
The second uncle didn't look at his grandmother for five years, and the second uncle didn't come when his grandmother died, and the aunt hated it so much

author:Aobo talks about sports

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The second uncle didn't look at his grandmother for five years, and the second uncle didn't come when his grandmother died, and the aunt hated it so much

I'm Li Xiaoqin, and my family lives in a small village. My family is a typical rural Chinese family, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and me, these are our family members. Although there are not many of us, our feelings are intricate.

My grandfather was one of the village chiefs and therefore had a high status in the village. Grandpa was an amiable old man, he was always smiling and very kind to the people in the village. My grandmother, on the other hand, is a typical Chinese rural woman, hardworking and simple, and she always pays silently for the sake of a better life for the family. Although she is not good at words, her actions have touched every member of our family.

My aunt is my dad's older sister, she has a bold personality, always goes straight and doesn't beat around the bush. She married in a small town not far from the village and rarely returned home after her marriage. My aunt and her husband run a small shop, and although the business is not very good, it can be regarded as a well-off family.

The second uncle is our brother-in-law, he used to be an out-and-out troubled young man, who was idle all day long and did not do his job. However, five years ago, an accident changed the course of his life, and since then he has become reticent and rarely communicates with his family. It is said that the accident was caused by an accident when he was doing business outside, and although he was out of danger, it also left a shadow on him for the rest of his life.

The second uncle didn't look at his grandmother for five years, and the second uncle didn't come when his grandmother died, and the aunt hated it so much

In the past five years, the second uncle has never returned home, and he has not even come back for the funeral of his grandparents. This made the aunt very annoyed, she felt that this was a kind of irresponsibility to the family and unfilial piety to the grandparents. Therefore, her attitude towards her second uncle is getting worse and worse, and she is full of anger every time she mentions him.

The second uncle didn't look at his grandmother for five years, and the second uncle didn't come when his grandmother died, and the aunt hated it so much

At a time when the family relationship was complicated, my grandmother suddenly fell ill because of her old age and frailty. She lay in bed, listless all day, and even drinking water became a difficult task. Grandpa was anxious and busy all day long, but Grandma's condition was getting worse day by day.

At this time, the aunt received a call from the village, learned that the grandmother was seriously ill, and immediately returned home. When she saw her grandmother's condition, she couldn't stop crying, and she regretted that she hadn't been filial enough over the years to spend more time with her grandmother. The aunt began to take care of her grandmother herself, feeding her every morning and evening, changing her dressings, and trying her best to make up for the debts she had over the years.

Grandpa was also very anxious, he kept walking around his grandmother's side, at a loss. He knew that he had a deep relationship with his grandmother, and no matter how difficult it was, he was reluctant to leave her. However, in the face of the reality of his grandmother's deteriorating condition, he was helpless, and his heart was full of helplessness and anxiety.

But the second uncle still stayed out of the matter, without the slightest movement. In the eyes of his aunt and grandfather, he was like a person who had completely disappeared, and he could no longer be found. His absence has made the already incomplete family even more fragile, as if it could be torn apart at any moment.

In this family full of contradictions and entanglements, I am a bystander, although I have no power to change anything, but I can deeply feel the inner struggle and pain of each family member. I hope that through my own strength, I can rejuvenate and revitalize this family, so that everyone can find their own happiness.

Grandma's condition deteriorated day by day, and the whole family fell into a heavy atmosphere. My grandfather was anxious, my aunt was anxious, and I was at a loss. Every day, I could hear my aunt and my grandfather discussing some ways to treat my grandmother, and sometimes the two of them would disagree over the choice of treatment, but in the end, they were always able to sit down and discuss and make the best decision for my grandmother.

And the second uncle, he was like a stranger, and there was no news from him. The aunt's attitude towards him also became even colder, and she did not even mention his name when she was at home, as if he had never existed.

"Dad, grandma's condition is getting worse and worse, we have to find a way to do it quickly. The aunt said anxiously to her grandfather.

The second uncle didn't look at his grandmother for five years, and the second uncle didn't come when his grandmother died, and the aunt hated it so much

Grandpa frowned, he sighed deeply, and said, "I know too, but in this situation, that's all we can do." ”

"I'm going to find a good doctor tomorrow and ask again. The aunt said, with a determined glint in her eyes.

The second uncle didn't look at his grandmother for five years, and the second uncle didn't come when his grandmother died, and the aunt hated it so much

I stood silently and watched their conversation, and I couldn't help but feel a little moved in my heart. Despite the conflicts and tribulations in the family, they still did not give up and did their best to save my grandmother, and I felt sincere admiration for the cohesion of the family.

Early the next morning, my aunt left home early to find the old Chinese medicine doctor who was said to be very skilled. My grandfather and I stayed at home and continued to take care of my grandmother.

"Xiaoqin, do you think we're doing the right thing?" Grandpa looked at me worriedly, his voice revealing a hint of helplessness.

