
When I went back to my parents' house for dinner, my mother asked me if I had ever made bacon and sausages?


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When I went back to my parents' house for dinner, my mother asked me if I had ever made bacon and sausages?

My name is Zhang Wei, I am 28 years old, and I am an ordinary office worker. Although the work is ordinary, I am content to be independent and self-reliant. There are parents and a younger sister at home, and everyone loves each other and is happy. Although I work in other places, I always put down my work and return to my hometown to reunite with my family during the annual Laba Festival. For me, Laba Festival is not only a traditional festival, but also a day of reunion, giving me the opportunity to be filial to my parents and accompany my family.

Laba Festival, as the name suggests, is the eighth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar. In our small county, Laba Festival can be said to be the most important traditional festival in addition to the Spring Festival. On this day, the whole family gathers for a sumptuous reunion dinner. And the protagonists of the reunion dinner are naturally bacon and sausages.

Cured bacon and sausage can be said to be the most important traditional custom of Laba Festival. Every time the wax moon is approaching, every household will start to be busy killing pigs and marinating meat. The first thing to do is to choose a suitable day to kill the pig, and then marinate the pork for a few months. When it comes to the Laba Festival, the salty and fragrant bacon and sausage can be cooked. The family tasted the fruits of this year's hard pickling, and they had a great time.

"Zhang Wei, are you going to take leave to go home recently?" Approaching the Laba Festival, my colleague Xiao Wang came to my desk and asked with a wink.

"Yes, you know, I go back to my hometown every year at this time. I nodded, a little embarrassed to explain.

"Haha, your bacon and sausages are very famous! I salivate the cured goods that your mother pickled. Xiao Wang said, and made a gesture of swallowing saliva.

When I went back to my parents' house for dinner, my mother asked me if I had ever made bacon and sausages?

"You're gluttonous!" I laughed and quipped him, "But you're right, our bacon and sausages are really delicious." At this time, I want to hurry home and taste the fruits of my mother's hard work. "

"Then you can eat more, and try it for me!" Xiao Wang patted me on the shoulder, laughed and walked away.

I looked at his back and couldn't help but secretly make up my mind: this time when I go home, I must learn my mother's craft of pickling preserved goods and continue this tradition.

The sound of the train's whistle brought me back to my senses. I sat on the hard seat, looking out the window at the fields and villages shrouded in the night, and the scenes of the past came to my mind.

When I was a child, on the eve of the Laba Festival, my parents would start to be busy killing pigs and curing meat. My sister and I are always like two little followers, watching the excitement from the sidelines. Mom would cut the fresh pork into large pieces and soak it in a vat filled with marinade. The marinade is made by my mother with her own unique secret recipe, salty, salty, spicy and spicy, and fragrant. Dad is in charge of hanging up the marinated bacon and drying it.

After a few months, on the day of Laba Festival, my mother would invite the bacon and sausage out of the pot, and the room was filled with the mouth-watering aroma. The family ate hot waxed goods, with home-brewed aged Huadiao wine, and ate it so fragrant!

When I went back to my parents' house for dinner, my mother asked me if I had ever made bacon and sausages?

"Young man, are you also going home for the holidays?" The voice of an old man interrupted my memories. I looked up and saw that it was an old man in the seat across from me who was talking to me.

"Yes, I went back to my hometown for Laba Festival. I nodded, a little embarrassed.

"Oh, you also have Laba Festival there?" When the old man heard this, his eyes lit up, "Then do you have the custom of curing bacon and sausages?"

"Yes, our family pickles waxed goods every year. I smiled and said, "You also went back to your hometown to taste bacon and sausages, right?"

"Haha, you're right!" The old man laughed heartily, "Eat a bite of fragrant bacon, that's the taste of the New Year's holiday!"

The two of us chatted and laughed like this, rendering the journey on the train with a different country flavor.

When I went back to my parents' house for dinner, my mother asked me if I had ever made bacon and sausages?

The train finally arrived, and I grabbed my suitcase and couldn't wait to get out of the station. As soon as I left the station, I saw the familiar figure of my parents.

"Wei'er, you're finally back!" My mom excitedly stepped forward and gave me a big hug, with a happy smile on her face.

"Son, I think about your family badly. Dad stepped forward, patted me on the shoulder, and said in a serious tone.

"Mom, Dad, I'm back. "I took a deep breath and smelled home. Looking at the faces of my loved ones, my heart warmed.

