
Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

author:Look at Jinzhong

<h1>On February 3, "robbers climbed" the unique folk customs of Qi County</h1>

On the third day of the first month of February, there seems to be no festival on this day, but the people of Qixian County attach great importance to this day and have the custom of eating dumplings. This custom has been handed down since ancient times, dumplings are common food today, but in the old days, only major festivals such as New Year's Festivals and birthday full moons were available.

According to custom, this is the first dumpling after the year. General festivals have primitive cultures and customs such as worshipping gods and ancestors, but this day is a little special, with the traditional folk proverb of "February 3rd, robber climbing", where "climbing" means involved. Popularly speaking, it is a colloquial saying such as "February 3rd, wrapping dumplings, pinching the mouth of the family". After a bit of meat flavor in the first month, into February, folk folklore proverb "February 1 eat pancakes, February 2 stalls and (huo, pancakes made of corn thick noodles), February three bags of dumplings" folk proverbs.

The townspeople attach great importance to this festival and hope that the new year will not be implicated by robbers. In Qi County, there are sayings such as "On the second of February, the wolf tiger ate the big uncle, on the third of February, the robber climbed (involved), on the fourth of February, the robber came to paint the character, on february 5, he went out to meet the creeping tiger, on February 6, the family cried outside, seven men, eight wives and nine sons-in-law" and so on.

In addition, in the old days of Qixian County, there was also "February 3rd, Qixian East Gate will catch up", which is the old Qixian East Gate on this day, that is, the Wenchang Temple Festival in Chengguan, which was a big exchange meeting for melon and vegetable seeds at that time. Later, Dongguan was converted into a farmers' market wholesale market, and the temple fair was cancelled.

The village is busier than the New Year

Bai Liping

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

The fourth day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar is the annual temple fair in our village. This temple fair has been around since I was a kid, and I don't know who set it up or when it started. In short, for decades or hundreds of years, it has become a very grand festival in our village.

Every time there is a temple fair, every family will be busy for a while. Dismantling and washing bedding, cleaning the courtyard, buying meat steamed buns, killing chickens and fish, and preparing all kinds of good fruits and vegetables are no different from the New Year, even worse than the New Year. Because the New Year or family reunion, or visit relatives and friends, even if the guests are entertained, most of them are peers and juniors. The temple fair is to show the generosity of the master to entertain all the relatives and friends in the family. Temple fairs are not as taboo as the New Year, where elders, juniors, and even relatives and friends who do not move around all year round come and go. People meet at the temple fair, all those who are related to the past will be pulled into the house to drink tea and eat, even the friends who accompany relatives and friends are also entertained, do not know it does not hurt, everyone eats and drinks tea together, just try to get a lively.

Before the temple fair, the neighbors also appear to be particularly harmonious and united, and even if there are some small contradictions in the family on weekdays, they will become more polite on the day of the temple fair. Everyone cleaned the streets in unison, and no longer cared about who swept more and who swept less. Clear water sprinkled the road, filled in the rainy pool of water, and leveled the ruts that the car passed. Every street in the village is clean and shiny, and every house has a new look in front of the door and courtyard.

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

The annual temple fair, in addition to the lively market one day, there is also a more lively activity - singing opera. As few as seven, as many as ten. The first scene on the evening of the third day of the first year, like a table of cold dishes, is appetizing, and most of the actors who come out to perform are some second-class actors. The number one actors are only on the day of the meeting, and the two plays at noon and night of the day are generally ordered by people who know some opera and are famous in the village, which are liked by the villagers and are the fine repertoire created by the troupe, so most of the protagonists are the pillars in the troupe. The actors sang hard, and the audience did not skimp on their own applause, calling two good sounds from time to time. The more the applause, the higher the actor will sing more emotionally and more emotionally. Rural people are not happy to applaud, feel that applause is too reserved, in their eyes, tear open their throats and applaud is the most enthusiastic and painful. The continuous applause, echoed in the actor's singing voice, is the pleasure of singing and watching the play, and it is also the time of climax. Therefore, the drama on the fourth day of the first year is like the main dish in the big meal, hard, affordable and delicious. The play on the fifth day of the first year is a continuation of the fourth day of the first year, and the actors who have been on the stage have already been counted in the audience's mind, and the audience has commented on an actor while watching the play, and has expectations for their favorite actors. Even if their favorite actors change roles, the audience can recognize them and applaud their singing skills again. On the sixth day of the first year, the noon was a costume play, and in the evening, it was a song and dance party that young people loved, which had flourished in the past ten years. Today's young people mostly dislike ancient opera, preferring popular rock songs and dances. Therefore, the last night of singing and dancing became another climax of these three and a half days, and of course, this climax also brought the annual temple fair to an abrupt end.

The stage is set up opposite the village headquarters, which is the center of the village. At this time, the various offices of the village department became temporary resting or waiting places for the actors. The platform is very simple to set up, using a two-meter high platform from the indigenous people, and using the steel pipe that builds the building as scaffolding to enclose the high platform, and the outer cover is covered with thick canvas, which is the stage. Because it was built once a year, the earthen platform remained there permanently. In fact, there was originally a stage in the village. When I was a child, I heard my parents say that the ancient opera stage in the village was quite grand, and I couldn't find such a stage in my village in ten miles and eight townships. It is a matter of great pride that a village has a stage, which is a symbol of material prosperity and spiritual cultural enrichment. However, this ancient opera stage in our village was burned down by a person who was reorganized during the "Four Qing" movement. The fate of the arsonists is unknown to future generations, and the ancient opera stage that made the villagers raise their eyebrows turned into the dust of history and remained only in the memory of some old people.

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

Like this ancient opera stage that has been lost in history, the cultural elements of the temple fair have gradually degenerated. As a child, although the temple fair was also a market, the content was prosperous and heavy. Horse market, bull market, pig and sheep market, agricultural tool market, household goods market, etc., are set up in pieces, each according to one party. People shouted happily, filled with the simple and generous atmosphere unique to the farmhouse. The first to come out to the meeting were the children, asking the adults for fifty cents, so that they could buy some rare things at the temple fair. At this time, even families that are not rich will make an exception for their children, open up grace, give children a dime or two, and let the children enjoy themselves. The children's favorite thing is to buy a balloon for five cents, a small balloon is fixed to a small bamboo stick one inch long, the bamboo stick is tied to a leather band, and the balloon is gently blown against the bamboo stick, and the bamboo stick is taken out of the mouth, and as the balloon is deflated, the gas hits the bamboo stick and makes a flute-like crisp sound. As a result, the temple fair was lively in the sound of children's flutes. On this day, the adults will walk around the temple fair again and again, first go to the cattle, horses, pigs and sheep market to see the livestock, and when they are interested, they will be strong first, holding a few chickens or carrying a piglet home. Finally, I went to the market for farm tools, household supplies, and clothing, and even if I had something to look at, I was not eager to buy it, but waited for the market to disperse before I sold it, pressed the price to the lowest, and bought my favorite things at the cheapest price.

Today's temple fairs are still bustling, but there is a kind of emptiness that is difficult to hide. Stalls filled the streets, leaving only a path for people to walk in the middle. There is no gap between the stalls and the stalls, and the people who rush to the market must go from the beginning to the top to get out of the market. On the narrow road, people come and go, rubbing shoulders, bustling, but most of them are empty-handed. The goods in the market are all clothes, shoes and socks, bedding, pots and pans, toys, potted flowers and trees, all kinds of sweets, fried puffed foods, etc., and if you want to find something new, you can't find it. The things on several stalls were exactly the same, like copies of computers. This amazing similarity shattered the original expectations, and visiting the market became a burden. Therefore, in the past few years, I have only regarded this day as a day when I have to go home to see my mother, and I rarely go to visit the party, this hot day, I am guilty of walking around. The temple fair is tasteless, but fortunately, the family and friendship have not faded, and there will still be many guests at home.

