brilliance of human nature that is not found in historical records, making these characters more full and three-dimensional.

From this point of view, although the image of Tang Seng in "Journey to the West" is different from that of Master Xuanzang in history, it has also created a unique and vivid literary image and has become a classic in the history of Chinese literature. The real experience of Master Xuanzang, although it lacks some literary color, is more real and credible, and it can better reflect the historical style of that era.


In short, fiction and history, although there are various differences, each has its own merits and complements each other. It is precisely with the imagination of literary creation that historical figures are more full and colorful, and it is precisely with the authenticity of history that literary works are more substantial and credible. The combination of the two undoubtedly provides us with a more diverse and three-dimensional perspective for us to know and understand history.