
Liu Hongjian presided over a special meeting of the Municipal Party Committee and the Urban Management Committee: Create a characteristic style block with high standards and high quality, and make the city more tasteful, livable and better

author:Kunming Xishan released

On April 19, the Urban Management Committee of the Municipal Party Committee held a special meeting to study and promote the construction of characteristic blocks. Liu Hongjian, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the meeting and emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on urban work, build characteristic blocks with high standards and high quality, continue to improve the quality of the city, and make the city more tasteful, livable and better.

Liu Hongjian presided over a special meeting of the Municipal Party Committee and the Urban Management Committee: Create a characteristic style block with high standards and high quality, and make the city more tasteful, livable and better

The meeting listened to the progress of the construction of characteristic blocks and the report on the construction plan of some key characteristic blocks, studied and solved the existing problems, and arranged the deployment of the next tasks. Experts from the Municipal Architecture and Environmental Landscape Art Committee made comments.

Liu Hongjian presided over a special meeting of the Municipal Party Committee and the Urban Management Committee: Create a characteristic style block with high standards and high quality, and make the city more tasteful, livable and better

Liu Hongjian emphasized

The main urban area, development (resort) area and relevant departments at the municipal level should fully understand the importance of building characteristic blocks, unify ideas, improve standing, coordinate resources, cohesion, and promote the construction of characteristic blocks to speed up, improve quality and efficiency. It is necessary to focus on key areas and important roads, further optimize and improve the design plan in accordance with the idea of overall coordination and unique characteristics, promote the implementation of the work, and strive to create more high-quality blocks that reflect Kunming's characteristics, spring city style, history and culture. It is necessary to focus on accelerating the construction of Kunming into a world-renowned leisure and vacation destination, and make overall plans to improve the city's appearance, lighting, business adjustment, hotel supply, etc., so as to continuously improve the experience satisfaction of citizens and tourists. It is necessary to promote the in-depth integration of culture, business and tourism, moderately increase commercial space, enrich consumption formats, create a good business environment, and strive to build characteristic neighborhoods into dynamic neighborhoods with diversified business formats. We must always adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, focus on the needs of the masses, and make overall plans to do a good job in transportation organization and public service improvement, so as to better meet the people's yearning for high-quality urban life.

The meeting also listened to the report on the airport highway landscape upgrading plan. Liu Hongjian demanded that we should adhere to high-standard planning, high-quality construction and high-level management, go all out to do a good job in the promotion of important nodes, road greening and beautification and other key work, and effectively build the airport expressway landscape upgrading project into a high-quality project, fully demonstrating the beautiful image of the green and beautiful spring city.

Liu Shenshou, Yin Lingyun, Chen Wei, Chen Jiang, Zhang Yan, Duan Hongbo, Xu Yiqing and others attended the meeting.

Liu Hongjian presided over a special meeting of the Municipal Party Committee and the Urban Management Committee: Create a characteristic style block with high standards and high quality, and make the city more tasteful, livable and better

Kunming Xishan released

Source: Kunming release

Editor: Yang Xiaojing, Tao Hong

Editor: Yang Xiaojing, Liu Yihan

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