"Brother, you're back!" My sister ran over and grabbed my arm and giggled.

The family hugged in the station like this, unwilling to be separated for a long time. Although it was only a few months of separation, we felt like we had experienced a brief reunion and cherished this moment of reunion.

When I went back to my parents' house for dinner, my mother asked me if I had ever made bacon and sausages?

"Let's go, go home and catch up again. My mother was finally willing to let me go, and pulled me to the house.

When I got home, my mother got busy and prepared to cook a delicious meal for me. I sat at the table, talking and laughing with my parents and sisters about my life in other places for a while.

"Wei'er, do you remember the cured bacon and sausage this year?" At that moment, my mother suddenly turned around and asked me with a hint of anticipation on her face.

I was stunned, and I couldn't help but feel guilty. As the only son in the family, the family craft of curing bacon and sausages should be inherited and carried forward by me. But in recent years, I have always left this matter behind me and completely failed to study and practice.

"Uh...... Mom, I ...... "I'm stumbling, I don't know how to explain."

"Hey, you kid, why are you a big boss?" My mother saw my embarrassment, sighed and said, "Laba Festival is coming, and the cured bacon skills that have been passed down from generation to generation in our family, you don't count them like this?"

When I went back to my parents' house for dinner, my mother asked me if I had ever made bacon and sausages?

"Mom......" I lowered my head, ashamed to look my mother in the eye.

"Hey, okay, it's only because you're young and didn't study early. Seeing me like this, my mother's tone softened, "But it's okay, you can study with me this year." When will I not be able to hold this old bone, this craft must be passed on by you!"

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely study hard and carry forward our family's pickling skills!" I looked up and said to my mother with a determined look in my eyes.

"What's the matter, Mom, what's your expression?" I asked, confused.

"Look, we're not too late to marinate bacon this year. Mom pointed to the raw pork on the board and said, "I originally wanted to take you with me to learn the art of pickling when you came back." But you're so old that you don't even know how to marinate bacon, and you don't know when it's better to start marinating. "

I looked in the direction of my mother's finger and saw several large pieces of fresh pork neatly stacked on the board, exuding an enticing aroma. I can't help but feel a little weak, my mother is right, I have been too careless over the years, and I have not taken the initiative to learn this family heirloom craft at all.

When I went back to my parents' house for dinner, my mother asked me if I had ever made bacon and sausages?

"Mom, I'm sorry, it's my fault. I stepped forward and said to my mother sincerely, "I've been too slack over the years to pay attention to it at all." However, it's better to be late than not to do it, so let me learn from you and learn this craft. "

"Hey, you're a big boss. Mom shook her head, but her tone was a little helpless, "However, if you really want to learn, my old bone can still show you a few tricks." "

"Mom, I will definitely study hard! I will definitely inherit this family heirloom!" I held my mother's hand tightly and expressed my determination firmly with my eyes.

In this way, under the personal guidance of my mother, I began to learn the whole process of curing bacon and sausage step by step. The meat is first cut, then the marinade is prepared and then the meat is soaked in the marinade. My mother taught me the essentials of each link by hand, and I was so engrossed in learning that I was afraid of missing any detail.

"When cutting meat, you should cut it along the meat grain, so that the marinated bacon will be fragrant and not old. Mom demonstrated and explained in detail.

"These seasonings are all secret recipes handed down from our ancestors, and the proportions can't be confused. As she spoke, my mother skillfully incorporated various spices into the marinade in proportion.

When I went back to my parents' house for dinner, my mother asked me if I had ever made bacon and sausages?

I'm fascinated by the sidelines, and every now and then I ask questions. My mother also patiently answered the questions and guided me to understand the tricks step by step.

The kitchen was filled with the smell of marinade, and my mother and I were also stained with the smell of cured meat. But I was really happy that I was finally able to learn this family craft myself.

"Okay, let's marinate it here today. Mom finally breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from her forehead, "The next thing is the test of time, and it will be three months before you can taste it." "

In the blink of an eye, three months passed. The Laba Festival is getting closer and closer, and the festive atmosphere is gradually filling the house.

"Wei'er, the time has come, let's take the marinated bacon and sausage out of the pot!" Early that morning, my mother knocked on my door, looking full of anticipation.

