
At the age of 56, his early-stage lung cancer recurred more than a year after surgery, and he underwent a second operation and four rounds of chemotherapy after surgery

author:Lao Li popular science talk

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Lao Li is a retired high school teacher, who has always been in good health and has a regular life, he walks in the community every morning to breathe fresh air; In the afternoon, he likes to get together with three or five friends, play chess and chat, and live a comfortable and fulfilling life, but during the physical examination last year, the doctor found a small nodule in his lungs, at first Lao Li didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that it might be just ordinary inflammation, but as time went by, he began to feel chest tightness, cough, and sometimes cough up blood.

At the age of 56, his early-stage lung cancer recurred more than a year after surgery, and he underwent a second operation and four rounds of chemotherapy after surgery

At the urging of his family, Lao Li came to the hospital for examination, the doctor carefully inquired about his medical history and symptoms, and arranged a series of examinations, including CT, tumor markers, etc., when the results came out, the doctor called Lao Li to the office, and said seriously: "Mr. Li, you have a lump in your lungs, the preliminary judgment is early lung cancer, but don't worry too much, it's not too late to find out, we can remove the tumor through surgery, your prognosis is still very good." "

This news was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue, Lao Li fell into panic and despair for a while, he couldn't believe that his always healthy body had such a problem, he asked the doctor: "I don't usually smoke or drink, how can I get lung cancer?"

At the age of 56, his early-stage lung cancer recurred more than a year after surgery, and he underwent a second operation and four rounds of chemotherapy after surgery

Is it a misdiagnosis?" The doctor explained that the causes of lung cancer are complex, in addition to smoking, there are genetics, environmental pollution, occupational exposure and other factors, and the incidence of cancer will also increase with age.

Lao Li accepted the doctor's suggestion and underwent surgery to remove the tumor, the operation was very successful, the doctor told him that the removed lump was still very small, did not invade the surrounding tissues, and there was no lymph node metastasis, Lao Li felt very relieved, felt that he had finally overcome the disease, and during the postoperative recovery, he was in a happy mood, reading books and listening to music in the ward every day, and feeling the beauty of life.

At the age of 56, his early-stage lung cancer recurred more than a year after surgery, and he underwent a second operation and four rounds of chemotherapy after surgery

But fate made people, more than a year after the operation, Lao Li's cancer recurred, he felt fatigue, loss of appetite, coughing more frequently than before, the results of the re-examination were shocking, the tumor has metastasized to the lymph nodes, and the volume is larger than before, the doctor told Lao Li that the situation is more serious, and a second operation and chemotherapy are needed as soon as possible.

In the face of this blow, Lao Li did not give up, he underwent surgery again, and cooperated with the doctor to carry out four chemotherapy treatments, the process of chemotherapy was very painful, Lao Li's body deteriorated, hair fell out, loss of appetite, vomiting continued, he often felt exhausted, and even had the idea of giving up treatment.

At the age of 56, his early-stage lung cancer recurred more than a year after surgery, and he underwent a second operation and four rounds of chemotherapy after surgery

But his family has always been by his side to encourage him, support him, and give him unlimited strength, Lao Li thought that he still had a lot of unfulfilled dreams, and he had to watch his grandson grow up, he gritted his teeth and persevered, because he knew that only by completing the treatment could he hope to completely defeat the disease.

After several months of treatment, Lao Li's health finally improved, and the re-examination showed that the tumor had shrunk a lot, and the lymph node metastasis was also controlled.

At the age of 56, his early-stage lung cancer recurred more than a year after surgery, and he underwent a second operation and four rounds of chemotherapy after surgery

Lung cancer is a very serious disease, with morbidity and mortality among the top malignant tumors, but it is gratifying that the progress of medicine has brought more treatment opportunities for lung cancer patients, and if it can be detected and treated early, the 5-year survival rate of lung cancer can reach more than 70%.

Therefore, I call on everyone to pay attention to physical health, regular physical examination, if any abnormal situation is found, to seek medical attention in time, do not have a fluke mentality, at the same time we must also develop healthy living habits, quit smoking and limit alcohol, reasonable diet, moderate exercise, improve their own resistance, environmental protection is also very important, to reduce air pollution, to create a green and healthy living environment.

At the age of 56, his early-stage lung cancer recurred more than a year after surgery, and he underwent a second operation and four rounds of chemotherapy after surgery

For patients who have been diagnosed with lung cancer, I would like to say don't lose confidence and courage, modern medicine is developing rapidly, and new treatments are constantly emerging, such as immunotherapy, targeted therapy, etc., bringing more choices to patients.

And the mentality is also very important, to face the disease with an optimistic and positive attitude, cooperate with the doctor's treatment, believe that you will be able to overcome the disease, the support of family and friends is also indispensable, you must learn to communicate with them, accept their love and help.

At the age of 56, his early-stage lung cancer recurred more than a year after surgery, and he underwent a second operation and four rounds of chemotherapy after surgery

Lao Li's experience allows us to see the tenacity and tenacity of life, despite the torture of illness, he did not give up, but bravely fought against the disease, this spirit is worth learning from each of us, and his story also reminds us that health is the most precious wealth in life, we must cherish it and always be vigilant.

Life is fragile, but also strong, as long as we have hope, the courage to fight, there is no difficulty is invincible, let us work hand in hand, together to protect health, create a better future, I believe that one day, cancer will be completely overcome, human beings will usher in a brighter, healthier tomorrow.

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