
Contemporary military novel "Military Love: Honeysuckle" (84)

author:Mei Xue Piaopiao, original literature one by one

Chapter 14 Silk willow silk rain


"Xiaoge, you can't enter the door when you come back, why don't you go to my house?" Situ Cong's sister-in-law Cuixiang, as every time, before the person entered the house, the voice arrived first.

Contemporary military novel "Military Love: Honeysuckle" (84)

Ge Wei stood up and greeted Situ Qiang, Cuixiang who came in, and Situ Cong's uncle who walked behind the two of them, "I originally wanted to wash my face and go to my sister-in-law's house after a short rest, but I didn't expect to fall asleep." ”

After saying these words, Ge Wei greeted the three of them again, "Hello big brother!"

"Hmm!okay!" Situ Qiang, as always, just glanced at Ge Wei with his eyes.

"Hello uncle!" Ge Wei bypassed Cuixiang and called Situ Cong's uncle.

"Are you the only one coming back?" Uncle Situ Cong didn't look at Ge Wei, and Ge Wei suddenly realized that Uncle Situ Cong had never met his line of sight.

"He can't get out of his work!" Ge Wei explained with a smile

Lotus said hello to Uncle Situ Cong, and asked Lily and Xiaxia to go into the kitchen to help them pick vegetables and light the fire. Ge Wei knew that there was a conflict between the two brothers and the two concubines, so he didn't mind the sudden coldness of the lotus flower's expression at all.

As Uncle Situ Cong sat down, the others also took their own seats.

"Is it better?" Uncle Situ Cong looked at Situ Cong's father with concern

"It's dizzy!"

Situ Cong's father's voice was not loud, Ge Wei had heard Situ Cong say that the relationship between these two old brothers was very good, and the three Situ Cong brothers could never compare.

Situ Qiang sat alone by the wall with a calm face, and it felt like someone owed him eight hundred hanging money.

Cui Xiang moved the chair and sat down next to Ge Wei, she carefully looked at Ge Wei, who had Hepburn-style short hair, wearing lotus western-style short sleeves, light gray trousers, and white travel shoes, "Xiao Ge, you are still so beautiful!"

"Thank you, sister-in-law, for looking at it so carefully!" Ge Wei took a sip of water, and his tone was very casual.

Cuixiang pointed to Ge Wei's flat lower abdomen again, and asked in a low voice, "Are you pregnant?"

"No!" Ge Wei also replied in a low voice

"You don't need it?"

There was confusion in Cuixiang's tone, but more of concern. Ge Wei always believes that Cuixiang is a teacher after all. Compared to the lotus, she is good at expressing herself when it comes to speaking. But this is what Situ Zhuang, Lotus and Situ Shuang sisters are most disgusted by, they have told Ge Wei several times that Cuixiang will play tricks, in fact, it is very selfish. In this regard, Ge Wei just listened.

"The time is not right!" Ge Wei replied very implicitly

Contemporary military novel "Military Love: Honeysuckle" (84)

"Then aren't you afraid that the second child will let you take Wangwang away again?" Ge Wei heard the temptation from Cuixiang's words

Ge Wei smiled faintly and did not answer. Secretly thought, when Situ Zhuang said this, Cuixiang was not present, how did she know about this? Or did Situ Zhuang also say something similar to them?

You and the third child have never had children, and my father is very anxious, and I have begged Guanyin Bodhisattva many times, and I have also told 'Dad' many times, and he wants you to take Wangwang away. Cui Xi seemed to see through Ge Wei, unhurriedly, and answered the question in Ge Wei's heart in a low voice.

It's no wonder that Situ Cong's father is in a hurry, over the years, because Ge Wei went to school and Situ Cong acted as a substitute, the two of them always missed the best pregnancy period perfectly, so that they still have no children. Therefore, every time Ge Wei came back, Situ Zhuang either said it explicitly or hinted, which meant that he was right, not only could she not give birth to a boy, but she might not even be able to give birth to a child. It's best to take Wangwang away as soon as possible and cultivate the only root of the Situ family.