I walked up to my grandfather, patted him on the shoulder, and comforted, "Grandpa, we all did our best, and grandma knows that we are doing everything we can for her." ”

Grandpa nodded, but the worry in his eyes could not be concealed. "I hope my aunt can find a good doctor who can give my grandmother a hope of treatment. He whispered.

I silently sat on the edge of my grandmother's bed with my grandfather, looking at her haggard face, and my heart was full of helplessness and heartache. Grandma, who was once the center of the family, and whose smile warmed the whole family, is now emaciated by illness, and this change breaks the hearts of all of us.

While we were silently waiting by my grandmother's side, my aunt came back in a hurry. There was a hint of joy on her face, and there seemed to be a glimmer of hope.

"Dad, I found a very famous old Chinese medicine doctor, and he said that he had a way to cure my grandmother's illness. The aunt said excitedly.

Hearing the news, my grandfather and I were pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly asked my aunt about the doctor's situation. My aunt told us in detail that this old Chinese medicine doctor is a well-known local doctor who is good at Chinese medicine treatment, and it is said that his medical skills are superb and he has cured many cases that hospitals are helpless.

"Then let's go find him!" said Grandpa excitedly.

The second uncle didn't look at his grandmother for five years, and the second uncle didn't come when his grandmother died, and the aunt hated it so much

So, our family of three hurriedly prepared to set off to find the old Chinese medicine doctor for medical advice. On the way, my grandfather and aunt talked with great interest about the doctor's medical skills and his experience in treating incurable diseases, while I silently prayed that this old Chinese medicine doctor could bring a new life to my grandmother.

The second uncle didn't look at his grandmother for five years, and the second uncle didn't come when his grandmother died, and the aunt hated it so much

When we arrived at the clinic of the old Chinese medicine doctor, we waited for a long time, and finally it was my grandmother's turn to be treated. The old Chinese medicine doctor carefully checked the pulse of her grandmother, carefully inquired about her medical history and symptoms, and then looked at it for a while, and finally spoke.

The old Chinese medicine doctor pondered for a while, and said to us with a serious expression: "This old lady's condition is not optimistic, her illness is due to kidney failure caused by years of frailty, and it needs long-term conditioning to be effective. ”

"Is there any way to cure her, then?" asked the aunt anxiously.

The old Chinese medicine doctor pondered for a moment, and then said slowly: "It is not easy to cure this disease, and it requires long-term conditioning and persistent treatment. I can prescribe some medicine for you, and you should take it on time every day, and at the same time pay attention to adjusting your diet and rest. ”

When grandpa and aunt heard this, they were disappointed, they originally thought that the old Chinese medicine doctor could give a good cure for grandma, but they didn't expect it to be just some conditioning methods. However, in the face of reality, they also know that there is no shortcut, they can only follow the advice of the old Chinese medicine doctor and take it step by step.

"Thank you, master!" said my grandfather and aunt in unison, and then took my grandmother and me back home.

When she returned home, her aunt began to boil medicine for her grandmother according to the prescription prescribed by the old Chinese medicine doctor. Each herb was personally selected by the aunt, and she believed that only the best herbs could cure her grandmother's illness. And I helped my grandfather take care of my grandmother, changing her dressings, wiping her body, and taking care of her as much as I could.

"Grandma, you must stick to the treatment, and you will definitely get better. I whispered to my grandmother.

Grandma nodded slightly, revealing a bitter smile. She knew that her condition had reached a point where she could not be optimistic, but she did not give up hope of treatment, because she knew that her family was working hard for her, and she did not want to live up to their expectations.

As the days passed, my grandmother's condition did not improve, but became more and more serious. Her body was getting weaker and weaker, and she couldn't get up from bed all day, and she couldn't even speak. Watching my grandmother's condition deteriorate, each of us felt extremely heartbroken and helpless.

"Dad, grandma's condition seems to be getting worse and worse. I said anxiously to my grandfather.

Grandpa nodded sadly, he knew that his grandmother's condition had reached a critical point, but he was helpless and could not change this reality. "We've done everything we can, and we're left to fate. He said with a sigh.

The aunt was also anxious, she kept boiling and feeding medicine to her grandmother, hoping to see her grandmother's condition improve as soon as possible. However, in the face of her grandmother's increasingly weak body, she also felt powerless and helpless.

At this time, the second uncle suddenly appeared. His arrival surprised each of us, especially the eldest aunt, who had always been very cold towards the second uncle, and I didn't expect him to take the initiative to come back.

"Auntie, grandpa, Xiaoqin, I'll come to see grandma. The second uncle said softly with a hint of apology on his face.

The second uncle didn't look at his grandmother for five years, and the second uncle didn't come when his grandmother died, and the aunt hated it so much

The aunt frowned, she was not happy that the second uncle would only appear now, especially when the grandmother was seriously ill. "What are you doing here? I haven't been home to see my grandmother for five years, and now I want to come and see her?" she said coldly.

