
The house price has returned to 15 years ago, and a house in the north of the bridge has fallen below 10,000 yuan......

author:New Jiangbei

*The views in this article are reprinted from Six Chaohui

In this market, the shocking news is spreading more and more.

Qiaobei second-hand house, sold back 15 years ago?

The house price has returned to 15 years ago, and a house in the north of the bridge has fallen below 10,000 yuan......

The source network is doubtful

It is equivalent to the unit price of 6372 yuan/㎡, and the price must be traced back to at least 2009, and it was still the rough price that year. Judging from the pictures, the decoration alone may cost more than 300,000 yuan, so the authenticity of this low-cost house is actually questionable.

The house price has returned to 15 years ago, and a house in the north of the bridge has fallen below 10,000 yuan......

It's just that the price of second-hand housing in Nanjing as a whole has dropped, but it is an indisputable fact. has been holding firm and is considered to be irreducible:

Tianhua Green Valley Manor, near Taifeng Road Metro Station of Line 3/S8, has just traded a 90-square-meter house, with a total price of only 900,000 yuan and a unit price of only 9,917 yuan/㎡.

The house price has returned to 15 years ago, and a house in the north of the bridge has fallen below 10,000 yuan......

It should be noted that this is the first house in this community with a unit price of less than 10,000 yuan on Lianjia, which is a new low in the true sense.

To a certain extent, this also opened a new housing price opening for Qiaobei.

Prior to this, most of the second-hand housing prices in Qiaobei were actually above 17,000 yuan/㎡, and the prices of some better quality houses exceeded 20,000 yuan, but this price was still not enough compared with the sky-high prices of 7-80,000 yuan and 5-60,000 yuan in other popular areas.

Therefore, for many years, Qiaobei has been regarded as the closest "housing price depression" and "just demand habitat" to the main city of Nanjing, and it has also topped the list of popular second-hand housing transactions for many years with quite beautiful second-hand transactions and circulation rates.

The house price has returned to 15 years ago, and a house in the north of the bridge has fallen below 10,000 yuan......

However, under the baptism of the continuous downward trend of the market, the decline in housing prices in other areas has begun to be described as "halved", and Qiaobei is only slowly declining, from 10,000 to more than 10,000, and the decline is much lower than that of other popular areas:

Mingfa's latest transaction price:

The house price has returned to 15 years ago, and a house in the north of the bridge has fallen below 10,000 yuan......

The latest transaction price of Tianrun City:

The house price has returned to 15 years ago, and a house in the north of the bridge has fallen below 10,000 yuan......

The latest transaction price of North Bund Water City:

The house price has returned to 15 years ago, and a house in the north of the bridge has fallen below 10,000 yuan......

Just need, always the king of the property market.

The latest Nanjing online real estate data shows that on April 16, the transaction of second-hand houses in Nanjing reached an astonishing level;

As of mid-April, Nanjing has sold 26,000 second-hand houses this year, and the number was still 21,000 on March 31. In other words, 5,000 sets were shipped in just over half a month......

The house price has returned to 15 years ago, and a house in the north of the bridge has fallen below 10,000 yuan......

This kind of data is very good enough to look at the whole country.

And among them, such as the school district house, for example, is Qiaobei.

This can also be seen from the data of the first quarter of the Nanjing Research Institute of I Love My Home, the most popular areas for transactions in the first quarter of 2024, Qiaobei is the first, and Longjiang, Ninghai Road, Ruijin Road, etc. are mostly school district houses.

The house price has returned to 15 years ago, and a house in the north of the bridge has fallen below 10,000 yuan......

Data source: I love my home Nanjing Research Institute

There is no doubt that behind the high transaction volume in Nanjing, there are countless second-hand houses in exchange for price reduction. However, a series of actions in the property market, including the relaxation of sales restrictions, the adjustment of the VAT period, etc., are not to return the second-hand housing prices to the market?

And most importantly, as well

For example, Beijing –

It was announced today that the housing provident fund will increase its support for the completion of the renovation of housing in old communities, and further reduce the pressure on borrowers to purchase and repay houses by optimizing the approval criteria for loan terms and extending the tenure of provident fund loans for the purchase of housing in old communities.

The house price has returned to 15 years ago, and a house in the north of the bridge has fallen below 10,000 yuan......

For example, Hangzhou -

The 3.14 New Deal is to give "good" to second-hand housing: increase housing security, optimize the second-hand housing purchase restriction policy, optimize the value-added tax exemption period, and accelerate the organic renewal of the city......

Now, the results are beginning to be seen.

The house price has returned to 15 years ago, and a house in the north of the bridge has fallen below 10,000 yuan......

According to the data of Hangzhou Shell Research Institute, from March 14th to April 14th, more than 9,000 second-hand houses in Hangzhou urban area (including Lin'an and Fuyang) were sold. ”

"In March, 8,557 second-hand houses were sold in Hangzhou's 10 districts, an increase of 236% month-on-month, and the number of intermediaries increased by 224% month-on-month, setting a record for the highest number of visits in a single month in the past four years. ”

The number of second-hand houses in Hangzhou has risen, why not in exchange for price reduction?

"Second-hand residential prices fell for four consecutive months, down about 0.5%, and fell by 5.1% year-on-year, breaking the record of the largest decline in the past three years. ”

The house price has returned to 15 years ago, and a house in the north of the bridge has fallen below 10,000 yuan......

But Ta's next move has already begun:

The policy is good, only to see the number of second-hand houses rise but not new houses to rise, which is obviously not Hangzhou's "original intention", data show that in the first quarter of Hangzhou's new commercial housing transactions totaled 14,845 units, the transaction volume fell sharply by 47% year-on-year.

Therefore, on April 17, the Hangzhou CPPCC convened a symposium on real estate companies and clearly mentioned that it was necessary

The house price has returned to 15 years ago, and a house in the north of the bridge has fallen below 10,000 yuan......

This is the role behind the real "loop dart" after supporting the recovery of second-hand housing.

Of course, if you are strong enough, you can also have other tricks.

The transaction volume of second-hand houses in Suzhou in the first quarter was 12,845 units, a decrease of 28% from 16,566 units in 2023;

In the first quarter, 6,177 new homes were sold, a year-on-year decrease of about 50%.

One of the strong responses chosen by Suzhou is to reduce the supply of land -

The house price has returned to 15 years ago, and a house in the north of the bridge has fallen below 10,000 yuan......

Suzhou's 2024 state-owned construction land plan shows that this year's commercial residential land plan to supply 185 hectares, only 36% of last year's plan.

You must know that Suzhou has just traded two provincial-level land plots one after another, first the Shishan Agricultural Cadre Institute in the new district grabbed 45,000 yuan/㎡, refreshing the provincial land king record of 45,000 yuan/㎡ in southwest Henan created by Nanjing in 2016, and the Shuanghu plot in the park followed the transaction, this time the floor price reached 65,000 yuan/㎡......

These two local auctions are enough to make a sensation across the country, but in this case, Suzhou still chooses to tighten supply.

On the one hand, it is indeed strong enough, the city's fiscal revenue ranks high in the country, industry and trade contribute to tax revenue, and there is enough confidence to control real estate within a reasonable proportion of the economic structure; on the other hand, it is a well-known reason that the property market is cold. Instead of passively adding the property market to talk about it, it is better to take the initiative to change the ratio of supply and demand.

Therefore, the decline in housing prices is not terrible, the real horror is that no one has bought the fall.

What kind of actions do you think will be more conducive to the development of the property market in Nanjing?

Source | Six Chaohui, I love my home, Shell Net, etc