
Set the tone! There are still four major projects to be implemented this year

author:Zhao Yunwen

Rural development and construction are very important, because the mainland's current strategy is to promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas. In order for the rural economy to develop in an all-round way, some infrastructure construction must not be left behind. This year, in order to do a good job in the future period of the three rural work, the mainland has also deployed a series of measures in detail, in the next rural areas, there are four major projects will also be implemented, what is going on?

Set the tone! There are still four major projects to be implemented this year

Nowadays, with the implementation of the high-standard farmland construction plan, in the construction of agricultural infrastructure, various regions are also speeding up the implementation of supporting power facilities upgrading projects. The upgrading project mainly revolves around the construction of high-standard farmland, with the aim of ensuring that farmers have safe and reliable electricity during farming.

This year, in order to improve the level of express logistics in rural areas, the mainland proposed to promote the construction of rural passenger, freight and mail integration sites at the same time, but also proposed to implement the "one village, one station" project in rural areas, this project is mainly to guide rural e-commerce service stations, mail and logistics integrated service stations and other sites to build and share services, so as to achieve "one point with multiple functions, one network with multiple uses". So that farmers can mail couriers at their doorstep.

Set the tone! There are still four major projects to be implemented this year

In this year's deployment work, Document No. 1 has proposed to continue to implement the renovation of rural dilapidated houses and the seismic transformation of rural houses, and also requires all regions to consolidate the results of investigation and rectification of hidden safety hazards in rural houses. Now, with the deployment of work, various regions have also successively released annual rural dilapidated housing renovation plans, with the highest renovation scale reaching 5,000 households per year. This time, however, the dilapidated housing renovation and seismic renovation projects are limited to low-income people in rural areas. It also receives subsidies for reconstruction and renovation.

Rural roads now also need to be upgraded, although many places have completed the hardening of village-level roads, but there are also many problems to be solved in terms of safety protection and traffic management, and the state in order to further improve the transportation system in rural areas, the construction of "four good rural roads", will also start a series of road construction-related projects this year. For example, the implementation of rural highway and bridge safety "danger elimination" project, the continuous implementation of rural highway safety protection facilities upgrade project, and so on.

Set the tone! There are still four major projects to be implemented this year

Seeing this, everyone also knows what projects will be built in the countryside this year. As a matter of fact, the mainland now invests a lot of money in the rural areas, and every year it adopts a series of measures to raise the level of construction in the rural areas and speed up the completion of the shortcomings in the rural infrastructure, so as to meet the production and living needs of the peasants.

This year's No. 1 document also emphasized once again that while promoting the shortcomings of rural infrastructure, all localities should also proceed from the actual situation of various localities and the needs of farmers, grasp the popularization of universal benefits, and do one thing and one thing. Therefore, under the guidance of such a policy, the number of facilities to be built in rural areas this year will also increase simultaneously. This is a good thing for the villagers in the countryside! Let's wait and see.

Well, the above is the policy I shared with you, what do you think about this? Let's talk about it.

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