At the same time, as Want Want grew up, the child became more and more yearning for the outside world, and once told Ge Wei that he wanted to go to school with her. On the contrary, it is the lotus, every time she says that Want Want is not sensible, Situ Zhuang is joking, in short, she and Situ Zhuang are typical one with a red face and the other with a white face.

Considering that the three children have grown up slowly, if you speak too "bluntly", it is not conducive to the spiritual growth of the children. So for this matter, Ge Wei's answer was no longer as "excited" as the first time, but told them in a calm tone that the responsibility of raising and educating children is really heavy, and it is inconvenient for them, and they can't bear it for Situ Zhuang and Lotus, so it's better for them to do it themselves as parents.

As for the question of why he and Situ Cong have never had children, Ge Wei's answer is that both of them are too ambitious and have no plans to have children. Ge Wei noticed that maybe it was because he never let go? Situ Zhuang hadn't mentioned this matter for half a year, why did Cui Xiang mention it now?

Cuixiang saw that Ge Wei just smiled and listened to herself, and did not answer her question directly, so she whispered again, "You and the third child should have one quickly, you have your own child, the second family will not worry about letting you pick up Wangwang, and the people in the village will not talk about it anymore." ”

Contemporary military novel "Military Love: Honeysuckle" (84)

Ge Wei smiled and drank the water slowly, still without squeaking. Cuixiang wanted to continue, but saw Situ Zhuang riding a three-wheeled motorcycle to the door.

Ge Wei saw Situ Zhuang come in, so he stood up, and Cuixiang also stood up when he saw this. Situ Cong's uncle, father, and Situ Qiang didn't move, but just looked at Situ Zhuang.

Situ Zhuang stepped into the hall and saw everyone, first stunned for a moment, and then saw Ge Wei.

"Second brother!" Ge Wei called politely, then turned around, rushed to the kitchen, and said loudly, "Second sister-in-law, second brother is back." Lily, Xiaxia, pour your dad a glass of water. ”

"Xiaoge, are you back? I estimate that you will come back in the next two days, and you will run back and forth between the long-distance station and the dock, thinking that I can pick you up. ”

Situ Zhuang was very happy to see that Ge Wei could listen to his words and rush back so quickly. Situ Zhuang couldn't help but admit in his heart that he really couldn't say anything about this brother and daughter-in-law. built a house, borrowed 5,000 yuan from others, and has not paid it back until now. Except for the New Year's holidays and the busy farming season, people send money to their father every month. My brother-in-law had an accident and borrowed 5,000 yuan from others, and he hasn't paid it back. The eldest brother and eldest sister's family gave a little less, but every time they came back, they would leave money for their uncle and eldest sister. For this family, people really respond to their needs, but their younger brother Situ Cong rarely contacts the family.

When he was Chinese New Year's Eve year old this year, Situ Zhuang looked at his three children and lotus who were laughing and playing cards, and he didn't think of Ge Wei and Situ Cong, who didn't have children yet. Situ Zhuang thought of everything Ge Wei did to this family after marrying Situ Cong, and suddenly figured it out, Ge Wei really didn't owe anyone to the Situ family. That night, Situ Zhuang said to Lotus that from now on, he would not mention the matter of letting Ge Wei take Wangwang away.

Calling Ge Wei this time, Situ Zhuang didn't want to fight at first, and he didn't plan to ask Ge Wei for money, he knew that Situ Cong and Ge Wei were not together, and Situ Cong had been sending money to his family all these years, and he probably was also carrying Ge Wei behind his back. It's just that Situ Zhuang didn't resist his father's urging in the end, so he had to call Situ Cong first, but unexpectedly met Situ Cong returning home......

