
CCTV authoritative document: The principle of compensatory leave is the minimum intervention, so that the welfare of workers can be upgraded!

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Holiday compensation has always been a hot topic of concern for employees and employers. Recently, CCTV issued a statement on this issue, emphasizing the concept of "the principle of compensatory leave is the minimum intervention", which has triggered widespread discussion in the society.

CCTV authoritative document: The principle of compensatory leave is the minimum intervention, so that the welfare of workers can be upgraded!

As an important statement by authoritative media, it undoubtedly conveys the mainstream orientation. In this regard, the response from all walks of life has been enthusiastic, with some agreeing and others putting forward different views and demands.

CCTV authoritative document: The principle of compensatory leave is the minimum intervention, so that the welfare of workers can be upgraded!

Proponents believe that this concept is conducive to protecting the rights and interests of workers and avoiding the abuse of compensatory leave;

CCTV authoritative document: The principle of compensatory leave is the minimum intervention, so that the welfare of workers can be upgraded!

It is true that no stakeholder wants to see its rights and interests suffered. The purpose of compensatory leave is to give workers appropriate compensation and adjust the work-life balance, but if it is not operated properly, it is easy to degenerate into the formalism of "vacation". This not only increases the actual burden on workers, but also runs counter to the original intention of the compensatory leave policy.

CCTV authoritative document: The principle of compensatory leave is the minimum intervention, so that the welfare of workers can be upgraded!

Therefore, the concept of "minimal intervention" is of practical significance. It helps to reduce unnecessary compensatory time off and ensure that workers are well rested. At the same time, it can also effectively curb the illegal behavior of some employers deliberately "compensating leave", and further consolidate the protection of workers' rights and interests.

CCTV authoritative document: The principle of compensatory leave is the minimum intervention, so that the welfare of workers can be upgraded!

However, we must also be soberly aware that there is still a big gap in the protection of workers' rights and interests, which needs to be further improved. For example, paid annual leave, two-day off system, and reasonable working hours are all practical problems that need to be solved urgently.

CCTV authoritative document: The principle of compensatory leave is the minimum intervention, so that the welfare of workers can be upgraded!

Taking paid annual leave as an example, the national law has long been clearly stipulated, but in practice, most workers are still unable to enjoy this benefit. The reasons for this are not only the employer's violations, but also the lack of supervision and law enforcement.

CCTV authoritative document: The principle of compensatory leave is the minimum intervention, so that the welfare of workers can be upgraded!

Similar situations are not uncommon in labor systems such as weekends and overtime pay. This not only seriously affects the physical and mental health of workers, but also exacerbates the phenomenon of injustice and has a negative impact on the harmonious development of the whole society.

CCTV authoritative document: The principle of compensatory leave is the minimum intervention, so that the welfare of workers can be upgraded!

Therefore, the concept of "minimal intervention" is far from enough, and we urgently need to further strengthen the top-level design of the protection of workers' rights and interests.

CCTV authoritative document: The principle of compensatory leave is the minimum intervention, so that the welfare of workers can be upgraded!

First, improve relevant laws and regulations, and make clearer and more specific norms for the labor system. There should be practical operational guidelines for details such as paid annual leave, working hour standards, and overtime pay.

Second, efforts should be made to strengthen law enforcement and supervision, and establish corresponding complaint channels and punishment mechanisms, and urge employers to effectively implement various systems.

Third, it is necessary to intensify propaganda and education to raise the awareness of labor security in the whole society. On the one hand, employers should be guided to attach importance to and protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees, and on the other hand, employees themselves should understand their rights and obligations and have the courage to advocate and defend their rights.

Fourth, we should rationally distribute the responsibilities and obligations of the government, employers and workers, and build a multi-faceted mechanism to protect the rights and interests of employees. Let the government, units and individuals form a joint force to work together to protect the rights and interests of workers.

CCTV authoritative document: The principle of compensatory leave is the minimum intervention, so that the welfare of workers can be upgraded!

In short, although the concept of "minimal intervention" is a good start, it still needs a deepening reform at the institutional level to truly realize the comprehensive protection of workers' rights and interests.

CCTV authoritative document: The principle of compensatory leave is the minimum intervention, so that the welfare of workers can be upgraded!

We should further improve laws and regulations, strengthen law enforcement and supervision, raise the awareness of the whole people, and build a multi-party joint security system. Only in this way can the rights and interests of the broad masses of workers be truly fully realized and fundamentally guaranteed, and social fairness and justice can continue to move forward.

CCTV authoritative document: The principle of compensatory leave is the minimum intervention, so that the welfare of workers can be upgraded!