I quickly got dressed and followed my mom to the kitchen. I saw several large pieces of marinated bacon neatly stacked on the board, exuding an attractive aroma. There are also a few stout sausages next to it, as if beckoning to us.

When I went back to my parents' house for dinner, my mother asked me if I had ever made bacon and sausages?

"Come, you can cut the bacon into small pieces first. Mom took a sharp kitchen knife and handed it to me.

I carefully took the kitchen knife and cut the bacon into small pieces little by little, following the method my mother had taught me before. The "click" sound made when I cut gave me a sense of accomplishment.

Then my mother took out a large pot, put small pieces of bacon in it first, and then told me: "The sausage should be soaked in warm water first, so that it can be put into the pot." "

I nodded, and quickly soaked the sausages one by one into a pot of warm water. After a while, the sausage starts to get bigger and softer. I carefully fished them out and put them one by one into the big pot that my mother had already started stir-frying.

The pot was instantly filled with the aroma of wax goods, and it went straight to the heavenly spirit cover. I took a deep breath greedily, and all I felt was drooling. Seeing this, my mother also smiled and praised me: "Look at your gluttonous appearance, can't you wait to taste the waxed goods made by yourself?"

"Hehe, you're right. I touched my nose a little embarrassed, "But this is the result of your teaching, if it weren't for your careful guidance, where would I have such a craft?"

When I went back to my parents' house for dinner, my mother asked me if I had ever made bacon and sausages?

"Hey, you're just too modest. Mom smiled and shook her head, then turned her attention back to the pot, "Come, you also learn to stir-fry, this is the last link." "

I hurried forward and followed my mother's movements to learn how to stir-fry the cured meat. The bacon sausages in the pot are tumbling, exuding a tempting aroma. My heart also jumped with joy, and I was finally about to taste the preserved goods I made myself!

The bacon and sausage are finally out of the pot! Mom put a large plate on it and put it on the table. We sat around the table as a family and couldn't wait to get moving.

"Wow, this bacon is so fragrant and tender!" I devoured it and was amazed.

"Yes, the sausage is also very flavorful, with a moderate salty aroma. My sister nodded her head in praise.

"You're just too young to taste the true taste of this wax. Dad shook his head, but also showed a satisfied look, "But it is also a wish of me and your mother to make you young people fall in love with eating preserved goods." "

When I went back to my parents' house for dinner, my mother asked me if I had ever made bacon and sausages?

"Your dad was right. Mom smiled and nodded, and looked at me again, "Wei'er, you have to pass on this craft well, don't let it stop the incense." "

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely pass on this family craft from generation to generation!" I replied with a smile, secretly making up my mind.

Tasting the preserved goods I made myself, I felt an incomparable sense of accomplishment. It's not just a delicious dish, it's a valuable cultural heritage that has been passed down from generation to generation in our family. I feel that I have a responsibility and an obligation to pass on this craft from generation to generation.

"By the way, Wei'er, you have to learn the method of pickling and learn this craft more comprehensively. Mom suddenly added, "You only learned how to make bacon and sausages, but there are many other pickled foods, and you have to learn them one by one." "

"Huh, what other pickles?" I was stunned for a moment, apparently not realizing this before.

"Of course, like pickled duck and goose, pickled fish and shrimp, all kinds of pickled vegetables, these are our family's traditional pickled crafts. Mom nodded and said earnestly, "You have to learn this craft comprehensively, so that you can truly inherit our family's cultural heritage." "

When I went back to my parents' house for dinner, my mother asked me if I had ever made bacon and sausages?

"Okay Mom, I will definitely continue to learn and learn the art of pickling to perfection!" I nodded vigorously, and more to learn came to mind.

After a feast of cured goods, our family sat in groups in the living room chatting. I took the opportunity to ask my parents about the history of the art of pickling.

"Yes, you see that our family has inherited the wax goods for generations, and the taste is something that no one else can replicate no matter what. Mom also nodded again and again, "This is the precious legacy left to us by our ancestors." "

It dawned on me that our family's pickling craft is not only a culinary skill, but also contains the wisdom and cultural heritage of our ancestors. It embodies the efforts of several generations and represents a kind of inheritance of ancestral teachings.

"Then we must protect and carry forward this craft!" I immediately perked up, my eyes full of determination.

After the Laba Festival, I did not relax my study of pickling skills. Instead, I became even more diligent and determined to perfect this family heirloom.

When I went back to my parents' house for dinner, my mother asked me if I had ever made bacon and sausages?

