
Only when you have a "pet cat" and a "native cat" do you know that there is a big difference between them, don't believe it!

author:Cute pet war

Many people will compare pet cats and native cats, until I have a pet cat and a native cat I don't know, it turns out that the difference between them is really big, don't believe it!

Only when you have a "pet cat" and a "native cat" do you know that there is a big difference between them, don't believe it!

Distinction (1)


Pet cats: Because they are imported cats, it is difficult to breed and the number is relatively small, so the price is relatively high. There are many decisive factors for different varieties and grades, but they are basically thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan.

Native cats: The number in China is very large, generally dozens of dollars have a transaction, and even can be adopted without money, so the cost of raising is very low, and the budget for raising cats can also be raised.

Only when you have a "pet cat" and a "native cat" do you know that there is a big difference between them, don't believe it!

Difference (2)


Pet cats: Because purebred pet cats are genetically stable, they are more likely to carry genetic diseases, and their physique is relatively poor, so the average life expectancy will be relatively short, most of them can only be about 12~15 years, and some are even shorter.

Native cats: do not carry genetic diseases, plus the physique is relatively good, only need to be vaccinated, regularly dewormed, pay attention to a healthy diet, basically rarely get sick, so it is a lot of money to raise, and the life span is relatively long, most of them can live to 15~20 years old!

Only when you have a "pet cat" and a "native cat" do you know that there is a big difference between them, don't believe it!

Differences (3)

"Difficulty of feeding"

Pet cats: The survivability will be poor, the adaptability will be poor, and the physique is relatively poor, and it is easy to get sick, so the difficulty of raising will be relatively large, which is challenging for novices!

Native cats: strong survivability, hunting ability, adaptability to new environment, can also adapt to outdoor life, plus the physique is relatively good, so it is easier to raise.

Only when you have a "pet cat" and a "native cat" do you know that there is a big difference between them, don't believe it!

Differences (4)


Pet cats: There are many varieties, and there are short-haired, long-haired, and there are many varieties with gills genes, which look more cute and have a higher appearance, so pet cats will be more attractive.

Native cats: There are relatively few species, but there are also handsome and sweet, but native cats do not have gills genes, and their faces are pointy, so they don't look so cute.

Only when you have a "pet cat" and a "native cat" do you know that there is a big difference between them, don't believe it!

Differences (5)


Pet cats: relatively stable, most of them are more docile, clingy, friendly to people, like to be close to people, easier to trust humans, and will be more comfortable to get along with.

Native cats: Due to their strong vigilance and independent personality, they are not very friendly to humans, not easy to trust humans, and their personalities are not stable, so many people dare not raise them.

However, the cat's personality is related to its growth environment and the owner's feeding style, if you want the cat to be clingy, you should spend more time with it, and you can reward some small snacks to enhance the relationship.

Only when you have a "pet cat" and a "native cat" do you know that there is a big difference between them, don't believe it!

Distinction (6)


Pet cats: Most of the stomach and intestines are relatively fragile, loose and soft stools at every turn, so they need to pay great attention to diet, and they are also easy picky eaters, often giving the shovel officer a headache.

Only when you have a "pet cat" and a "native cat" do you know that there is a big difference between them, don't believe it!

Native cat: The stomach is very good, and it is not picky at all, in terms of diet, the native cat can make the shovel officer very worry-free. However, native cats are also carnivores, so the shovel officer should choose a cat food with high meat content for it.

Only when you have a "pet cat" and a "native cat" do you know that there is a big difference between them, don't believe it!

Conclusion: Do you prefer pet cats or native cats?

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Only when you have a "pet cat" and a "native cat" do you know that there is a big difference between them, don't believe it!

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