
Make garlic moss stir-fried meat shreds, listen to the chef "click" 2 tricks, the meat is smooth and tender, garlic moss emerald green also into the flavor of garlic moss fried meat shreds - Lao Jing said——

author:Foraging in the market
Make garlic moss stir-fried meat shreds, listen to the chef "click" 2 tricks, the meat is smooth and tender, garlic moss emerald green also into the flavor of garlic moss fried meat shreds - Lao Jing said——

In the early summer, when garlic moss is on the market in large quantities, garlic moss is spicy and crisp, suitable for cooking with meat, and stir-fried meat shredded garlic moss is the most common method. Garlic moss stir-fried meat shreds seems to be a simple home cooking, really not everyone can do a good job, fried dish time long meat shredded old, garlic moss yellow, time short garlic moss is not into the taste, meat shredded fishy, in fact, sometimes do a good job of a dish is so bad so a few "key" small tricks, the chef in the restaurant to do this dish is generally handy, casually fried are delicious, is the use of several important steps that we often ignore, simple "click" a little, everyone can make the meat silky tender, Garlic moss is emerald green in color and delicious in flavor, fried shredded garlic moss.

Make garlic moss stir-fried meat shreds, listen to the chef "click" 2 tricks, the meat is smooth and tender, garlic moss emerald green also into the flavor of garlic moss fried meat shreds - Lao Jing said——

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" > stir-fried shredded meat with garlic moss</h1>

Ingredients required: a handful of garlic moss, a piece of tenderloin, a small amount of ginger and dried peppers, light soy sauce, dry starch, pepper, rice wine, salt, chicken essence.

Make garlic moss stir-fried meat shreds, listen to the chef "click" 2 tricks, the meat is smooth and tender, garlic moss emerald green also into the flavor of garlic moss fried meat shreds - Lao Jing said——

1, first process the ingredients, garlic moss washed and cut into sections, tenderloin meat shredded and then scratched and washed in water a few times, to remove part of the fishy smell, pinch dry water for later. Cut the ginger into strips and set aside with dried chili peppers.

Make garlic moss stir-fried meat shreds, listen to the chef "click" 2 tricks, the meat is smooth and tender, garlic moss emerald green also into the flavor of garlic moss fried meat shreds - Lao Jing said——

2: Add 2 spoonfuls of light soy sauce, 1/2 tablespoon of rice wine, pepper, salt and chicken essence to the tenderloin and marinate for 5 minutes.

Make garlic moss stir-fried meat shreds, listen to the chef "click" 2 tricks, the meat is smooth and tender, garlic moss emerald green also into the flavor of garlic moss fried meat shreds - Lao Jing said——

3, marinated shredded meat in a small amount of water many times, constantly grasp well, let the meat absorb the water, until the water in the meat looks saturated, has been crystal clear, some sticky state, add 1 spoonful of dry starch, 1 spoonful of oil to grasp the well set aside.

Make garlic moss stir-fried meat shreds, listen to the chef "click" 2 tricks, the meat is smooth and tender, garlic moss emerald green also into the flavor of garlic moss fried meat shreds - Lao Jing said——

Little trick: shredded meat wants to be juicy, tender and fried, need to add water for curing, many people in the marinade shredded meat, do not know to add water to let the meat absorb, fried shredded meat is naturally dry and woody.

4, the appropriate amount of oil in the pot, after heating, add the marinated meat shreds and fry loosely, you need to add some darker color can add some old soy sauce to color. Stir-fry and set aside.

Make garlic moss stir-fried meat shreds, listen to the chef "click" 2 tricks, the meat is smooth and tender, garlic moss emerald green also into the flavor of garlic moss fried meat shreds - Lao Jing said——

5, put a small amount of oil in the pot again, add ginger shreds and dried peppers and stir-fry, when there is meat, it is best to put some ginger to increase the flavor.

Make garlic moss stir-fried meat shreds, listen to the chef "click" 2 tricks, the meat is smooth and tender, garlic moss emerald green also into the flavor of garlic moss fried meat shreds - Lao Jing said——

6: Stir-fry over medium heat for 1 minute, add about 3 tablespoons of water and salt and continue to stir-fry for 3 minutes on high heat.

Make garlic moss stir-fried meat shreds, listen to the chef "click" 2 tricks, the meat is smooth and tender, garlic moss emerald green also into the flavor of garlic moss fried meat shreds - Lao Jing said——

Little trick: when frying garlic moss, you should also add water, not only to ensure that the color of garlic moss is emerald green, but also to make garlic moss cook faster and easier to taste.

7, finally add the fried shredded meat, high heat and garlic moss together to stir-fry evenly, you can add the right amount of chicken essence for seasoning, a plate of delicious and good-looking garlic moss fried shredded meat will be ready.

Make garlic moss stir-fried meat shreds, listen to the chef "click" 2 tricks, the meat is smooth and tender, garlic moss emerald green also into the flavor of garlic moss fried meat shreds - Lao Jing said——

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" >— said the old well</h1>

When doing many kinds of stir-fry, water is an important "condiment", which can make the meat smooth and tender, the dishes cook faster, the drier ingredients, must not be "dry fried", or put more oil as the restaurant, or add some water to do the "catalyst".

Make garlic moss stir-fried meat shreds, listen to the chef "click" 2 tricks, the meat is smooth and tender, garlic moss emerald green also into the flavor of garlic moss fried meat shreds - Lao Jing said——

In addition, when curing meat, I do not recommend putting cooking wine, now many cooking wine is not brewed with rice wine, adding cooking wine but the fishy taste of meat is greater, or there is a strange taste, you can use rice wine, white wine to replace.

I am a foraging record of the city, and I have been fighting with the world for many years, and I am still glorious and full of interest! Like to focus on eating, drinking and having fun in the city, updating recipes and food anecdotes every day, paying attention to me, enjoying food without getting lost.

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