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

I went home on the evening of the third year of junior high school. In the summer, I was busier than usual, I was teaching elementary school composition in a private school, from the first grade to the sixth grade, six classes, each class every other day once a day, every day there are classes. My busy mother knew, so my mother probably didn't expect me to go back.

Entering the village, it was more than nine o'clock in the night. Movies were playing in the newly built neighborhood, and a few people sat sparsely, their attention not seemed to be on the screen, just chatting. The sonorous sound of gongs and drums came from the loudspeaker, and I didn't know which play was being sung, but I only heard that it was a Jin opera. The mother did not go to the theater, was frying meat in the kitchen, and the sister-in-law worked the night shift. I asked my mother what else to do, and she said that my sister-in-law had already prepared it, and it was all cooked food bought from the Huilong wholesale market, put it in the refrigerator, and took it out tomorrow for a little processing.

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

The next morning, I helped my mother set up the three large round tables, took out the bench, and carefully wiped them. Just after eight o'clock, there were people coming from home one after another, and it was more than a dozen classmates of my little nephew. In the morning, the mother, sister, sister, brother, niece, nephew and so on of the sister-in-law's mother-in-law's mother came, and my mother warmly welcomed her family into the house, and on a hot summer day, I made them tea, poured water, and cut watermelons. My mother and I began to make dumplings, and my sister-in-law came back from work and did not have a break to start mixing cold dishes. It was nearly noon, and the little brother returned with a group of business friends. My eldest aunt and second aunt did not come, and my mother said that the three sisters discussed going back to my mother's house on July 15th to give my grandfather a grave, and this year's Qingming Festival gave my grandfather a new graveyard, the customs of my hometown, and the newly moved cemetery should be paid tribute to every festival within three years. However, the mother looked a little lost, because our relatives were mainly from the mother's side. After dinner, my mother and sister-in-law were busy in the kitchen. Stir-frying, boiling dumplings, serving dishes, it really looks like a small restaurant. Three tables were full, each with a dozen people. I asked my mother to go to dinner, but she refused. In this situation, leaving my mother, my sister-in-law and I really can't cope with it. The guests were full of wine and food, and it was nearly two o'clock. At three o'clock I still had to go to class, I ate a few dumplings, hurriedly said goodbye to my family, and went home.

My mother told me to drive safely and asked me to come home at night to watch the show. I smiled and told my mother not to wait for me, that I had four classes in the fifth grade, and that I would have to go through the whole day. In fact, without this excuse, I don't want to go home because I watched a play. Because, the temple fair in my hometown has disappointed me too much.

<h1>The West Six Branches Temple Fair in the Great Year</h1>

There is a village in the lower basin of the mother river Changyuan in Qi County, according to legend, in ancient times, overgrown with weeds, there were many wild animal activities, there were hunters passing by here, shooting six arrows to the east, shooting six arrows to the west, and later the east arrow landed called the east six, and the place where the arrow landed to the west was the west six. In Zhiyun County, in the old days, the Changyuan River had six canals in the east and west, and the west was located in the west of the village of Xiliuzhi. It is one of the birthplaces of Zhaoyu culture, which was settled and multiplied during the Northern Wei Dynasty. In the hometown of Zhang Daoyuan, a famous scholar of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, he was known as the first honest official of the early Tang Dynasty. The temple fair here is one of the earliest traditional rural temple fairs in central Shanxi (including Taiyuan, Jinzhong and Lüliang).

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

As a folk cultural phenomenon, temple fairs have existed as early as the Tang Dynasty. It is derived from the Buddhist "fasting meeting", after a long period of development, it has gradually developed from the original single worship and reward for gods into a comprehensive folk activity integrating respect for gods, trade, entertainment, and visits to relatives and friends, which has also had a non-negligible impact on social politics, religion, economy and culture. People call this kind of "jaikai" combined with trade fairs and cultural performances temple fairs. Ordinary people come to visit the temple fair, not only can buy the required items, but also watch all kinds of folk art performances, which has become an important leisure activity for people. Jinshang Temple Fair Museum is located in Qixian Gaobei Taishan Temple, located in the southeast of Qixian County, the annual Taishan Temple Fair on the 18th of April of the lunar calendar is called the First Jinshang Temple Fair. Zihongkou on the east side of Gaobei was once the main passage for jinshang north-south trade, and the necessary place of the Wanli Tea Road was an important part of Jinshang culture, among which the Jinshang Temple Fair Museum exhibited Jinshang cultural relics and the contents of the famous temple fair in Shanxi Province.

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

Sacrifice is the original culture of the temple fair. In ancient times, sacrifice activities were about whether the ruler's regime was stable or not, so successive dynasties attached great importance to it, "The major affairs of the country are one of them." Heaven and earth, the sun and the moon, the stars, the mountains and rivers, and the forest are all sacrificed by the gods. "A whole system of sacrifices from top to bottom was formed. Folk temple fairs, because of the worship of gods and reward gods, it is held on the date of worship, its activities in the temple or near the temple, it is an important form of folk worship and retribution activities, through this form, people completed communication and exchange with the gods. From this point of view, the temple fair has become a medium for folk people and gods, coupled with the guidance and intervention of successive rulers, so that the temple fair worship activities have lasted for thousands of years, and reached its peak in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and the temple fair has become a meeting of incense. This kind of incense will be common in the temple fairs in Qi County, such as the ninth day of February at the Wangcun Baiyi Bodhisattva Temple; On the sixth day of the first month of June, the Wishing Flower Festival was held at the Pantuo Zhenwu Temple; On July 15, the Obon Meeting was held at the Shimoshin Sankyo Temple. Whenever the local people meet at this meeting, they will come as promised, and they will also have some worship.

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

People living at the bottom of the society, industrious all year round, do not dare to wander, in this social way of life, the entertainment activities of the people are relatively limited, but people's hidden spiritual desire for entertainment will not be extinguished, and some of the entertainment activities that appear in the temple fair have become an important way for the people to meet their spiritual needs. The drama, song, social fire and other forms of entertainment in the temple fair relax the spirit of those people who are busy with production and life on weekdays, and these entertainment activities have also attracted more people to become participants, which not only adds to the festive and lively atmosphere of the temple fair, but also enlivens the cultural life of the countryside, and continuously expands the scale of the temple fair trade. In the temple fairs in Qi County, many villages and towns have various entertainment activities such as drama and song. In addition, there are some other activities, such as the kite festival at the Great Temple of the Village on the 25th day of the first month, when the crowds of people at the temple will be surging with people, singing and dancing, and playing reeds, which is lively.

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

Ordinary people who work all year round, in addition to the necessary socializing of relatives and friends, are almost unable to leave the village, but when they encounter such a good opportunity as a temple fair, they will not give up easily. If their village or town is the home of the temple fair, they will inevitably invite relatives and friends from other villages to come to the meeting. At that time, relatives and friends gathered together to exchange greetings, and naturally there was a warm hospitality and do their best to prepare meals for the guests. If it is a temple fair in a foreign village, they will also be loved by relatives and friends, and they will be invited to come here. In this way, relatives and friends often move around, there is contact, and correspondingly deepen the feelings between relatives and friends. From this point of view, the temple fair has become a bridge and link for people to communicate their feelings and deepen friendship with each other.