"Mom, you can explain the steps of this pickled duck to me again. "One day, I took my notebook and begged my mother to re-explain how to make pickled duck.

"Oh, you kid. Mom shook her head helplessly, but patiently told the whole process of pickling duck again.

As I listened, I quickly recorded it in my notebook, for fear of missing a single detail. Mom saw it in her eyes and was sincerely pleased.

In addition to pickled duck, I also asked my mother how to make other pickled foods such as pickled fish and shrimp. Sometimes, even for a small step, I will ask for advice several times until I have mastered it thoroughly.

"Wei'er, you have to take your time, don't push yourself too hard. "Whenever she saw me working so hard, my mother would always comfort me.

"Hey, you're a child. When my mother saw this, she shook her head helplessly, and then said earnestly, "But if you have the determination to pass it on, I will be relieved." I hope you can pass on this craft of curing from generation to generation. "

When I went back to my parents' house for dinner, my mother asked me if I had ever made bacon and sausages?

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely inherit this family heirloom craft and carry it forward!" I always respond to my mother's expectations in a sonorous and powerful tone.

In this way, under the guidance of my mother, I gradually mastered the production methods of various pickled foods. From cured meats to pickles, salty to sweet. Step by step, I have been tirelessly moving forward on this "pickled road".

No matter how solid the theory is, it must be added to the practical link in order to truly master a craft. So while learning the art of pickling, I am also constantly practicing, and I am pickling all kinds of wax goods by myself.

"Mom, do you think my pickled duck is still decent?" Once, I happily showed my mother a pickled duck for judging.

Mom played with it carefully, then nodded and said, "Well, this pickling technique is already quite good, but the taste of the marinade is still a little thin." "

"Oh, then I'll add more spices to taste next time. My eyes lit up, and I quickly recorded the lesson.

When I went back to my parents' house for dinner, my mother asked me if I had ever made bacon and sausages?

In addition to preserved duck, I have also marinated preserved fish, preserved shrimp, pickled fresh and so on. Every time I practice, I will ask my mother to judge, and humbly admonish, record all the shortcomings, and do better next time.

Gradually, my pickled meat skills became more and more proficient, and the cured goods I made became more and more flavorful and authentic. When my mother saw it in her eyes, she was also sincerely relieved and proud.

"Wei'er, you can be said to have already started this craft. Once, after tasting a plate of preserved goods that I had pickled with her own hands, my mother said to me happily, "But you still have to work hard, and you must learn this craft thoroughly." "

"Mom, I'll keep working hard!" I replied with a smile, and I made up my mind that I must master this family heirloom craft thoroughly and leave nothing missing.

Since then, my life has been more difficult. I go to work during the day and study various methods of pickling at night. Sometimes he even braves the sun and follows his mother to learn some techniques for collecting marinades in the wild. My clothes are always covered with the smell of all kinds of marinades.

But I enjoyed it and didn't feel hard at all. Because I know that this is what I'm trying to do to keep my family culture alive. The hard work and wisdom of the ancestors of several generations are condensed in this pickling craft. I have the responsibility to pass it on from generation to generation.

In the blink of an eye, a year has passed. During this year, I thoroughly learned the art of making various pickled foods from my mother, and I practiced them countless times. Today, my mastery of the art of pickling can be said to be perfect and clear.

"Wei'er, I can say that I am quite satisfied with your current craftsmanship. "One day, my mother looked at a table of preserved goods that I had pickled with her own hands and sighed sincerely.

"Really, have I mastered our family's art of pickling?" I asked excitedly, my eyes glinting with anticipation.

"Well, you're already on your own. Mom nodded, with a relieved smile on her face, "You have finally learned this craft handed down from our ancestors." "

Hearing my mother's comments, my heart was filled with a sense of accomplishment. A year of hard work and sweat has finally paid off successfully. My eyes moistened, and I nodded vigorously.

"But you can't stop there. The mother then said earnestly, "You have to pass on this craft from generation to generation, so that it will never be fragrant." "

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely pass on this family craft from generation to generation!" I held my mother's hand tightly and said firmly, "This is a cultural treasure of our entire family, and I will definitely spend my life protecting and carrying it forward!"

"Yes, yes, my son!" Mom nodded, a look of relief on her face.

When I went back to my parents' house for dinner, my mother asked me if I had ever made bacon and sausages?

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