Contemporary military novel "Military Love: Honeysuckle" (84)

Situ Qiang heard Situ Zhuang say that he picked up Ge Wei, so he said, "How can you pick up people like this?" Obviously, Situ Qiang's tone was sarcastic, "The dock and the station are so far away, and you don't know whether Xiao Ge is taking a boat or a car." ”

"You think I'm stupid? I told a few friends and asked them to watch it for me. Situ Zhuang heard Situ Qiang say this, slanted at him fiercely, and then took a bowl of water handed by Xia Xia and drank it in a big gulp.

"Why haven't you received it yet?" asked Cuixiang with a smile, a teasing tone in her tone.

"How do I know?" replied Situ Zhuang coldly

"It's normal that I didn't receive it, and when I arrived, it was time for lunch, so people couldn't even eat to wait for me. Ge Wei didn't want the three of them to fight over this matter any longer, so he lied with a smile and good-naturedness......

The lotus made dinner, and everyone let Uncle Situ Cong eat with Situ Qiang and Cuixiang. The three of them all said that they had eaten, so they sat next to them, chatting while watching Situ Qiang's family and Ge Wei eat.

Dish, made very simply, but in large quantities. There are four in total, a lotus-pickled radish strip that Ge Wei likes to eat, a fried greens, a fried beans, and a fried eggplant with chili.

"Lily, why did you and Xiaxia come back today? Do you know that Sanniang is back?" Cuixiang looked at Lily, who was eating heavily, and asked loudly.

"We didn't know that Sanniang came back, it was the school power outage, and we came back. Lily explained

"Xiaoge, Lily and Xiaxia are back, you don't have a place to live, come to my house to live. ”

Cui Xiang looked at Ge Wei, who only had a small half bowl of rice, and her tone was full of concern. As soon as her words fell, everyone's eyes turned to Ge Wei, who was bowing his head to eat.

Ge Wei didn't pay attention to what the others were talking about, this time the unit only granted her a week's leave, she wanted to try to diagnose Situ Cong's father's illness in the next few days, so now her mind is full of thinking about taking Situ Cong's father to see a doctor tomorrow.

"Sanniang, aunt asked you. Lily, who was sitting next to Ge Wei, saw that she didn't answer Cuixiang's question, so she turned her head and reminded her.

"Huh?" Ge Wei looked at Lily

Contemporary military novel "Military Love: Honeysuckle" (84)

"Xiaoge, I mean, Lily and Xiaxia are back, you don't have a place to live, come to my house to live. Emerald repeated

Only then did Ge Wei notice that everyone was staring at him. She knew that Situ Zhuang's family was actually very reluctant to go to Situ Qiang's house to live by herself. On the surface, it is for the sake of face. In essence, she was worried that she and Cuixiang would get closer and favor the Situ Zhuang family in the future.

Ge Wei remembers very well that in the second year of his marriage to Situ Cong, Situ Cong's father said that he missed them and asked them to go home for the New Year. Situ Cong said that he was on duty and couldn't go back. Unexpectedly, just one day later, Situ Zhuang suddenly sent a telegram with five words, "Father is seriously ill, return quickly!"

Immediately afterwards, Situ Zhuang used a friend's phone to call Ge Wei's parents' house, saying that his father thought that Situ Cong and Ge Wei were sick, and if they didn't go home for the New Year, something would likely happen.

As soon as Ge Yangming heard Situ Zhuang say so seriously, he said to Ge Wei that Situ Cong really can't go back, she must also go back, and she can't let the old man have an accident during the New Year. Ge Yangming also said to Ge Wei that this is real life, since she didn't listen to her parents' admonitions, gave up Yunyan, and chose Situ Cong, then she should face it.

So, during the Spring Festival of that year, Ge Wei "stationed" from the Great Northeast to Hubei. When she arrived at Situ Zhuang's house, her whole body was swollen, which really frightened the family.

Seeing Ge Wei like this, Cuixiang asked Situ Cong's father directly in front of the two families, "Master, didn't you particularly support the work of the third child in the past?

