
The United States, trying to drive China out of the Paris Olympics

author:Entertainment reviews are super happy
The United States, trying to drive China out of the Paris Olympics

Recently, an incident about a Chinese swimmer suspected of taking banned drugs caused an uproar on the international stage.

The U.S. media is like a chorus of reports, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is behind it.

Behind this incident is a series of carefully planned behind-the-scenes operations to push China to the center of the maelstrom of public opinion.

The F.B.I. report claimed that Chinese swimmers used banned drugs at the Olympics to win gold medals and brought their charges to the International Anti-Doping Agency to sanction China.

The United States, trying to drive China out of the Paris Olympics

Behind this accusation is an attempt by the United States to stir up international public distrust of China in order to pursue its own political interests.

As the investigation deepened, the truth gradually emerged.

The results of the investigation showed that traces of the banned drugs came from the hotel kitchen environment and were pollution incidents, rather than the result of a group of Chinese athletes taking banned drugs.

Urine samples showed a small number of positives, which was not sufficient to substantiate the allegation that athletes were taking banned drugs en masse.

The United States, trying to drive China out of the Paris Olympics

A netizen named "Sports Fan 123" left a message on social media: "This is simply ridiculous! Is it possible that Chinese athletes still secretly take banned drugs in hotel kitchens? This is obviously a conspiracy of the United States!" His words were liked and reposted by many netizens.

Another netizen, Athlete 456, commented: "I knew when I was a kid that the swim team's results were all due to banned drugs!

The United States, trying to drive China out of the Paris Olympics

On a sports forum, netizen "Swimmer 789" shared his opinion: "I think it's a misunderstanding. The Chinese swimming team has always been strictly disciplined, and they do not need to rely on banned drugs to achieve results. The incident was supposed to be an accident, not an intentional one. ”

A netizen who claimed to be a swimming coach, "Swimming Veteran 101", also joined the discussion: "I know something about the training and management of the Chinese swimming team, and they have always attached great importance to the legitimacy and discipline of athletes. I believe that this incident is just a misunderstanding and should not cause unfair accusations to the Chinese team. ”

The United States, trying to drive China out of the Paris Olympics

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) expressed support for China's findings, confirming that the incident was a contamination incident.

The international doping testing agency also did not impose a ban on Chinese athletes to participate in the Tokyo Olympics.

This support and recognition justifies China's innocence and paves the way for it to restore its reputation.

On social media, netizens reacted to the WADA support in a mixed manner.

The United States, trying to drive China out of the Paris Olympics

A netizen named "Sports Fanatic" left a message on the forum: "Look! The truth is finally revealed! The Chinese athlete did not violate the law, and this incident is a misunderstanding."

The support of the World Anti-Doping Agency proves China's innocence!" His words immediately caused a heated discussion, and many netizens expressed their support for Chinese athletes and their gratitude to the World Anti-Doping Agency.

The United States, trying to drive China out of the Paris Olympics

Another netizen "Sports Fan 666" said: "This incident is really uproarious, I have always thought that the Chinese team is clean, but I didn't expect the World Anti-Doping Agency to recognize it so much." I hope this will bring fair treatment to the Chinese team and clear China's reputation. ”

His comments have been recognized by many netizens, and everyone hopes that the Chinese team can achieve good results in the Olympic Games.

The United States, trying to drive China out of the Paris Olympics

On another discussion post, a netizen who claimed to be an athlete "Running Talent 999" left a message: "I believe that this incident will bring more motivation to the Chinese team, and they will work harder to win glory for the country! The support of the World Anti-Doping Agency has given us hope!" His words were full of confidence and expectation, and were liked and forwarded by many netizens.

The United States did not stop there.

The United States, trying to drive China out of the Paris Olympics

With the help of the "Rodchenkov Anti-Doping Act", the United States is trying to interfere with the investigation of the Chinese incident through the FBI's global investigative authority and constantly provoke incidents.

In the United States, some politicians and media have hyped up the incident, trying to portray the incident of the Chinese team into a huge scandal.

Some politicians have spoken out in public claiming that the Chinese team is using banned drugs to cheat and should be severely punished.

The United States, trying to drive China out of the Paris Olympics

These remarks provoked anger and resentment among some people, who began to have a negative view of the Chinese team.

On the international stage, the U.S. government has put pressure on other countries through diplomatic channels to join the U.S. denunciation.

Some U.S. allies have expressed their support, saying they are also shocked and dissatisfied with the Chinese team's behavior and calling for harsh measures against China.

These moves have further exacerbated international public distrust of China.

The United States, trying to drive China out of the Paris Olympics

Sun Yang mistakenly obeyed the incident!

On January 1, 2014, the ingredient "trimetazidine" contained in Wanshuangli was included in the list of prohibited drugs by the World Anti-Doping Agency, and the Department of Science and Education of the General Administration of Sports of China and the Institute of Sports Medicine did not update the "Guidelines for the Use of Therapeutic Drugs for Athletes" issued by the General Administration of Sports of China in a timely manner, and "trimetazidine is still allowed".

The United States, trying to drive China out of the Paris Olympics

On May 17 of the same year, Sun Yang tested positive for drugs in the 1500 self-finals of the National Swimming Championships, and later held a hearing to provide clear and strong evidence to prove that he had no intention of using banned drugs, and then decided to mistakenly take and be banned for 3 months.

On the Internet, netizens have different opinions about the Sun Yang incident.

Some people expressed support for Sun Yang, believing that he had no intention of using banned drugs, that he was just a momentary negligence, and that he should be understood and tolerated.

The United States, trying to drive China out of the Paris Olympics

A netizen "Swimmer 007" wrote on social media: "Sun Yang is the pride of our country, he has won countless honors for the country, and it is impossible to deliberately use banned drugs." I hope you will give him your support and trust. ”

There are also some people who question and criticize the Sun Yang incident.

They believe that as a professional athlete, Sun Yang should be responsible for his drug use and should not mistakenly take banned drugs.

The United States, trying to drive China out of the Paris Olympics

A netizen "Swimming Fan 666" commented: "Sun Yang is an athlete representing China in international competitions, he should be more cautious and not easily test positive." This negligence is a loss to both the athlete and the country's image. ”

In addition, some netizens questioned the work of the sports management department.

They believe that there were gaps in the updating of the banned drug list and the release of guidelines on drug use by agencies such as the General Administration of Sport of China, which led to the incident.

The United States, trying to drive China out of the Paris Olympics

A netizen "Sports Observer 888" commented: "Sports authorities should more strictly supervise the use of drugs by athletes, and update the list of prohibited drugs and guidelines in a timely manner to avoid similar incidents from happening again." ”

Behind this incident is an attempt by the United States to push China into the vortex of international public opinion.

And this is only part of its systematic attack on China, aimed at removing China from the center of the international arena in order to pursue its own political and economic interests.

The truth will eventually be revealed, and China's innocence and tenacity will eventually triumph over lies and slander, and China will win the respect it deserves.

The United States, trying to drive China out of the Paris Olympics

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