
Miscellaneous sea cucumber [Hunan vegetable]

author:Good recipes

【Recipe name】



Hunan cuisine

【Recipe Effect】

Deficiency nourishment conditioning Qi and blood double supplementation malnutrition conditioning

【Production Materials】

Ingredients: (500 g) (fat and lean) (200 g)

Excipients: (180 g) (50 g) (50 g) mushroom (50 g) (50 g) Ferns (100 g) Starch (broad beans) (20 g)

Seasoning: Rice wine (25 g) Salt (10 g) Monosodium glutamate (2 g) Pepper (1 g) Spring onion (10 g) Chicken fat (10 g) Lard (refined) (30 g)

【Production process】

1. Remove the peritoneum, diagonally slice into 4 cm long and 3 cm wide slices, boil in a pot of cold water and soak in boiling water;

2. ,, mushrooms, are cut into thin slices;

3. Put the slices, slices, mushroom slices and slices into a bowl and add 100 ml of chicken broth, steam for 10 minutes and remove;

4. Wash and blanch and soak in cold water;

5. Cut the green onion into 2 cm segments;

6. Peel and de-ribbed, pound and chop into a fine mushroom, add fine salt, pieces (about 60 grams), wet starch 30 grams, stir into filling;

7. Beat 2 (about 120g) and add fine salt and wet starch to stir well, and hang into a small round egg skin;

8. Fill the egg skin with minced meat and fold it with chopsticks to form a roasted wheat shape;

9. Put the prepared roasted wheat into the oiled dish;

10. Squeeze the remaining minced meat into 2 cm straight meatballs;

11. Steam the meatballs together with the roasted wheat;

12. Bring to a boil in the wok with mixed bone broth, rice wine and salt, put the ginseng into the pot and drain;

13. Put the drained thorns into the steamed roast wheat and meatballs together in the soup bowl, sprinkle with pepper and green onion;

14. In a wok, add 650ml of chicken broth, herbs, salt, monosodium glutamate, bring to a boil, skim off the foam, pour into a soup bowl filled with ginseng, drizzle with chicken fat and serve.

【Process Tips】

Water ginseng: boil the dry ginseng in a cold water pot and then leave the fire; cover and soak in hot water for 2 hours, fish into a wooden basin filled with water, rub the smoke sand with chaff shell or straw to wash it, change the water to boil one by one after the abdominal incision, soak for several hours, take out the internal organs from the incision, then change the water to boil, continue to bubble for several hours, the ginseng is soft and elastic. Among them, the old one should be selected and cooked more than once to make it grow.

【Taste of dishes】

Taste: Salty and umami

Rich ingredients, a variety of flavors, after braising, soft and refreshing, delicious and pleasant.

【Recipe Nutrition】

: Low cholesterol content, relatively small fat content, for hypertension, coronary heart disease, hepatitis and other patients and the elderly can be called a good food therapy, regular food is very beneficial to the treatment of diseases and body. Contains chondroitin sulfate, which helps the growth and development of the human body, can delay muscle aging, and enhance the body's immunity. The content of vanadium, a trace element, ranks first in various foods, and can participate in the transport of iron in the blood and enhance hematopoietic function. Recently, American researchers extracted a special substance - toxin, which can effectively inhibit the growth and metastasis of a variety of molds and some human cancer cells. Consumption has a good effect on aplastic anemia, diabetes, stomach ulcers, etc. Warm, sweet and salty, it has the effects of nourishing yin and tonifying kidneys, aphrodisiac and refining, nourishing the heart and moisturizing, replenishing blood, and treating ulcers.

(Fat and lean): rich in high-quality protein and essential fatty acids, and provides heme (organic iron) and cysteine that promotes iron absorption, which can improve iron deficiency anemia; it has the effect of nourishing the kidneys and nourishing the blood, nourishing the yin and moisturizing; but due to the high cholesterol content, obese people and those with high blood lipids should not eat more.

: Rich in protein, fat, vitamins and iron, calcium, potassium and other minerals needed by the human body, its protein is the best protein in nature, has a repair effect on liver tissue damage; at the same time rich in DHA and lecithin, lecithin, beneficial to the nervous system and body development, can be healthy brain nootropics, improve memory, and promote liver cell regeneration; contains more vitamin B and other trace elements, can decompose and oxidize carcinogens in the human body, has an anti-cancer effect; sweet taste, sexual peace; has a calming mind, Blood tonic, nourishing yin and moisturizing effect.

