
The 300,000 bride price was rejected, her boyfriend broke up and married her, and the girl broke down and cried: I just want a look

author:A stumbling block on the road to success

When I was a child, I lived in a small mountain village, and although my family was not wealthy, my parents always tried their best to provide me with the best possible life. My name is Li Juan, I am the only daughter in the family, and I have been pampered since I was a child.

The 300,000 bride price was rejected, her boyfriend broke up and married her, and the girl broke down and cried: I just want a look

Since I was a child, I have been full of yearning for love and looking forward to having a warm family in the future. And when I was in college, I met my first love, his name is Zhang Lei. Zhang Lei is a sunny and handsome big boy, and we have been in love for three years.

The 300,000 bride price was rejected, her boyfriend broke up and married her, and the girl broke down and cried: I just want a look

Until one day, Zhang Lei's family put forward a request for a bride price of 300,000 yuan, and my family's conditions were not easy enough to meet their requirements. I tried my best to persuade Zhang Lei, hoping that he would understand our family's difficulties, but he chose to listen to his family's advice, and finally broke up with me and quickly married another girl.

The 300,000 bride price was rejected, her boyfriend broke up and married her, and the girl broke down and cried: I just want a look

When I learned the news, my heart was extremely painful and lost, and tears flowed uncontrollably. I felt like I had been betrayed, and I couldn't put into words the pain in my heart. I just wanted his attitude, his determination to give up everything for me, but unfortunately I didn't get it.

The 300,000 bride price was rejected, her boyfriend broke up and married her, and the girl broke down and cried: I just want a look

In the days after the breakup, I went through a period of torment and struggle, but slowly, I began to accept this fact and tried to pull myself together. I told myself that I wasn't going to give up on my life because of the end of a relationship, I wanted to live better and prove it to him.

The 300,000 bride price was rejected, her boyfriend broke up and married her, and the girl broke down and cried: I just want a look

Slowly, I rediscovered my purpose and direction, studied hard, and worked hard. Gradually, I forgot about the pain of the past and began to enjoy every beautiful moment in my life. I believe that as long as you work hard, happiness will eventually come.

The 300,000 bride price was rejected, her boyfriend broke up and married her, and the girl broke down and cried: I just want a look

Today, I am a successful working woman with my own career and family. Although the pain of the past is still there, I have learned to face all difficulties and challenges with a strong attitude.

The 300,000 bride price was rejected, her boyfriend broke up and married her, and the girl broke down and cried: I just want a look

I believe that every pain is a growth, and every setback is a grind. There will always be scenery and ups and downs on the road of life, as long as we persist in moving forward and facing bravely, the sunshine of happiness will eventually shine on us.