As an important form of folk activities, temple fairs also have an important role in economic regulation. Nowadays, the temple fair is not only an important place for cultural entertainment, but also a large market for private trade activities. In the past, some lost flavor snacks once again appeared at the temple fair, and it is not difficult to see from the prosperous temple fair that in recent years, the peasants have become rich, the money bags in their pockets have bulged, and they are indeed willing to spend money to improve their quality of life. Compared with before liberation, the nature of temple fair activities has changed fundamentally. In the old society, there was turmoil and unrest, and the people's lives were precarious, so they had to find a little sustenance in praying for the blessings of bodhisattvas, seeking good fortune and avoiding evil, and avoiding disasters and curing diseases. Now it is different, the peasants' concept of consumption has changed, the scale has expanded, and the influence has gradually broadened. The content and form are becoming more abundant, and the temple fair itself has become an important form of intangible cultural heritage. By holding temple fairs, it creates momentum and attracts the attention and participation of all sectors of society, which in itself builds a platform for folk customs activities and cultural tourism. It is not only loved by the people, but also attracts tourists from all over the world and becomes a window to introduce the traditional culture of our country.

Up to now, although there are few temples left in the temple fair, the temple will still exist, the sacrifice activities of the temple fair will gradually disappear, while trade, entertainment and other activities will become more and more intense, and the temple fair will continue to play its certain social function.

(Qixian Countryside)

The customs of our people

Commonly known as the "Little Year", the twenty-third day of the Waxing Moon is said to be the day of the "Heavenly Lord of the Stove".

Dust sweeps the house, and this day is the customary day of sweeping.

Wax moon 25 Push grinding to make tofu. Legend has it that the Jade Emperor would visit the netherworld and eat tofu residue to show his bitterness.

The 26th day of the Waxing Moon Kills pigs and cuts meat, and people can only eat meat during the annual festival.

The 27th day of the Waxing Moon Slaughtering chickens, catching up with large gatherings, and the items needed for the Spring Festival are all in the process of being purchased.

La Yue 28 Dozen cake steamed steamed appliqué flowers. The ancients used peach wood as a wood to ward off evil spirits, and later replaced it with red paper.

On the 29th day of the lunar month, go to the grave and ask the ancestors to make a great offering. The worship of ancestors has a long history in our country.

Chinese New Year's Eve one night is two years old, and five is divided into two years. Cold resigns from winter snow, and warmth brings into the spring wind.

The first day of the Lunar New Year, the Golden Rooster announces. The younger generation pays homage to the elders, and the elders give the elders money to suppress the evil spirits.

The second day of the Lunar New Year, the Golden Bark Primrose. Relatives go to the New Year's greeting, the east family stays for dinner, and the west family has a wine feast.

Chinese New Year's Day Fat Pig Arch. The son-in-law visited the husband and daughter-in-law and returned to her mother's house, and the gift was double.

The fourth day of the Chinese New Year, three sheep Kaitai. The king of the stove wants to check the household registration and welcome the god of the stove back to the people.

On the fifth day of the Chinese New Year, the cattle ploughed the spring. The five roads connect the god of wealth, the east, west, south, north, and north, and the five roads of wealth.

The sixth day of the Chinese New Year is successful. Every year on this day, liquor is drunk in the middle of the street. Thousands of households look at thousands of doors, and no one does not send them to the poor.

The seventh day of the Lunar New Year is full of life. Spread pancakes and eat shippo soup, settle the body and mind, and recuperate.

On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, we will pray for the release of life. On the day when the stars are in the netherworld, small lamps are burned and sacrificed, one inch of time and one inch of gold.

The ninth day of the Chinese New Year The Jade Emperor was born. He is the supreme god who dominates the universe, and people hold festivals to celebrate.

The tenth day of the Chinese New Year sacrifice stone thanksgiving. There is heaven and earth, and the houses of man and animals are all on the ground; the rice and wheat and hundreds of grains are born on the ground.

The eleventh day of the first lunar month is dedicated to Zigu. Deeply oppressed women worshipped her as the protector of weak women.

On the twelfth day of the first month, a light shed was erected. The Lantern Festival is approaching, and the preparations for the Lantern Festival are beginning.

On the thirteenth day of the first month, light the lamp under the stove. Pre-placed Lantern, since the day, lanes and strange bridges, are weaving bamboo lanterns. Yang Gong Death Day.

The fourteenth day of the first month of the linshui niangniang's birthday, also known as the "Suncheon Virgin". It is the god who saves the women who have difficult childbirth.

On the fifteenth day of the first month, the silkworm (god) was illuminated at night. Looking at the color to judge the abundance of the year, it later evolved into the Lantern Festival.

Busy years

The Spring Festival in the traditional sense begins from a small age, that is, the 23rd or 24th festival of the Waxing Moon, and the folk song "23rd, Sugar Melon Sticky" says that this day. The twenty-third day of the waxing moon, commonly known as the "little year", is said to be the day when the "King of the Stove Goes to Heaven". Xiaonian is the beginning and foreshadowing of the entire Spring Festival celebration, and its main activities are two: sweeping the New Year and offering stoves. Around this time, we entered the sprint phase of a busy year.

"Twenty-four, write big characters; twenty-five, dust", after a small year, it is time to write the Spring League and Fu characters, but the written big characters can not be pasted immediately, must wait until the New Year's day. "Dusting" is "sweeping ashes", and the annual year-end cleaning is believed to be an indispensable part of everyone's childhood memories.

Twenty-seventh day of the waxing moon, slaughtering chickens and catching up with large gatherings. Twenty-eight in the waxing moon, steamed cakes, steamed buns. Chinese New Year's Eve Chinese New Year's Eve meals and hospitality banquets in the New Year require many days of preparation.

Sticking to the Spring Festival is also a custom that exists all over the country. On the eve of the Spring Festival, every household should be labeled with red spring leagues, and a pair of festive and warm spring leagues expressed people's good wishes to welcome the new and look forward to a new life. When the Spring League is pasted, this year can really come.

Spring festival

After nearly a month of busy work, I finally waited for Chinese New Year's Eve. On this day, the genealogy and the tablets of the ancestors are enshrined in the main house, the adults begin to work on the most important reunion dinner, and the children begin to sprinkle firecrackers with joy.

Chinese New Year's Eve night, the family reunion stays up all night, which is called "keeping the year" or "keeping the year". Nowadays, there are still many families who retain the custom of staying up all night Chinese New Year's Eve, but mostly sleep a little in the second half of the night in order to go out early in the morning to visit the New Year. Many families will gather at 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Chinese New Year's Eve to eat a "reunion dinner", the feast will last until midnight, many families are waiting until midnight to light firecrackers, while the dumplings are under the pot, and the reunion dinner is over after eating the dumplings. In some parts of the countryside, however, it is necessary to observe the new year until the fifth day of the New Year, at which time it is necessary to sacrifice heaven and earth, honor the ancestors, eat dumplings, and set off firecrackers to indicate that the old year is resigned and the new spring is welcomed.

Bye bye

In the old days, the younger generations had to prostrate themselves to the elders for the New Year, and the ordinary generations confronted each other. On the first day of the first lunar month, just after dawn, most people wear brand new clothes and go out to worship the New Year. First from their own grandfather, grandmother, father, mother worship, called "family worship", now generally only ask "Happy New Year", the elders then respond to the next generation said: "Eat sugar, catch melon seeds!" Or say "congratulations" to the good words or blessings for the coming year, but also to give children "pressure money". Then go out to pay homage to the elders in this family, called "near worship". Paying homage to the elders in the family is called "Yuan Bai". Sometimes, the patriarch of the clan is also led to the family with a foreign surname or to worship each other collectively to deepen their feelings, called "tuan bai". Upstairs and downstairs, outside the courtyard, neighbors in the neighborhood call each other "neighbor worship". Classmates or friends greet each other as "friendly".