: Tender meat, delicious taste, high protein content, and easy to be absorbed and utilized by the human body, has the effect of enhancing physical strength and strengthening the body, containing phospholipids that play an important role in human growth and development, and are one of the important sources of fat and phospholipids in the dietary structure of Chinese. And the whole body of the chicken is a medicine, which is beneficial to the five organs, replenishes the weakness, repairs the deficiency and strengthens the stomach, strengthens the bones, activates the blood circulation, regulates menstruation, stops the vaginal discharge and so on. It is used for fatigue and thinness, lack of food in the middle, diarrhea, dizziness and palpitations, menstrual irregularities, postpartum milk, thirst, edema, frequent urination, sperm, deafness and tinnitus and other evidence. It can be eaten by the general population, and it is more suitable for the elderly, the sick, and the infirm.

: Bright color, red and white, salty and sweet, fat meat is fragrant but not greasy, delicious and delicious, all kinds of nutrients are easily absorbed by the human body, with stomach nourishment, kidney and aphrodisiac, bone marrow, foot strength, healing mouth and other effects.

Mushroom: rich in trace element selenium mushroom is a good selenium supplement food, after drinking mushroom soup for a few hours, the amount of selenium in the blood and the amount of hemoglobin will increase, and the activity of glutathione peroxidase in the blood will be significantly enhanced, it can prevent peroxide damage to the body, reduce the increase in blood pressure and blood viscosity caused by selenium deficiency, regulate the work of the thyroid gland, improve immunity; mushrooms contain a variety of antiviral components, these ingredients have a good effect on the adjuvant treatment of diseases caused by viruses Mushroom is a better slimming and beauty food. It contains a large number of plant fibers, has the effect of preventing constipation, preventing constipation, promoting detoxification, preventing diabetes and cancer, reducing cholesterol content, and it is a low-calorie food, which can prevent obesity. Chinese medicine theory believes that its sweet taste is flat, and it has the effects of intestinal benefit, blood heat dissipation, dissociative phlegm, and rational qi.

: It is a delicious food with rich nutritional value and medicinal function, which is tender and fresh, crisp and refreshing, contains protein and a variety of amino acids, vitamins, as well as trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and rich in fiber. It can promote intestinal peristalsis, which not only helps digestion, but also prevents the occurrence of constipation and colon cancer. It is a high-protein, low-starch food, which has a certain therapeutic effect on patients with obesity, coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and arteriosclerosis. It contains polysaccharide substances, but also has a certain anti-cancer effect. However, it contains more calcium oxalate, and children, people with urethral stones and nephritis should not eat more.

Starch (broad beans): broad beans are rich in calcium, zinc, manganese, phospholipids, etc., which are important components of the brain and nerve tissue, and are rich in choline, which has the effect of increasing memory and brain health. For workers who are coping with exams or mentally, proper consumption of fava beans may have some effect. The protein in fava beans can delay arteriosclerosis, and the crude fibers in the skin of fava beans have the effect of reducing bile solidification and promoting intestinal peristalsis. At the same time, fava beans are also one of the anti-cancer foods, which have a certain effect on the prevention of bowel cancer.

【Recipe phase gram】

: Do not eat with licorice and vinegar.

(Fat and lean): it should not be eaten with ume, licorice, shrimp, pigeon meat、、、、 lamb liver, coriander, diamond horn, buckwheat, quail meat, and food. It is not advisable to drink a lot of tea after eating.

: Should not be boiled with sugar, poisoned with saccharin and food, damage to the spleen and stomach with food, diarrhea caused by eating with persimmons, and should not be eaten with 、、、 tea.

: Do not eat with pheasants、、、、、、 plums, shrimp, chrysanthemums, onions and garlic;

Eating with chrysanthemums is easy to poison;

Eating with plums and can cause diarrhea;

With the same food on fire.

: Do not eat with lamb liver.

Starch (broad beans): Fava beans should not be eaten with.

【History & Culture】

The "Suiyuan Food List" once said: "Tasteless things, sandy and fishy, the most difficult to please, but the nature is thick, can not be clear soup simmering also." "This dish is based on this principle, using a variety of ingredients and cooking together, to produce a famous dish in Hunan.

【Nutrition Facts】

Calories (2159.43 kcal)

Protein (176.25 g)

Fat (141.39 g)

・Carbohydrate (58.80 g)

Dietary fiber (10.96 g)

Vitamin A (692.90 mcg)

Vegetarian (1084.60 mcg)

Thiamine (1.10 mg)

Riboflavin (1.28 mg)

Niacin (38.80 mg)

Vitamin C (46.60 mg)

Vitamin E (1531.60 mg)

Calcium (1764.17 mg)

Phosphorus (1745.95 mg)

Sodium (7573.93 mg)

Magnesium (925.77 mg)

Iron (88.10 mg)

Zinc (16.89 mg)

Selenium (366.01 mcg)

Copper (3.89 mg)

Manganese (7.50 mg)

Potassium (1450.52 mg)

Iodine (55.16 mcg)

Cholesterol (555.90 mg)

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