
Zong Qinghou's cemetery photos were exposed! The environment is simple, cloth shoes and Wahaha are offerings, and the red letters on the tablet steal the spotlight

author:Pomegranate Parmangari

Recently, someone posted the cemetery of Zong Qinghou, the environment of the cemetery and those heartfelt offerings, which once again aroused the public's memories and nostalgia for this ordinary but great person. Under the spring sunshine full of tourists, the name of Mr. Zong Qinghou always floats in the wind by the West Lake.

Zong Qinghou's cemetery photos were exposed! The environment is simple, cloth shoes and Wahaha are offerings, and the red letters on the tablet steal the spotlight

Zong Qinghou is not just an entrepreneur, he is the founder and soul of Wahaha, China's largest beverage manufacturer.

His influence goes far beyond the scope of the enterprise, his values, his concept, his spirit, all deeply affect the whole society. So much so that after his death, countless people expressed their nostalgia and admiration for this great man in their own ways.

Zong Qinghou's cemetery photos were exposed! The environment is simple, cloth shoes and Wahaha are offerings, and the red letters on the tablet steal the spotlight

The simplicity and plainness of his life were just like the cemetery he chose to be buried, without the decoration of a luxurious mausoleum, and the environment was a little shabby.

However, this should be what Zong Qinghou himself has always hoped for, his life is a history with simplicity and frugality as the main line, and his death has not changed this core theme.

Zong Qinghou's cemetery photos were exposed! The environment is simple, cloth shoes and Wahaha are offerings, and the red letters on the tablet steal the spotlight

When people come here, they bring the most simple and representative things of his life, a pair of cloth shoes, and a bottle of Wahaha drink.

These insignificant objects, like his whole life, are simple, unembellished, direct. However, it is these seemingly insignificant things that have built a great life, a great enterprise, and influenced the lives of countless people.

Zong Qinghou's cemetery photos were exposed! The environment is simple, cloth shoes and Wahaha are offerings, and the red letters on the tablet steal the spotlight

Zong Qinghou never brags about himself, preferring to turn his attention to his career and his family. His first wife, Shi Youzhen, has always been his strong backing, and he understands that it is with her support and persistence that he can provide more in his career.

Zong Qinghou's cemetery photos were exposed! The environment is simple, cloth shoes and Wahaha are offerings, and the red letters on the tablet steal the spotlight

Work hard with him and tackle various challenges together. Zong Qinghou's belief in the concept of "establishing people, employing people, developing careers, and serving the society" is admirable and has always inspired his future life journey.

When we came to Zong Qinghou's tomb, we saw not only a wordless cemetery, but also the red letters on the stele.

Zong Qinghou's cemetery photos were exposed! The environment is simple, cloth shoes and Wahaha are offerings, and the red letters on the tablet steal the spotlight
Zong Qinghou's cemetery photos were exposed! The environment is simple, cloth shoes and Wahaha are offerings, and the red letters on the tablet steal the spotlight

They remind us that every great entrepreneur, their history, their success, and their contributions, not only their own, but also the team they lead, the business they build, their families, and their society.

His daughter Zong Fuli, after the death of Empress Zong Qing, bravely took on the heavy responsibility on her shoulders and took over her father's business, bringing Wahaha into a new era.

Zong Fuli inherited her father's spirit of not admitting defeat and daring to innovate, developed more new product lines, and led Wahaha to continue to maintain its leading position in the industry.

Zong Qinghou's cemetery photos were exposed! The environment is simple, cloth shoes and Wahaha are offerings, and the red letters on the tablet steal the spotlight
Zong Qinghou's cemetery photos were exposed! The environment is simple, cloth shoes and Wahaha are offerings, and the red letters on the tablet steal the spotlight

In general, Zong Qinghou's life is full of inspiration and inspiration. With his way of life, his career, his spirit, his values, and his steadfastness and perseverance, he shows how a great entrepreneur is formed. The simplicity of his life, his sobriety, and his contribution to society have made us remember him for a long time.

Zong Qinghou's cemetery photos were exposed! The environment is simple, cloth shoes and Wahaha are offerings, and the red letters on the tablet steal the spotlight

Although he has left us, his influence and teachings have always deeply influenced us and become the driving force and direction of our actions. His life and career are like the wind in the West Lake in spring, although his body is gone, his spirit is not only drifting with the wind, but also deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone who knows him.

Zong Qinghou's cemetery photos were exposed! The environment is simple, cloth shoes and Wahaha are offerings, and the red letters on the tablet steal the spotlight

Today, when we stand in front of his grave, or when we drink a bottle of Wahaha drink, we are not only mourning him, but also praising his life and career.

Zong Qinghou's cemetery photos were exposed! The environment is simple, cloth shoes and Wahaha are offerings, and the red letters on the tablet steal the spotlight

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