
It's not superstition! Among brothers and sisters, people with good lives will have these "characteristics"

author:Zhong Niannian
It's not superstition! Among brothers and sisters, people with good lives will have these "characteristics"

Text/Zhong Niannian

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Siblings were born from the same starting point, supporting each other from an early age, and growing up with each other.

We are each other's closest people, and we are also a mirror of both sides, referring to each other's life trajectories together.

We will bless our brothers and sisters when we see that they are doing well, and we will be helpless when we hear that our brothers and sisters are not doing well.

Why do brothers and sisters go in different directions? It's all about fate.

The best of the siblings often have these characteristics, I hope you can understand.

It's not superstition! Among brothers and sisters, people with good lives will have these "characteristics"

01: Have the determination to break through fate

It stands to reason that siblings are born in the same family, have the same parents and resources, and their future development should be almost the same, but in fact, in most families in life, the difference between siblings is the greatest.

In a family, some people are successful, some are poor, some are billionaires, and some are worried about dozens of dollars of goods.

The reason for this is that they have chosen different destinies.

Brother Wang is now the big boss of a listed company, and many people thought that he had relied on the support of his family to get to where he is now, but later Brother Wang told the employees that he lived in an ordinary rural family with three brothers and sisters.

Since childhood, they have the same resources and the same learning environment, but now, the other two siblings are still living in the countryside, and he is the only one who has come out.

The reason is that he was unwilling to accept fate from childhood to adulthood, in order to get rid of the fate of poor people, he studied hard, worked actively, and seized every opportunity to make money, which brought him to his current position.

The other two siblings were greedy for pleasure and got by, and they felt that this was the end of their lives, so they were too lazy to work hard, so they could only stay in the small mountain village in the end.

From this story, it can be seen that different souls will be born in the same family environment, and as long as we do not give up on ourselves, there will be countless possibilities for fate.

The world is infinitely wide, but after all, it can only be left to those who dare to explore, and those who can only be completely rotten in every inch of land will only be completely eliminated by society in the end, and they should be left behind.

It's not superstition! Among brothers and sisters, people with good lives will have these "characteristics"

02: Have a positive mindset

Whether a person can succeed depends on his ability and mind, and more importantly, whether he has a positive attitude.

Life is full of twists and turns, life is often difficult, and almost every day there are more and more problems coming to us, and it is important to be able to stay positive in the midst of busy chores.

Positive people don't care about everything, but they know that pain doesn't help, complaining can't change the status quo, and only by working hard can they completely break the situation.

They cut through the fog to see the essence, and they have less time to fight with emotions, so that they have a better chance of success.

On the contrary, those who cry and cry when they encounter difficulties, and collapse when they encounter difficulties, waste most of their time on emotional consumption, and naturally have no energy to break through themselves, such people will only fail more and more.

It's not superstition! Among brothers and sisters, people with good lives will have these "characteristics"

03: Have high emotional intelligence

How important is high emotional intelligence?

Nowadays, all large enterprises recruit employees and write high emotional intelligence in their resumes, which has become an inevitable requirement for social development.

For the same thing, people with high emotional intelligence know how to resolve satisfactorily, satisfy customers, and make themselves comfortable.

Those with low emotional intelligence offend others as soon as they say it, even if they are kind in their hearts, they will not be liked by others.

Interpersonal communication plays a crucial role in a person's success, how can people with high emotional intelligence be able to navigate any relationship with ease, and they keep all their resources for their own use?

If you are a great failure and have opened up a gap with your siblings, then you may wish to reflect on whether it is an emotional intelligence problem.

High emotional intelligence is not about being left and right, but about maintaining basic kindness and knowing how to take care of the feelings of others.

You don't have to be a good exporter, but you have to make everyone feel comfortable and trust you, so that your cooperation can be achieved, and your performance will also flourish.

It's not superstition! Among brothers and sisters, people with good lives will have these "characteristics"

Being born in the same family does not mean that they have the same fate as each other, and only those who have the above three conditions can completely get rid of the shackles of the original family and fly to a higher sky.

If you also want to be the lucky one in an ordinary family, I hope you can keep working hard.

Fate will not be unkind to anyone who wants to change their fate, as long as you are willing to move forward, he will give you unlimited opportunities, and success is just around the corner.

It's not superstition! Among brothers and sisters, people with good lives will have these "characteristics"