For some "busy people", there is also a saying that "there is a heart to worship the New Year, fifteen is not late", the "fifteen" here refers to the fifteenth Lantern Festival of the first month. Young people who pay respects to their elders will get old age money, also known as "waist money" or "kowtow money". The so-called "pressing the age" is to suppress last year's "dirty gas" to run, so that children can learn to be lucky and prosperous in the coming year.

In addition to these, there are many customs, the sixth day of the Chinese New Year, the horse to success. Thousands of households look at thousands of doors, and no one does not send them to the poor. On the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, life expectancy is abundant. Settle your body and mind and recuperate. On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, this day is called "Valley Day". On the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, the Jade Emperor was born. People hold festivals to celebrate. On the tenth day of the Chinese New Year, the stone sacrifice is thankful. The eleventh day of the first lunar month is the "Son-in-Law's Day", the day when the father-in-law feasts on the son-in-law. On the twelfth day of the first month, build a light shed. On the thirteenth day of the first month, the lights are lit under the stove, and the lanes and lanes are strange bridges, all of which are made of bamboo lanterns. On the fourteenth day of the first month, the streets and alleys, the lights are colorful, the lights are appreciated, and the riddles are guessed. On the fifteenth day of the first month, the Lantern Festival, tangyuan and so on.

<h1>From the sixth day of the first year of Qi County, I did not talk about folk social culture at home</h1>

Qixian has a saying that "the first five do not go out, the first six are good signs" and "the first five do not go out, the first six are not at home". "Six" is an auspicious number in Sinochem culture, which has the meaning of shun. Today is the first "six" of the year, so this day is a good day for people to choose to go out. There are many relatives in the countryside, so many people also choose this day to worship the New Year. Even if people who have finished the New Year do not go out at home to visit friends and gatherings.

Speaking of visiting relatives and friends, the network excerpted a paragraph about the culture of folk social network in Qi County.

Greeting the neighbors who meet just in time for dinner, they ask: "Have you eaten?" Lu Yu asked, "Where are you going?" Or look at the tool the other person is holding, such as a hoe, and ask, "×× the hoe go?" Greeting people sitting idly on the street should be divided into seasons; winter days: "Warm up?" Summer Day: "Cool?" Neighbors come to visit the door and say, "Just arrived? Let's go into the house!" Then hand over the cigarette and pour the tea to show enthusiasm; when sending it out, you must also say: "Slow down!" Come and sit down when you have time. The visitor will also answer, "Hurry up!" Don't come out!" When you see a child holding a child, you should first praise a few words about how the child is cute, and if you meet without choosing a word, that is, gossip such as "today's weather..." must also be socialized, otherwise, it will be regarded as unsociable, and interpersonal communication in society will be greatly inferior. Cold hustle was originally some meaningless reward words, and the townspeople attached great importance to it, saying that yun "can talk to the top money maker", a person can be humble in social occasions, good at words, will be the first factor in his popularity in the township. Greeting before the salutation, listening to kindness, invisibly people's feelings are one step closer, on the contrary, it is considered impolite and lack of education. As far as the whole county is concerned, the mountain people are enthusiastic, the greetings show true feelings and directness, and the people in the city are reserved, but they vary from person to person, and this is not the case.

Etiquette and funeral events, neighbors will work together to help, in the marriage to cut the wedding dress, make bedding, steamed steamed buns, dumplings, etc., all women meet to assist, and some heavy work such as building sheds and building stoves is cooked by men. On the day of the marriage, send dumplings to the neighbor, indicating that the marriage has been decided, and everyone knows. The house that receives dumplings puts a pinch of salt in the vessels it serves, which means "good luck" in harmony; funerals, from burial and spiritual setting, to digging tombs and carrying coffins, are regarded as righteous by unpaid helpers from neighbors with friendships. Ordinary friends also sent a paper gift on the day of the introduction to express their condolences. In addition to wedding and funeral events, other such as children's birthdays, full moons, and festivals, neighbors who get along closely also have contacts; children open the lock at the age of 12, steam and cut into several pieces and send them to each family, and the recipient gives money to congratulate them. Steamed snakes, swallows, tigers, monkeys, etc. in the Festivals of Qingming and Zhongyuan gave each other to male and female children; each family gave each other homemade mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival. When they meet on the streets during the Spring Festival, both sides hold their fists and shake their fists, wish each other a "good New Year" or "Congratulations on the Year and get rich", and when they meet the elders, they will give you an auspicious word such as "giving you a new year's greeting".

"Helpers" neighborhoods have always had the custom of helping each other to build houses, without asking for any remuneration, and the main family has set up a meal reception, or only after the completion of the one-time wine and dinner reception. The helpers do their best not to slacken off. The mud on the roof must be steadfast, and the village, whether near or far, comes to help "step on the house", and when the time comes, it is ready to be happy in the house, singing songs while stepping on it, and everyone forgets the tiredness of stepping on the house in self-amusement. Mutual aid refers to a spontaneous form of au pairing. If the field is threshed, the exclusive manpower is not enough, but several partners, after beating one grain, and then jointly complete the second, in turn to return to the warehouse. It doesn't matter who has the most. The other is to change the work of people and livestock, family A has livestock and less labor, and family B has strong labor and lacks animal power, so A cultivates and sows seeds for B, and B is harvested by A hoe, complementing each other and complementing each other.

In the 1980s, it was popularized by shop boys and rural youth, even older school students, and became popular for a while. Valuing righteousness over profit, helping each other in times, and natural disintegration in the future, there are few people who persist in life from beginning to end.

(Qixian Countryside)

<h1>The Qixian xiaonian culture is being lost</h1>

The traditional Spring Festival culture in Qixian generally starts from the 23rd day of the Waxing Moon to the end of the 25th day of the first month, and is divided into four parts: small year (year ago) culture, big year culture, Shangyuan (Lantern Festival culture) and Tiancang culture, integrating farming culture, commercial culture and religious culture, and containing strong Jinshang cultural characteristics. The festive atmosphere is strong, the activities are rich and colorful, couplets, paper cutting, social fire performances, festival costumes, lantern exhibitions, customs, folk dances, local plays, etc., all have strong local characteristics and cultural value.

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

The small year (years ago) culture of the Spring Festival culture in Qixian mainly refers to the 23rd to Chinese New Year's Eve of the Waxing Moon, which means that people begin to prepare New Year goods. People are also starting to clean up their homes. Preparing to have a good year means that the new year should have a new atmosphere. There is a proverb in the countryside that has been passed down from generation to generation: "Twenty-three, send the stove to the sky; twenty-four, cut into pairs and write on it; twenty-five, wipe and clean the broom; twenty-six, cut a few pounds of fat lamb; twenty-seven, close the door and wash your feet; twenty-eight, Hu Shiyi; twenty-nine, put on the wine; on the thirty-fifth, the horn (dumplings) pinched down three baskets." "This has also become the schedule for every family to welcome the New Year. Among them, the festival of the 23rd day of the Waxing Moon is widely spread in the local area.