"I didn't want to pull him back, I just missed him. Situ Cong's father's voice was very small

Cuixiang finished talking about Situ Cong's father, and then turned to Situ Zhuang. Situ Zhuang said that he couldn't help it, he had to let him shoot the telegram, and he couldn't shoot it if he didn't shoot it.

It was this time that Ge Wei changed his opinion of Cuixiang and felt that she was not as "bad" as Situ Zhuang, Lotus and Situ Shuang sisters said. And Situ Zhuang and Lotus are also because of this time, they found that Ge Wei and Cuixiang seem to be closer and talk more than them.

Later, Su Yu and Yun Jun both asked Ge Wei what she thought? Knowing that Situ Zhuang was lying, Situ Cong didn't go back, why did she go back? She was no longer the same person at all? Ge Wei told them that it was precisely because Situ Cong did not go back that she had to go back.

Ge Wei told the two that Situ Cong didn't go back, not because he didn't want to go back, but because the duty schedule of the communication office had been arranged, and everyone had arranged their own time. If he takes time off, it will disrupt other people's plans. Therefore, Situ Cong will definitely not ask for leave, but he will definitely be uneasy, after all, he cannot be sure of the authenticity of the telegram taken by Situ Zhuang. In this way, it is likely to affect his work, and if he doesn't get it, something will happen. The reason why I went back was because I didn't want to distract Situ Cong.

Contemporary military novel "Military Love: Honeysuckle" (84)

Now, when Ge Wei heard Cuixiang say this, he smiled and said, "Thank you, sister-in-law, I'm not going." The second brother's house has two floors, and there is no place for me to live. ”

"Oh, I thought there was a place for your family to live, and I asked Xiaoge to live at your house. When Situ Zhuang heard Ge Wei say this, his heart relaxed, and he immediately scolded Cuixiang.

"Your house still doesn't even have screens, and even if there is a place, Xiaoge can't sleep comfortably. Cuixiang retorted, with a look of contempt.

"Xiaoge said yes, you don't care. Situ Zhuang glanced at his sister-in-law angrily

As soon as Situ Zhuang's words fell, Situ Qiang glared at Cuixiang, "Okay, don't say it, don't be kind enough to be treated as a donkey's liver and lungs." ”

Ge Wei listened to the conversation between the three of them, smiled slightly, and turned to Situ Zhuang, "Second brother, I'm going to take my dad to see a doctor tomorrow, what time is our first ship here?"

"Six o'clock!" Situ Zhuang listened to Ge Wei's words to ask himself, and he no longer paid attention to Situ Qiang.

"Six o'clock, to Hankow, it's eight o'clock. Then I rushed to the hospital, it was almost nine o'clock. Ge Wei said while thinking, "Second brother, we have to leave home at five o'clock tomorrow at the latest." ”

"Okay!" Situ Zhuang replied very dryly, and then asked, "Do you want me to go with you?"

"It's better to go so you can take care of it. Ge Wei smiled, "If the second brother really can't get out, he can not go." ”

"He's going to send Lily and Xiaxia to school!" Lotus answered

"If the second child doesn't go, who cares about me?" Situ Cong's father, who was sitting on a small stool and had been immersed in eating, suddenly spoke.

"Master, the last time we went, weren't you okay?" Situ Zhuang glanced at his father angrily

"Xiaoge is a woman, and she can compare with you. Situ Cong's father's voice was very loud, and it was obvious that the old man was angry.

"She's a doctor and knows hospitals better than I do. Situ Zhuang was also angry

Contemporary military novel "Military Love: Honeysuckle" (84)

Ge Wei didn't want to argue about this topic any longer, so he took over, "Dad, the second brother is right, I am more familiar with the hospital than him." In this way, let's go tomorrow, and you can rest assured. ”

Hearing Ge Wei say this, Situ Cong's father stopped talking. Of course, Ge Wei didn't know the real reason why Situ Zhuang was reluctant to go, he just didn't want to spend any more money......

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