
Once for half an hour, a 33-year-old woman was hospitalized with anal fissure, and the doctor reminded: it is best not to exceed 10 minutes at a time

author:Sharp eyes on the world

"Hey, you know what? I read a long report in the bathroom today!" Zhang Lin (pseudonym) excitedly shared to Xiao Zhao next to him, his face full of satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment.

Xiao Zhao looked worried, and replied, "Sister Lin, you have to take it easy with your hobby." Two days ago, I saw a news story about a female white-collar worker who had an anal fissure and was admitted to the hospital because she had to spend half an hour every time she went to the toilet. ”

Once for half an hour, a 33-year-old woman was hospitalized with anal fissure, and the doctor reminded: it is best not to exceed 10 minutes at a time

"What, you can get sick when you go to the toilet?" Xiao Chen, a new recruit, widened his eyes with an incredulous expression. "No, no! I sometimes look at my phone and forget the time, so I have to be careful. ”

"What the hell is anal fissure, is it that serious?" asked Xiao Wang from the technical department, obviously unfamiliar with this medical term. In the face of everyone's doubts and surprises, Zhang Lin (pseudonym) also seemed a little shaken: "Is it really fake?

01. Causes and hazards of anal fissures

The invisible killer of "half-hour toilet time": Anal fissure is a dehiscence disease that occurs in the skin or mucous membranes around the anus.

Once for half an hour, a 33-year-old woman was hospitalized with anal fissure, and the doctor reminded: it is best not to exceed 10 minutes at a time

Prolonged toilet use, especially accompanied by straining to defecate, is the "invisible killer" that promotes anal fissures. When we spend a long "reading time" or "screen swiping moment" on the toilet, the pressure on the lower rectum and anal canal continues to accumulate, and the anal sphincter is forced to tense for a long time.

Over time, the anal skin and mucous membrane gradually lose their elasticity and become fragile under repeated friction and high pressure.

The chain reaction behind the "dull pain": patients with anal fissures often have constipation problems. Fearing severe pain during bowel movements, they may choose to suppress the urge to defecate and reduce the frequency of bowel movements, which can further aggravate constipation.

Once for half an hour, a 33-year-old woman was hospitalized with anal fissure, and the doctor reminded: it is best not to exceed 10 minutes at a time

The induration of the stool stays in the intestine for too long, the water is overabsorbed, it becomes drier and harder, the pressure on the anus is greater when the defecation is repeated, and the tear is repeatedly damaged and not easy to heal, forming a vicious circle of "constipation-anal fissure-constipation aggravation".

Local infection and complications: The anal fissure is directly contaminated with feces, which is very prone to infection, resulting in local redness, swelling, increased pain, and even the formation of a perianal abscess.

If left untreated, the infection may spread deep along the anal canal, resulting in a complex anal fistula that requires surgical intervention. In addition, patients with chronic anal fissure may also have complications such as anal papillitis and anal sinusitis, which seriously affects the quality of life.

Once for half an hour, a 33-year-old woman was hospitalized with anal fissure, and the doctor reminded: it is best not to exceed 10 minutes at a time

Psychological stress and decreased quality of life: Patients who suffer from anal fissures for a long time often have psychological problems such as anxiety and depression. They are afraid of defecation, worry about recurrence of pain, and even avoid social activities in daily life, which seriously affects interpersonal relationships and work efficiency.

02. Healthy strategies to prevent anal fissures

The "short time and high efficiency" toilet rule: each toilet time should be controlled within 10 minutes. This means that we need to revisit and adjust our toilet habits, moving prolonged toilet behaviors such as reading and playing with mobile phones to other periods. In the bathroom, focus on the core task of defecation, avoid distractions, and strive to be "short and efficient".

Once for half an hour, a 33-year-old woman was hospitalized with anal fissure, and the doctor reminded: it is best not to exceed 10 minutes at a time

"Fiber Alliance" helps intestinal smoothness: Dietary fiber is known as the "scavenger" of the intestines and is an indispensable nutrient for the prevention of anal fissure. Increasing the intake of fiber-rich foods can increase stool volume, soften stool texture, make the bowel movement process smoother, and reduce pressure on the anus.

"Be active, healthier": Avoid sitting for long periods of time and get up and move regularly is an important part of preventing anal fissures. For professionals who work at the desk for a long time, doing office stretching exercises or taking a walk during the lunch break can effectively promote intestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation.

Once for half an hour, a 33-year-old woman was hospitalized with anal fissure, and the doctor reminded: it is best not to exceed 10 minutes at a time

In the face of anal fissures, a seemingly inconspicuous but far-reaching health problem, we should be warned: every time we ignore the warnings from the gut, we may set the stage for future suffering. Health is not out of reach, it's in every wise choice, in every positive change.

Note: The content in the article is for reference only Some of the pictures are from the network and the infringement contact is deleted

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