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

Xiaonian is the day of the folk sacrifice stove, also called the festival of the stove, the folk proverb "twenty-three, send the king of the stove to heaven". It is said that this day, it is said that this day is the day when the gods go to heaven, and the King of the Stove is no exception, on this day, the Heavenly Emperor will report to the Jade Emperor what he has seen and heard during the year, and report the good and evil of this family for the Jade Emperor to reward and punish. In the old days, almost every household had a "Stove King" shrine in the stove room, and people revered him as "Si Ming Bodhisattva" or "Stove King Si Ming", and was worshipped as the protector of the family. The custom of "men do not worship the moon, and women do not sacrifice the stove", so the sacrifice of the king of the stove is limited to men. At the time of the offering, in addition to the general incense candle offerings, there is also a special offering called "thin melon melon" by the locals. Every household asked the stove king to report to the king of the stove after the day, so he offered watermelon melons, with the intention of pasting the mouth of the stove king and not letting him talk indiscriminately. In the old days, small ladders and riding villains were also tied with sorghum poles. During the offering that night, let Madden sit on the ladder and prepare fresh wheat and water, and of course watermelon melons. The host's family knelt down and said: "The king of the stove said more bad things after the queen of heaven" and then made a New Year's wish, hoping that the stove master would pass on the heavens to give it to the realization.

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

The custom of offering stoves has a long history. In the Xia Dynasty, Zao jun had already become a great god revered by the people. In the Analects, which describes Kong Qiu's words and deeds during the Spring and Autumn Period, there are words such as "Instead of flattering public opinion, ningmei and stove". In the pre-Qin period, the sacrificial stove was listed as one of the "five gods" (the five gods were the five gods of the stove, the door, the line, the household, and the middle thunder. Zhonglei is the god of the earth. The other is the door, well, household, stove, and middle thunder; or it is the line, well, household, stove, and middle thunder). At the time of the offering, a god is set up and a rich wine and food are used as sacrifices. Because each family has a stove, so there is a legend that the Jade Emperor stationed a supervisor in each house - vesta god (司命灶君, stove jun, stove king, stove king) to supervise and investigate the behavior of this family for a year, and on the twenty-third day of the waxing moon, the vesta god will report to the jade emperor from heaven, and the jade emperor will decide whether to reward or punish the family in the next year according to the report, and the next year the vesta god will come back to continue to supervise the family's actions. The day of the Festival of the Stove is actually a festival for each family to send the God of Vesta to heaven.

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

Zaojun himself, in the early days, there were Yan Emperor and Zhu Rongzhi. Later, many theories were derived. After the rise of Taoism in China, he used the "Scriptures" to describe vesta as a female mother. "Steward residence. At twelve o'clock, good knowledge of the affairs of the world. Every month, he records the good and evil and their merits, records their weights, and plays the Heavenly Cao in the middle of the night, and fixes his books." Later, it developed into both Grandpa Stove Jun and Grandma Stove Jun. In different regions, the couple was chosen by different people, accompanied by popular folklore stories.

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

The statue of the god of the stove is pasted on the wall next to the pot stove facing the wind box. Most of the two sides are "the heavens say good things, the netherworld guarantees peace", and the lower links are also written as "returning to the palace and descending auspiciously". In the middle is a statue of the god and his wife, and two horses are often painted next to the statue as mounts. Offerings are made during the offering, and the most prominent of the offerings is the sugar melon (watermelon melon in Qixian dialect). The northern Jin dynasty is customary to use dumplings, which is the primary product of hemp sugar, which is particularly sticky, and is now collectively called hemp sugar. Foods such as sugar and dumplings are sweet and sticky. Taking the intention of the stove Jun took care of eating, he could not speak, and the mouth was gluted to the heavens after the day, so as not to be born right and wrong. A few eggs are also placed in the offering, which are snacks for foxes, weasels and the like. It is said that they are all subordinates of the stove king, and they cannot help but dot them. In addition to incense and wine, in addition to offering incense and wine, it is especially necessary to spread horse material for the mount of the stove king, and it should be sprinkled from the front of the stove to the outside of the kitchen door. After these rituals are completed, the statue of the God of Vesta is taken down and burned. Wait until Chinese New Year's Eve to create a new idol.

Worship the specific operation mode of the stove king: each family has a portrait of the god of the stove near the stove, and sometimes accompanied by the portrait of the stove king's grandmother, after a year of smoke and fire, the portrait is old and the face is black. To remove the old statue, use straw to tie a grass horse for the god of Vesta, in order to make him "say good things from heaven, return to the palace to descend auspicious", but also bribe him, with a sticky sugar melon or cake glued to his mouth, so that his "mouth is sweet" can only say good things, and then burned with the grass horse. This process is called a rhetorical vestige. After the New Year, buy a new portrait and ask Vesta to put it back and paste it. In the middle of these days, because there is no supervision of the vesta god, the average person overeats, gathers the crowd to gamble, and indulges himself to do some small mistakes that he usually thinks should not be committed. Making sugar melons and offering stoves is the main activity of the day, and since then, it has entered the stage of preparing for the New Year, and people have begun to relax mentally.

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

In addition, the dates of the ancient sacrifice stoves have always been different, including the first month, April, May, August, December and so on. In China's feudal society, all religions coexisted, the number of gods was as high as tens of thousands, and folk customs were all respected. Perhaps for the sake of simplifying unification and making it easy to remember and do, the idea that the stove king went to heaven once a month evolved into one time a year. And fix the time on the twenty-third or twenty-fourth day of the waxing moon. On this day, it has become a traditional festival of sacrifice. In Qi County, it is the 23rd day of the Waxing Moon, and the neighboring county Wenshui across the Fenhe River is generally the 24th of the Waxing Moon.

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

The above is edited by Qixian Native

<h1>Kong Ruiping said the New Year</h1>

The years slipped down bit by bit, and on weekdays there was always a feeling of "moisturizing and silent", as if there was no way to detect and capture. The silent days rolled through spring and summer in turn, flowing into autumn and winter, and suddenly, a gorgeous loud noise was issued: New Year's Day!

As a result: supermarkets are full, the Spring Festival peak, China's red covers the vast expanse of the land of Shenzhou overnight, and the old debts and old grievances all become a harmonious wave when they meet each other: Wishing you prosperity, everything is good...

The Chinese nation originated in the Yellow River Basin, relying on the sky to eat and produce abundantly. Ancestors of the ancestors faced the loess with their backs to the sky and lived a cautious, poor and poor farming life. This "year" is a knot knot laid by the ancestor of the knotted rope on the long rope of the years, and it is another beginning of the cycle of years. Only by walking here can people have a reason to stop their tired steps, stop and look back at the road, take stock of the gains and losses of the year, and then stretch their heads and necks to look into the distance, and promise themselves some goals and some wishes for the next year. People also have reason to take a vacation for their mood, to take a vacation from the troublesome and trivial worldly life, and to squander it fiercely. The New Year is not only the idealization of life, but also the ideal life.

"Year" is one day. Ancient times called the first day of the first lunar month "New Year's Day" - "Yuan" means the beginning and the first, "Dan", from the beginning of the day. There are 365 sunrises a year, and only the first day illuminated by this first sunrise can be called "year". But "year" is so important that it's not just a day. Counting, the footsteps of the year, from the time of eating the viscous and fragrant "Eight Treasures Porridge", have already set off. People began to rush to the market and enter and exit the store with the basket, from the New Year's food to the new clothes of adults and children. The twenty-third day of the waxing moon is a festival of folk sacrifices to the king of the stove, and in the old days, every household had to cut paper and horses and buy sugar melons to offer to the stove king on this night, so that the old man could smear honey on his mouth, "Heaven said good things, and returned to the palace to descend auspiciously." As soon as this twenty-third arrived, the drum beat of the "year" became more and more urgent and became somewhat scattered: "Twenty-three, sacrifice to the king of the stove, twenty-four, clean the house; twenty-five, grind tofu, twenty-six, go and cut the flesh." Twenty-seven, go to the market, twenty-eight, Hu Shiyi, twenty-nine, go to the wine, thirty nights to make dumplings, the first morning of the ass (New Year's Eve). "You see this hectic, is it a little breathless?"

