
The male nurse complained about the reason for leaving: It's not night shifts and low salaries, and if you don't change, there will really be no one to do it!

author:Sweet Path

When a parent communicated with Zhang Xuefeng, he asked a question: Which industry has the greatest demand for girls? Teacher Zhang replied: "Actually, there is no shortage of women in all walks of life. ”

Professions that ostensibly have a large number of women, such as teachers and nurses, are in fact in dire need of men. In particular, in the eyes of nursing supervisors, male nurses are highly valued and regarded as valuable talents.

We all know that healthcare workers work hard, but because we don't experience it, we can only see the surface. A male nurse's resignation self-report reveals another side of nurses' work.

The male nurse complained about the reason for leaving: It's not night shifts and low salaries, and if you don't change, there will really be no one to do it!

The male nurse recounted the reasons for his departure: the problem is not the night shift and low pay, but the loss of employees if no change is made!

The medical profession has always been a popular major, and the number of students who apply for the exam every year is always among the best, and even reached the top of the list in 23 years.

Medical staff have a career establishment, although they are in the establishment, they are also recognized, and their average salary is higher than that of employees in the general establishment. Due to its good social status and salary and benefits, the medical profession is favored by the majority of candidates.

The male nurse complained about the reason for leaving: It's not night shifts and low salaries, and if you don't change, there will really be no one to do it!

Marriage is like a besieged city, and the same is true in the health care field. A male nurse who had worked for two years admitted that there was no end to the night shift, and the torture of the night and the exhaustion of his body made him make the decision to leave his job.

He stressed that despite the hard work of the night shift, whether it is the morning shift or the evening shift, he has been mentally prepared when choosing this job and will not quit because of this. However, the reason for the final departure is that the very little rest time is always occupied, and the constant participation in meaningless leadership meetings.

The male nurse complained about the reason for leaving: It's not night shifts and low salaries, and if you don't change, there will really be no one to do it!

This experience resonated with many nurses. Some nurses expressed that they could not tolerate the examinations and various examinations of the nursing department, as well as the shackles of formalism.

The exam and study load of nurses is no less than that of doctors. Monthly theoretical exams, practical exams, professional knowledge learning, and adverse event reports are constantly taking on nurses' energy.

Nurses have a clear answer to the remarks that always compare the hard work of healthcare workers to other professions.

The male nurse complained about the reason for leaving: It's not night shifts and low salaries, and if you don't change, there will really be no one to do it!

The hard work of nurses is more diverse. Although the threshold for the nursing profession is not very high, in contrast, the threshold for clinical medicine is even higher. However, nurses are just as rigorous in their studies, and school learning is only the tip of the iceberg.

Nurses adapt to a variety of professional operations while in school, but after graduation, they need to deal with much more than just professional operations.

The male nurse complained about the reason for leaving: It's not night shifts and low salaries, and if you don't change, there will really be no one to do it!

When working, mental output is inevitable, and nurse work is actually an activity that requires physical strength. Especially for male nurses, in the eyes of the head nurse, they are regarded as a rare strength, whether they are strong or weak, they will be required to do their best to complete various tasks.

When working the night shift, the beating of the heart can really be felt. This is already a big drain on energy, but at the same time, there is a lot more tedious work.

Nurses have to deal with a wide variety of family members and solve a variety of problems. Sometimes scientific tasks need to be completed, and more care is needed to ensure data integrity.

The male nurse complained about the reason for leaving: It's not night shifts and low salaries, and if you don't change, there will really be no one to do it!

During breaks, nurses also have to deal with a large number of studying, exams, training, meetings, etc. The combination of these tasks makes the work incredibly complex.

This is indeed the case with nurses in the continent at present. This also explains why it is easy to get a job as a nurse because there is a real shortage of nurses and there is a lot of turnover for nurses.

Many students find it difficult to endure this all-round toil. Some netizens have also said that if the problem of nurses is not solved, there may be fewer and fewer people willing to work in this profession in the future, which may eventually lead to no one being willing to take up this job.

The male nurse complained about the reason for leaving: It's not night shifts and low salaries, and if you don't change, there will really be no one to do it!

Author's Message: Like the current migrant workers and craftsmen, netizens' concerns about the work of nurses are also real. On construction sites, many workers are old and young people are reluctant to take up the trade.

Similarly, many craftsmen are also old, lack of inheritance, and the younger generation is reluctant to learn. Why? The reason is simple, they don't see the benefits, they work too hard.

The male nurse complained about the reason for leaving: It's not night shifts and low salaries, and if you don't change, there will really be no one to do it!

The work of a nurse is just as hard, but it does not guarantee a lifetime income. In the case of physical and mental exhaustion, even if the work has high social value, it can be exhausting.

Therefore, the concerns of netizens are not unreasonable. However, the penmen did not think that day would come. In recent years, the reform of nurses' work has been actively explored.

The nature of work and the treatment of medical staff are also gradually changing. Looking at the current candidates, their enthusiasm for the nursing profession has not appeared in the problems that netizens are worried about.

The male nurse complained about the reason for leaving: It's not night shifts and low salaries, and if you don't change, there will really be no one to do it!

Any change in the nature of work takes time to materialize. When more and more people are aware of the problems of nurses' work, solutions will emerge sooner.

Either increase the number of people and reduce the workload. Either abandon formalism and reduce the usual pressure. Either raise the salary package so that the effort is proportional to the return. As long as these three points can be satisfied, it is a great support for the work of nurses. In the future, there will be a gradual increase in the number of students who are willing to apply for nursing majors.

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