
The old man who was abandoned by his children cried in front of his parents' graves, and his filial piety was lost, whose fault was it?

author:The Knights of Brass
The old man who was abandoned by his children cried in front of his parents' graves, and his filial piety was lost, whose fault was it?


In this warm spring day when everything is recovering, the video of an old man in Shaanxi Province crying in front of the grave has spread all over the Internet, stirring up thousands of waves in every corner of society.

This gray-haired, sallow-faced old man, who had been kicked out of his home by his children to scavenge for a living, returned to his homeland with the help of well-wishers, knelt in front of his parents' graves, and cried about what had happened to him.

This scene is distressing and even more thought-provoking - who is to blame for the loss of filial piety?

1. The abandonment of the elderly by children is contrary to morality and law

It is really chilling that their parents worked hard to raise them, but in exchange for such unbearable treatment.

Perhaps, they have all kinds of excuses: stressful life, busy work, and disagreement with the elderly.

As the saying goes, "Every family has a scripture that is difficult to read." "There may be complex reasons for their family, but none of them can be a reason for them to avoid responsibility.

Filial piety is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and it is also an obligation stipulated in the law.

No matter how difficult life is, it cannot be an excuse to abandon the elderly.

As children, we should always remember the kindness of our parents and repay their nurturing kindness with practical actions.

The old man who was abandoned by his children cried in front of his parents' graves, and his filial piety was lost, whose fault was it?

Second, the society's concern and protection for the elderly also need to be strengthened

In modern society, with the acceleration of the pace of life, people often ignore the existence and needs of the elderly.

Many communities lack age-friendly spaces and services, leading them to feel lonely and helpless.

In addition, the law does not punish the elderly enough, which also makes some unfilial children feel lucky.

Therefore, the society should strengthen the attention and protection of the elderly, establish a sound pension service system, so that every elderly person can enjoy the due respect and care.

Third, we should also reflect on the values of society as a whole

In this materialistic era, people tend to pursue material interests too much, and utilitarianism, money supremacy, hedonism and other ideas are rampant, but ignore the pursuit of the purest spiritual level.

This has led to a lack of indifference to traditional virtues such as family values and filial piety.

Therefore, we should strengthen moral education, guide people to establish correct values, and make respecting the elderly, loving the young, and honoring parents become everyone's conscious actions.

For the elderly themselves, they should also actively adjust their mentality and bravely face the difficulties of life.

Although being abandoned by their children is a huge blow, the elderly cannot let it sink. They should learn to rely on themselves and find joy and value in life. You can also actively seek help and support from the community, connect with other elderly people, and get through the difficulties together.

The old man who was abandoned by his children cried in front of his parents' graves, and his filial piety was lost, whose fault was it?


In this incident, we see a painful social phenomenon: the loss of filial piety.

However, that doesn't mean we can't change. As long as each of us can start from ourselves and practice the spirit of filial piety with practical actions, as long as the society can strengthen the attention and protection of the elderly, and as long as we can jointly create a good atmosphere of respecting the old and loving the young and honoring our parents, then the phenomenon of filial piety will be changed.

What happened to the old scavenger deeply saddened us, but it also showed us the possibility of change.

Let us take him as a lesson and remind ourselves not to let the tragedy of filial piety happen again.

Let us work together to ensure that the virtues of respecting the elderly, loving the young, and honoring parents are passed on in our society.