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

And this folklore is only the preparatory stage of the "year". The process is hectic and focuses on the preparation of the material aspect. Only from the official beginning of the "New Year" did people's spiritual activities gradually unfold. On the morning of the first day of the first year, dress neatly for the elders in the family to pay homage to the New Year, starting from the second day of the first year, go to the relatives' house to pay respects to the New Year, commonly known as "walking relatives". The fifth day of the first year is an extremely important day in the "year" custom. There is a folk saying that there are five days of the year, and the fifth day of the first year is the last day of the year. Therefore, the fifth day of the first month is also known as "breaking the fifth". During these five days, it was stipulated that people did not go far away, men did not participate in labor, women did not do needlework, mainly relatives and friends visited each other and various happy and entertaining activities. The first thing to do when you get up on the morning of the fifth day of the first year is to send the "poor" - to search the imaginary "poor god" from home, send it far away, and then the whole family gathers together to make dumplings. Just wait until you eat this "broken five" dumpling, life will fall into the track of the cycle again, "year", it is basically over.

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

For the two kinds of people, the meaning of "year" is particularly different: one is a wanderer on the outside, and the other is a naïve child.

Year, is the pass of the wanderer. It's not good, but it's not. "Bright moonlight in front of the bed, suspected to be frost on the ground." Look up at the bright moon and look down at your hometown. "Throughout the ages, many students and travelers who are diligently seeking profit have seen the moon and homesick in the wind and frost of a foreign land, and they are full of tears." One of the years to, this ethereal "thought" suddenly turned into a full "line", you see, railway stations, airports, long-distance passenger transport... It was crowded and overcrowded. People take out the spirit of moths to put out fire, and pounce on the homeland of their hometown where they have raised themselves, and to their wives, children, and children, and this kind of force that destroys and sweeps away everything, ask who is in contention? The ticket handed over by the "scalper" who has been stranded at the station for several days and nights has been turned over several times - not afraid! The money that is usually cut out between the teeth has now become a light and fluttering paper in the eyes of people who are like arrows! Go home, go home, as long as you can go home! The mood of going home is like the beating of a sharp drum and a heavy hammer, like the galloping of a wild horse that has lost its reins, and Kenny is echoing in the air. The melody of the saxophone "Homecoming" played by G alone cannot arouse the slightest resonance in people's hearts at this moment. Going home is not sad or lingering, it is just an urgent need! Go home...... The "Spring Festival", composed of thousands of billions of "homecoming", is a heavy topic in the news channel every year.

The year is a carnival for children. No class! No need to get up early! Wear new clothes, eat dumplings, set off firecrackers, have snowball fights, and take in the money! Even if the bowl is accidentally broken, the adults will hear the sound and rush to comfort: "Broken (age) peace..." Countless young children's hearts took off hand in hand in the cold wind.

Feng Jicai said: "Chinese folk culture is the carrier of the Chinese nation's feelings. In this "folk culture", traditional festivals undoubtedly occupy an extremely important position. And "the first of a hundred festivals", "nian" in the long river of years in the rhythm of the splash of water, but also loaded with Chinese the oldest, deepest, most complex feelings.

<h1>Spring Festival customs and culture in Qi County, Shanxi</h1>

Qixian folk Spring Festival culture will be included in the national ethnic traditional Spring Festival protection demonstration site by the Ministry of Culture. Qixian can become the traditional activity place with the most complete traditional vein, the most original preservation, and the strong local folklore, and has a close connection with the local ancient Zhaoyu culture, the long History and Culture of the Yellow River, and the prosperous Jinshang culture. Qixian has a long history and splendid culture, and was inhabited by humans as early as the Neolithic Age 6,000 years ago. Pure and simple, worrisome and far-sighted human nature, generations of continuous, ancient road long-lived folk customs, accumulated Qixian's profound cultural heritage and distinctive local characteristics, from the Han Dynasty to the present traditional Spring Festival, Lantern Festival folk festivals have made Qixian a distribution center for activities of people in Jinzhong and even Shanxi. The traditional Spring Festival culture in Qixian generally starts from the 23rd day of the Waxing Moon to the end of the 25th day of the first month, and is divided into four parts: small year (year ago) culture, big year culture, Shangyuan (Lantern Festival culture) and Tiancang culture, integrating farming culture, commercial culture and religious culture, and containing strong Jinshang cultural characteristics. The festive atmosphere is strong, the activities are rich and colorful, couplets, paper cutting, social fire performances, festival costumes, lantern exhibitions, customs, folk dances, local plays, etc., all have strong local characteristics and cultural value.

The Big Year culture of The Spring Festival culture in Qixian mainly refers to the first day of the first month to the tenth day of the first month, which is an important part of the New Year culture. During this period, the main activities are New Year worship, ancestor worship, return to the mother's home, the first five broken five, the first seven seven eyes, the first eight stars and the first ten stone festivals. Among them, "Nian Xiang", "Nian Taste" and "Nian Customs" constitute the three characteristics of the Spring Festival New Year culture. The so-called "annual image" includes three aspects: net, new and red, which mainly produces an impression on people's visual senses. No matter how dirty the plain people are, before Chinese New Year's Eve, they must clean up the indoor and outdoor, in front of the courtyard door, according to folk sayings, because "dust" and "Chen" are harmonious, so the new spring sweeping dust has a new meaning of dust removal cloth, and its intention is to sweep away all "poor luck" and "obscurity". Speaking of "New Year's taste", when the incense candle for the gods is lit, when the crackling firecrackers are released, and the smoke fills the air, the morning of the festival at this time is intertwined with a complex and mysterious fragrance, which is the unique flavor of the Spring Festival, when the whole family enters the kitchen and enjoys the joy of an ordinary rare gathering, through the steamer, through the various dishes of cooking, the aroma of wine after opening the bottle, has been emitted from the warm and melting room to the cold courtyard sky, and the smell of each dish melts into a piece of air mass and spreads. So that you can smell these tempting smells on the street, which is also a unique "New Year's flavor" that can only be widely appreciated during the Spring Festival. "New Year customs" in Qixian from the first to the tenth day of the first year, there are mainly New Year worship, ancestor worship, homecoming mothers, temple fairs (west six branches), walking relatives, breaking five, going out, seven eyes, offering stars, stone festivals and so on.

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

New Year's Day

Qixian Spring Festival Documentary

Early in the morning firecrackers sounded. This is the opening cannon, the first offering of the Spring Festival. Open the door, first put firecrackers, called "open the door cannon battle". After the sound of firecrackers, the ground is full of broken red, and it is as bright as clouds, called "full of red". At this time, the streets were full of excitement and joy. The offerings are mainly steamed flower plates, steamed buns, etc. Incense is lit and fired, except in the morning, at noon and at dinner in the evening, it is sacrificed to the ringing run.

Spring Festival, the first day of the lunar year, is also the first major festival of the year. Folk customs are "New Year" or "New Year". The Spring Festival is the most grand festival of the year, and the organs have to take a three-day holiday to celebrate. Having money and no money, going home for the New Year has always been the traditional psychology of Shanxi people. The folk tradition of the New Year, the time is very long, from the first year after the Lapa Festival began. The preparatory stage before the Spring Festival and the celebration stage after the Spring Festival should be extended until the fifteenth day of the first month, or even the second day of the first month of February. Folklore has a saying that "busy waxing moon, noisy new month, procrastination until February". The festival is the biggest feature of the New Year period.

