
42-year-old Selina is addicted to taking a baby! said that she didn't want to work after becoming a mother, and she gave birth only 7 months ago

author:Chic and flowing like water

Selina is 42 years old and addicted to a baby, a new focus in the entertainment industry!

42-year-old Selina is addicted to taking a baby! said that she didn't want to work after becoming a mother, and she gave birth only 7 months ago

【Introduction】 In the entertainment industry, the lives of celebrities are always enviable and curious. This time, though, our focus isn't on a new relationship with a celebrity or a gossip bomb. It's a 42-year-old super mom, you heard it right, it's the former member of S.H.E., Selina! Imagine a popular actress actually saying that she is addicted, not that she is addicted to shopping, parties or new hairstyles, but that she is addicted to bringing babies!

42-year-old Selina is addicted to taking a baby! said that she didn't want to work after becoming a mother, and she gave birth only 7 months ago

Mom also has times when she is addicted?

42-year-old Selina is addicted to taking a baby! said that she didn't want to work after becoming a mother, and she gave birth only 7 months ago

Yes, that's right, Selina recently made a bold statement in an interview with the media, saying that she is addicted to being a mother! How many people were shocked?! Is this the Selina we are familiar with?! The goddess who used to be on the stage is now conquered by the magic of parenting?!

42-year-old Selina is addicted to taking a baby! said that she didn't want to work after becoming a mother, and she gave birth only 7 months ago

The story behind it

42-year-old Selina is addicted to taking a baby! said that she didn't want to work after becoming a mother, and she gave birth only 7 months ago

So, what made this 42-year-old mother choose to set foot in the world of parenting after leaving behind her busy work and chasing the glamorous stage? It is said that after becoming a mother, Selina seems to have lost her enthusiasm for work, and she prefers to devote her time and energy to her children. It seems that this goddess-level mother does not resist this "addiction to bringing a baby" at all!

42-year-old Selina is addicted to taking a baby! said that she didn't want to work after becoming a mother, and she gave birth only 7 months ago

Behind Selina's "Baby-Bringing Addiction".

42-year-old Selina is addicted to taking a baby! said that she didn't want to work after becoming a mother, and she gave birth only 7 months ago

Some people say that Selina's approach may be pursuing a more ordinary and happy life, away from the hustle and bustle under the spotlight, and choosing to enjoy warm parent-child time with her children. And for her, this may be where the real happiness lies. No wonder, she would rather choose to be a stay-at-home mom than choose to chase fame and fortune at the peak of her career. Life is diverse, and everyone has the right to choose their own lifestyle.

42-year-old Selina is addicted to taking a baby! said that she didn't want to work after becoming a mother, and she gave birth only 7 months ago

Conclusion and outlook

42-year-old Selina is addicted to taking a baby! said that she didn't want to work after becoming a mother, and she gave birth only 7 months ago

In my opinion, Selina's choice to become a stay-at-home mom is not a surprise. In this fast-paced society, people often ignore the importance of family, and Selina's choice is undoubtedly the best interpretation of family values. I believe that with the passage of time, more people will realize the importance of family for a happy life, and no longer blindly chase fame and fortune. In the future, I look forward to more celebrities being able to bravely choose the lifestyle they really want like Selina, instead of being swayed by the eyes of the outside world. After all, true happiness is the ultimate pursuit.

42-year-old Selina is addicted to taking a baby! said that she didn't want to work after becoming a mother, and she gave birth only 7 months ago

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