
The prototype of "Disappearing Her" was exposed: After being pushed off a cliff by her husband, she came back.

author:Illustrated history

Justice will be late, but it will never be absent!

This story is really ridiculous, you see, life is not like this experience, there are both sweet love express and unexpected desperate reversals.

The prototype of "Disappearing Her" was exposed: After being pushed off a cliff by her husband, she came back.

Wang Nuannuan, a strong woman who is self-reliant and works hard to make a world in Thailand, was embarrassed on the battlefield of love, and finally almost became a handful of ashes under the cliff, which can't help but make people sigh: Life, it's really more bizarre than fiction.

The prototype of "Disappearing Her" was exposed: After being pushed off a cliff by her husband, she came back.

First of all, Wang Nuannuan's story reminds people of the old saying "people should not be good-looking". When they first met, Yu Dong's gentlemanly appearance made it really difficult to connect him with his last evil act. Self-disciplined, gentlemanly, and with high emotional intelligence, at first glance, Yu Dong is simply a realistic version of Prince Charming.

The prototype of "Disappearing Her" was exposed: After being pushed off a cliff by her husband, she came back.

However, life is not like a movie, and the bad guys don't always show their fangs at the beginning. Yu Dong's true face is like the dangerous trap hidden in the gentle township, once he steps in, he will never recover.

The story then reveals the shocking reality that women are often the more vulnerable party in love and marriage.

Wang Nuannuan's innocence and dedication, as well as her persistence and self-confidence in changing Yu Dong, were ultimately exchanged for betrayal and threats to her life. This is not only Wang Nuannuan's personal tragedy, but also a vivid portrayal of the situation of women in the whole society.

The prototype of "Disappearing Her" was exposed: After being pushed off a cliff by her husband, she came back.

What is even more thought-provoking is that the sanctity of love and marriage is greatly desecrated in this story. Yu Dong's tragic family background and personal behavior are like a mirror, reflecting some serious problems in contemporary society.

From gambling to hurt, from cheating to unconsidered marriage, these are all reminders that we need to take love and marriage more seriously, and take a more serious look at the qualities of ourselves and our partners.

The prototype of "Disappearing Her" was exposed: After being pushed off a cliff by her husband, she came back.

Finally, Wang Nuannuan's experience is also a revelation that even in the sweetest moments, don't ignore those potential red flags. Love should not be blind, let alone at the expense of self and safety.

Girl, when you are immersed in the sweetness of love, you must also keep a sober mind, because the road of life has to be walked by yourself. Finally, I wish our Nuan Nuan to meet someone who treats her sincerely!

The prototype of "Disappearing Her" was exposed: After being pushed off a cliff by her husband, she came back.

This story is both a wake-up call and a reflection on it. In this uncertain world, what we need is not only the courage of love, but also the wisdom and courage to face reality.

Love is never the whole of life, it is beautiful and dangerous, let us all learn how to cherish and protect ourselves more, and live our own wonderful life.