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

Get up early and go to the neighborhood to celebrate, and take your wife and children to the elders' house to pay respects to the New Year. Mainly the man's parents' home, this day women are afraid to return to their mother's home, generally only return to the New Year. Other elders, such as uncles and aunts who are no longer in the same place as their fathers, worship the New Year on the fourth and fifth days of the first year, and those who have many relatives can worship the New Year before the fifteenth, except for the fifth day of the second year of the first year (eastern Qi County), and the time must be before noon. At the time of the New Year's greeting, the local government no longer performs the ritual of kneeling. Unlike other places, the juniors who receive the press money are generally not in the press money except for the newlyweds who have performed the lock-up ceremony. Unlocking, the local 12-year-old held the coming-of-age ceremony, and the old twelve-year-old began to share the housework when the apprentice went to the ground and so on. After the lock is unlocked to the marriage, it is generally not allowed to visit the New Year alone, and after marriage, the New Year must be accompanied by gifts. In the first year of the newlyweds, they must worship their relatives near and far, and the elders give red envelopes, also known as the meeting gift. Relationships and distances can be omitted. Newlyweds generally pay homage to relatives and the father's parents in the same place (village) today. Of course, because there are many relatives who do not necessarily eat at home, they mostly put down gifts in a hurry to receive red envelopes. Because on this day, sons, daughters and grandchildren all go to their grandfather's house to pay respects to the New Year, so the younger generations who have not yet formed a family can no longer go to their uncle's house to pay respects to the New Year, because they have already received the money. But you have to go again after you start a family. Now some of the red tape and humiliation have been saved during the New Year's Eve, but it is just a happy and happy party for the whole family.

The New Year's Greeting is the climax of the Spring Festival activities. It is generally divided into family worship, near worship, far worship and group worship. Family worship is the kowtowing of the elders by the younger generations of the family. There is a folk saying that "the head under the big year, sloppy" is not allowed. When the junior prostrates, he should shout the honorific title of the worshipper in his mouth, such as saying, "Grandpa, I have kowtowed to you!" "One person and one worship can neither call the honorific titles of two elders at once, and prostrate to two elders at the same time, nor can two prostrate to one elder at the same time. In this regard, the folk also have the saying that "under the head of the big year, one bumps and one bump". The old custom of three kneeling and nine prostrations is now respectfully bowed in most places, and some are only prostrating one head. When the juniors pay their respects to the elders, the elders smile and gladly accept the gift. After the end of the prayer, the elders should give the younger generations money. It is intended to protect future generations and be healthy and blessed. If there is a newly married daughter-in-law in the family, the elders must give the new daughter-in-law a very considerable amount of money, ranging from tens of yuan to hundreds of yuan, depending on their own economic situation. The mother-in-law also gave the new daughter-in-law a piece of fine cloth, hoping that the daughter-in-law would inherit the needle. The near worship is to pay homage to the elders in the village who have not yet taken five clothes. When entering the hospital, you must first worship the gods and ancestors, and then kowtow to the elders. Distant worship is the mutual worship between relatives and friends in the village. Worship only people, not ancestors. Whether it is near or far, the host's family should be warmly received, and guests should be invited to the home to drink tea, smoke, and taste candy. For children who come to pay homage to the New Year, gifts, or snacks such as candy, or playthings such as firecrackers, or small change should be given as money for the new year. Children always return with a full load.

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

The first item of the folk celebration is to receive the gods. Originally meant to welcome the gods of heaven and earth to the netherworld and the people to rejoice, today it has become the main symbol of welcoming the new and retiring the old. The content is first of all to light a fire, burn the grass and firecrackers. The fire is located in the courtyard, and the annual grass is placed outside the door and lit by the parents themselves. After getting up, you can't rush out, you must first light a firecracker, and the outdoor explosion protrudes from the door crack, which is called a road cannon. Lighting a fire should be called a strong fire, which means to be rich, exuberant, and red. When the parents are on fire, the children put on new clothes and set off firecrackers around the fire. The women, on the other hand, cleaned up their housework and arranged offerings to the gods of heaven and earth and the patriarchs. Old girls don't leave the house when the fire is not burning red. Now men and women are equal, and girls and boys are like boys, who are firecrackers and flowers. At this moment, the villages and villages, firecrackers are fired in unison, and the long sky is ringing. The smoke of war is mixed with the fragrant smell of fire, burning pine branches and cypress leaves of the annual grass, and the heavens and the earth are all immersed in a warm and joyful atmosphere.

The worship of the gods of heaven and earth is a solemn activity after the old customs receive the gods. Parents should lead the whole family to light lamps, incense, offerings, and wine to each god in turn, and kneel three times and prostrate nine times. The offerings before the Heaven and Earth God's Throne, which are located above the temple, are the most abundant. In the northern Jinbei region, it is customary to put five plates of stir-fried vegetables, five plates of cold vegetables, five plates of dried and fresh fruits, five plates of fried snacks, and five plates of special flower buns called "offerings". Take the five blessings to come. The containers are all special fine magnetic discs. In addition to the general offerings, the Jinnan area pays special attention to whole pigs and whole chickens. The whole pig is mostly represented by four hooves, one head and one tail, which originates from the ancient three animal sacrifice gods. The chicken is taken from the harmonic sound of ji, which means great auspiciousness. In addition, housewives pay special attention to the solemn offering of "jujube mountain buns" before the throne of the stove king. "Jujube mountain bun" is steamed with flour inlaid with red dates into a triangular shape, which means rice noodles like mountains. It is decorated with dragons, phoenixes, ruyi, fushou, melons and fruits. The eldest weighs more than a dozen pounds, which is often a representative masterpiece of the hostess's dexterous craftsmanship, and has evolved into a face sculpture handicraft displayed in front of the indoor stove.

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

On the day of the Spring Festival, families are accustomed to eating dumplings. Dumpling harmonic horn, horn is an ancient coin. The shape of the dumplings resembles a treasure. Yuanbao is a large gold and silver ingot in ancient times. Eat dumplings in the new year, taking the meaning of attracting wealth and treasure throughout the year. Folk cooking dumplings pay attention to the taboo of blowing cold wind, so do not pull the wind box, all rely on firewood. There is a folk saying that "people are prosperous, all by burning", which refers to this matter. Burning wood emphasizes burning sesame straw. On the one hand, the pleasant sound of sesame stalks burning is like a series of hair, hair, and sound of fortune, and on the other hand, it takes the metaphor of sesame blossoming. If the dumplings are boiled, they must be said to be earned, not broken. Before eating, fire the cannon to show your knowledge. The first bowl of rice should be dedicated to the ancestral gods. The whole family should invite the parents to sit first. The first cup of wine is to be toasted by the parents. When serving rice, you can't let the pot empty, but leave a meal to see the pot, which means inexhaustible. Some people eat dumplings wrapped with lotus seeds, indicating that there is more than one year in a row; eating dumplings wrapped with red dates indicates early good luck; eating dumplings wrapped with money means that money and wealth are both prosperous. Congratulations to everyone who eats. If it is a child eating, the whole family is particularly happy, and the grandparents and fathers will also give special gifts to congratulate them. Shanxi is known as the saying of "meat year vegetarian la eight", during the Spring Festival, families use meat as a mat. Mostly pigs and mutton. Nowadays, life is good, chicken, duck and fish are already common Spring Festival foods.