A trace of embarrassment and helplessness flashed on the second uncle's face, he lowered his head, and said in a trembling voice: "I know I was wrong, and I really regret it." But now that I'm back, I also want to do my best to take care of my grandmother. ”

The second uncle didn't look at his grandmother for five years, and the second uncle didn't come when his grandmother died, and the aunt hated it so much

Grandpa looked at the second uncle, his eyes were full of complicated emotions, he sighed deeply, and said, "Second uncle, since you are back, take good care of grandma." She is now in a serious condition and needs the care and attention of each and every one of us. ”

The aunt listened to her grandfather's words, and the expression on her face softened slightly, but she still maintained a vigilant posture. She knew that the return of the second uncle did not mean that everything would be better, but she was not willing to conflict with him again at this time.

So, the second uncle stayed behind and took care of my grandmother with us. He would go to bring tea and water to his grandmother every morning and evening, and ask her about her physical condition, although he was not good at words, but his actions showed his concern and love for his grandmother.

As the days passed, my grandmother's condition still did not improve, but became more and more serious. Watching Grandma's body lose weight day by day, each of us felt like a knife in our hearts, extremely painful and anxious.

"Grandpa, grandma's situation seems to be getting less and less optimistic. I whispered to my grandfather.

Grandpa nodded heavily, and there was a hint of helplessness in his voice: "Yes, grandma's condition has indeed reached a critical point, and I don't know what else we can do." ”

The aunt also had a sad face, she sighed helplessly and said: "I don't know what to do anymore, we have tried everything, but grandma's condition has not improved." ”

At this critical moment, each of us felt powerless and helpless, and in the face of the deterioration of my grandmother's condition, we seemed to be powerless and could only watch her lose weight day by day.

At this time, the aunt suddenly remembered someone, and she hurriedly said to us: "I remember that there was an aunt in the past, who was said to be a very famous witch doctor, and she might be able to give grandma a ray of life. ”

Hearing my aunt's words, our eyes suddenly lit up, and the light of hope rekindled our hearts. Perhaps, this witch doctor can bring a ray of life to her grandmother and make her condition better.

"Then let's go find her!" said Grandpa excitedly.

So, our family immediately set out to find the aunt, who was said to be a well-known witch doctor. On the way, we are full of anticipation and hope that the witch doctor will be able to bring a miracle to Grandma and make her condition better.

The second uncle didn't look at his grandmother for five years, and the second uncle didn't come when his grandmother died, and the aunt hated it so much

The moment we found Aunt Witch Doctor, we were all elated. She was an old woman with a solemn expression and a deep wisdom in her eyes.

"Auntie, we are grandma's family, she is sick, we heard that you are a very famous witch doctor, so we came to ask you for help. The aunt said earnestly to the aunt.

The aunt looked at the grandmother for a while, and then said slowly: "This old lady's condition is indeed not optimistic, but I will do my best to help her." ”

She took out some peculiar herbs, some herbs that seemed ordinary but were actually precious. She skillfully formulated these herbs into a special recipe and gave them to us.

"You should take this prescription on time every day, and at the same time pay attention to your diet and rest, and try to keep your mood happy, so as to help the old lady recover as soon as possible. My aunt instructed.

We took the prescription and thanked my aunt hopefully. On the way home, we were all full of hope, hoping that my aunt's prescription would help my grandmother get through the difficult time.

Back home, we immediately began to carry out my aunt's prescription. Every morning and evening, my aunt would boil the medicine herself, and then carefully feed the medicine to my grandmother. At the same time, we also paid attention to adjusting my grandmother's diet and routine to keep her in a good mood as much as possible.

As the days passed, my grandmother's condition finally took a turn for the better. Her face gradually regained a little blood, and her spirit was much better than before. Seeing that my grandmother's condition has improved, each of us is overjoyed and feels extremely relieved and grateful.

"Grandma, you're finally getting better!" I said to my grandmother happily.

The second uncle didn't look at his grandmother for five years, and the second uncle didn't come when his grandmother died, and the aunt hated it so much

Grandma smiled slightly, her eyes full of warmth and love. "It was my aunt's prescription that worked, and your care that allowed me to get through this difficult time. She whispered.

Grandpa, aunt and second uncle were also full of joy, and they attributed the credit for the prescription to my aunt and each of us, and they were full of emotion.

"Grandma, you must continue to insist on treatment, we will always be by your side. The aunt said excitedly.

The second uncle didn't look at his grandmother for five years, and the second uncle didn't come when his grandmother died, and the aunt hated it so much

Grandma nodded, a determined glint in her eyes. She knew that her condition had not yet been cured, but she had a glimmer of hope that as long as she continued to pursue treatment, she would be able to overcome the disease.

In the days that followed, each of us did our best to take care of Grandma and let her body recover gradually. After my aunt's prescription and our careful care, my grandmother's condition finally gradually improved, and her spirit was happier than before.

With the joint efforts of the family members, grandma's health gradually recovered, and the family was full of laughter again. Although we experienced the torture of illness, we cherished each other's relationship more and felt the warmth and strength of our family.

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