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

The dumplings on the first day of the first lunar month also have a special meaning in Qi County. According to the customs of Qi County, when a dumpling is eaten at the beginning of the first month, you can only meet and get rich, and you can no longer be angry, collect debts and force money, everything is slow, and it is really like saving a life for the poor. This is a true portrayal of the state of mind of the debtors. Because of the convention, as long as the first month is stepped into, the debt collectors will stop the flag and have to wait for the next year to close. From the above various classes and various types of characters, the psychological state shows that the whole Waxing Moon people pay attention to, actively prepare, and dream of yearning for nothing more than the Spring Festival.

On the day of the Spring Festival, folk should not sweep the courtyard, avoid carrying water, avoid laundry, and avoid needles. Girls who marry out are forbidden to spend the New Year in their mother's house. It is especially forbidden to say things that hinder auspiciousness. Chinese New Year's Eve night, the adults repeatedly tell the children, the first day of the new year should be particularly happy, do not make small characters, talk as good as possible. During the Spring Festival, adults are forbidden to beat and scold children. Housewives are especially careful not to break the dishes and bowls, in case of missing hands, break the dishes, do not speak, and quietly pick up the fragments and throw them into the well or cellar. During the Spring Festival, chickens and ducks do not leave the nest and are fed the above-class feed. However, in other places in Shanxi, such as some places in southern Jinnan, they pay attention to the Spring Festival or the second day of the first month to pick up a load of water from outside to go home, symbolizing the treasure of wealth.

(Qixian Countryside)

<h1>The woman in Qi County returned to her mother's home- Hexi Chu Er Hedong Iii</h1>

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

Back to the mother's home, in Qi County, the west of the Changyuan River is generally the second day of the first month, and the east is the third day of the first month. In the local new year, that is, the first day of the first month, women are forbidden to return to their mother's home, and only on this day can they be broken, and the natural scene is lively. Juniors give gifts, grandparents give grandchildren money, as for daughters and sons-in-law, there is generally no custom of pressing the age, on the contrary, they must honor the elders. After returning to the mother's house, you can spend the night, generally before the fifth day of the first year.

After the Spring Festival, the girl asked her aunt to go back to her mother's house to visit the New Year. In the southern region, it is more accustomed to returning to the mother's home on the second day of the first month of the first month, and the northern region pays more attention to the third time of the first month of the first month, and the folk proverb has "the second and third days of the first month of the first month, and the road is full of small students and small Dan." When the girl returns to her mother's house to pay respects to the New Year, she must carry a rich gift. In addition to tobacco, alcohol, snacks, sugar, fruits and local products, it is mainly a variety of flower buns carefully made in the waxing moon, which are distributed to relatives of the mother's family. Take this opportunity to boast of your dexterity. The aunt in jinnan region came to the door and used to serve with hot pot, which contained cabbage, tofu, white fungus, monkey head, dried shrimp, fungus, sea cucumber, squid, etc., and the top layer was a large piece of pork cut after cooking, neatly arranged and arranged around. As the saying goes, "Mother-in-law treats her son-in-law with her son-in-law, and she is willing to do anything." "In the northern Jin Dynasty, the folk entertainers and uncles, they have to make new dumplings to eat, pay attention to large meat and green onions, eat them in their mouths, and also flow oil out to be satisfied." When the daughter returns to her mother's house, she must make a large bag of biscuits and candies, which will be distributed by the mother to the neighbors, just like the scene of the New Year. If there are multiple daughters in the family, and these daughters do not return on the same day, then it is necessary to come once, the gift is quite thin, four cookies. However, it reflects a very strong affection, the real is "etiquette is light and affectionate", it expresses the girl's earnest thoughts about the villagers. When the girl returned home, if there was a nephew in the family, the aunt had to pay for it again, although it had been sent when the money was pressed on the first day, but this time the meaning was different. This custom is only to eat lunch, and the daughter must rush back to her in-laws' house before dinner.

Jinzhong folk unique customs February 3, "robber climbing" Qixian folk unique customs in the big year of the West Six Branches Temple Fair from Qixian Chuliu not at home to talk about folk social culture is being lost Qixian small year culture Kong Ruiping said that the New Year in Qixian County, Shanxi Spring Festival customs and culture Qixian women returned to their mother's home - Hexi Chu Er Hedong Three

Women's return to their mother's home is exquisite and taboo in Qixian and many places in Shanxi. For example, in the local Lapa Eight, winter is the most strictly forbidden day to return to the mother's home, as the saying goes, "the mother's family spends a winter, the in-laws die a public". The following excerpt is a paragraph about the culture related to Shanxi. Guining, in the old days, said that married women returned to their mother's home to see their parents as "Guining", Shanxi folk custom called "Huimen", also known as "back to the mother's home". The word Guining has long been found in the "Poem Zhou Nan Ge Qin": "Guining parents." "It shows that The Customs of Guining have a history of more than 2,000 years. Guining initially referred to men and women, and later referred to married women returning to their mother's house. In ancient times, it was a very important thing for married women to return to their mother's home, and in the patriarchal society,

Women are subordinate, not as they are today whenever they want to go back to their mother's house, and they are free to come and go. Therefore, a series of taboos have arisen around "returning to the mother's home", which days are allowed to return to the mother's home, which days are not allowed to return to the mother's home, and there are rules and regulations in the folk. Shanxi customs are the same or similar to other places in the Yellow River Basin, Chinese New Year's Eve and the first day of the first lunar month do not allow women to return to their mother's home. Chinese New Year's Eve to sacrifice the god of the stove, many places popular "female do not sacrifice stove" customs, more taboo women back to the mother's home to sacrifice the stove; folk sayings called "marry out of the girl, splash out of the water", the woman after marriage will become the husband's family, the New Year's Day family reunion, the fifteenth Lantern Festival ushered in the first full moon of the year, in these important days the woman can not return to the mother's home. In order to take care of the reunion and festivals of the relatives, the custom of returning to the mother's house on the second day of the first month of the first month and the sixteenth day of the first month has arisen. In many places in southeastern and southern Jinnan, there is a popular saying that "please (girl) on the sixteenth day of the first month, send it on the second day of February, and never get sick for a lifetime". Jinnan has long been popular "June 6, take the wheat strike" custom, the sixth month of the lunar calendar is the wheat harvest season, women from every household use new wheat to make steamed buns sent back to their mother's home, visit their parents and report the harvest to the mother's family, called "try new wheat". On that day, the countryside is full of scenes of women rushing to the road with their children and daughters on their shoulders. Jinnan is popular for a kind of extra-large barley bun, about 60 cm in diameter, on the shoulder back, magnificent.

Usually within three days of marriage, the bride and groom have to return to visit the second elder, but they must return to their husband's house before sunset that night, because the new marriage cannot empty the new house. The second day of the modern Shanxi folk popular marriage is the day of returning to the door, and the town also has to be celebrated by the mother's family. When the bride returns to the door, she must follow the path of welcoming her relatives, the so-called "three days do not take two roads." Generally, after a month of marriage, in-laws can communicate freely. When returning to the door, the bride can stay at her mother's house. The number of days to live is quite exquisite, and some areas have the custom of "going for a few days and staying for a few days". As the saying goes: "eight to eight, two hairs", "nine to nine, two ends to have". That is to say, those who return to Ning on the eighth day of the first month can live in their mother's house for eight days, and those who return to Ning on the ninth day of the first month can live in their mother's house for nine days. In this way, the most time is spent in pairs of months. There is also a saying that it is forbidden to live for eight days, so-called: "Live in seven and do not live in eight, live in eight poor women's homes." "The formation of these taboos is generally that it is not appropriate for a married girl to live in her mother's home, which has emotional restrictions, moral constraints, economic pressure and production needs.