
2024-2030 China laundry chain industry market status survey and development trend research report

author:Beijing Boyan Zhishang Information Consulting Co., Ltd., 2010

2024-2030 China laundry chain industry market status survey and development trend research report

2024-2030 China laundry chain industry market status survey and development trend research report

Report No.: 1759783

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  With the development of society and the improvement of consumption level, China's laundry industry has been developing rapidly, and the market size of the laundry service industry has gradually expanded. According to statistics, the size of China's laundry service market in 2015 was about 140 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of about 5% over 2014. According to a survey by market research institutions, in China's laundry industry, the laundry chain industry occupies a large market share, and its market share has reached more than 50%.

  The competition pattern of China's laundry chain industry, the competition pattern of the laundry chain industry is mainly divided into three layers, namely large enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households. In terms of large enterprises, there are mainly well-known enterprises at home and abroad such as Unilever and Huijie in the market, which have complete technology and equipment, and the quality of professional laundry services is high and the brand influence is greater; in terms of small and medium-sized enterprises, laundry shops are the mainstays, and the laundry services provided are relatively simple, and the prices are low, but the service quality and brand influence are poor; in terms of individual industrial and commercial households, private stores are the mainstays, and the laundry services provided are relatively simple and the prices are relatively low, but the service quality and brand influence are low.

  The market status quo and competition pattern of China's laundry chain industry, large enterprises have obvious advantages in technology, equipment, service quality, brand influence, etc., and there is a certain gap in the service quality and brand influence of small and medium-sized enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households, not only need to continuously improve the technical level, but also need to further strengthen brand management in order to stand out in the competition.

The "2024-2030 China Laundry Chain Industry Market Status Survey and Development Trend Research Report" released by Boyan Consulting has a total of 12 chapters. Firstly, the market development environment of the laundry chain industry and the overall operation situation of the laundry chain were introduced, and then the current situation of the market operation of the laundry chain industry was analyzed, and then the competition pattern of the laundry chain market was introduced. Subsequently, the report analyzes the operating conditions of key enterprises in the laundry chain, and finally analyzes the development trend and investment forecast of the laundry chain industry. If you want to have a systematic understanding of the laundry chain industry or want to invest in the laundry chain industry, this report is an indispensable and important tool for you.

The data of this research report mainly use national statistical data, General Administration of Customs, questionnaire survey data, and data collected by the Ministry of Commerce. Among them, the macroeconomic data mainly comes from the National Bureau of Statistics, some industry statistics mainly come from the National Bureau of Statistics and market research data, the enterprise data mainly comes from the National Bureau of Statistics large-scale enterprise statistical database and stock exchanges, etc., and the price data mainly comes from various market monitoring databases.

Table of contents of the text

Chapter 1 Overview of the basics of the laundry chain industry

Section 1 Laundry industry chain elaboration

First, the service content of the laundry industry chain

Second, the chain mode of laundry industry chain

Third, the laundry industry chain business model

Section 2 Overview of the laundry industry

First, the development stage of China's laundry industry

2. Industry life cycle analysis

3. Characteristics of the organization of the laundry service industry

Fourth, the brand creation is still in the initial trial stage

Fifth, the laundry service industry is an evergreen industry

Sixth, the analysis of the situation advantages of the laundry chain industry

Chapter 2 Analysis of the operation situation of the international laundry chain industry

Section 1 The evolution of the international laundry chain industry

Section 2 Dynamic Analysis of International Laundry Chain Industry

1. Analysis of the scale of the international laundry chain industry

Second, the distribution of international laundry chain brands

3. Analysis of the international laundry chain consumables market

Section 3 Analysis of laundry chain industry in major international countries and regions

1. Europe and the United States

2. Asia-Pacific

Section 4 Analysis of Major International Dry Cleaning Chain Enterprises

1. British Bangjie Group

2. German Kaber

3. Korean clothing

Section 5 Analysis of the operation trend of the international laundry chain industry

Chapter 3 Analysis of the Operating Environment of China's Laundry Chain Industry

Section 1 Analysis of the economic environment of China's laundry chain industry

1. Analysis of the macro environment of China's economic growth

2. Statistical analysis of China's total retail sales

3. Analysis of the growth of urban residents' income and expenditure in China

Fourth, China's price level continues to rise

5. Engel's coefficient of Chinese residents

Section 2 Analysis of the policy environment of China's laundry chain industry

First, China's franchise chain industry development policy

Second, the energy conservation and environmental protection policy affects the laundry industry

3. Dry cleaning agents may cause cancer Industry associations deny

Fourth, the laundry industry service quality standard

5. Guangdong has introduced a dispute resolution for the laundry industry

6. The government promulgated the management measures for the laundry and dyeing industry

Section 3 Analysis of the social environment of China's laundry chain industry

First, the issue of security has aroused the concern of the whole society

Second, the people's living standards have been continuously improved

Third, residents' awareness of laundry services has been continuously enhanced

Fourth, the pace of life has accelerated, and the socialization of laundry services has gradually been recognized

Fifth, people's clothing textile fabrics are becoming more and more high-end and complex, putting forward new requirements for the laundry industry

Section 4 Analysis of the industrial environment of China's laundry chain

First, the development trend of high-end clothing and clothing of urban residents

Second, the trend of popular fabrics in the clothing industry

3. Relevant industry organizations of China's laundry chain industry

Fourth, the development status of China's washing equipment manufacturing industry

5. Dry cleaning machine and the washing solvent used in it

6. China's ODS cleaning agent phase-out schedule

Chapter 4 Analysis of the new situation of the operation of China's laundry chain industry

Section 1 General operation of China's laundry service industry

First, the laundry chain will enter a stage of rapid development

2. Analysis of the three major formats of the laundry service market

Third, the chain business model is the most widely used in the industry

Fourth, the analysis of the size of China's laundry service market

Fifth, government actions will promote changes in the competitive landscape

Sixth, the development of the laundry industry must pass five levels

Section 2 Overview of the current situation of China's laundry chain industry

First, the leading brand is gradually formed, and the management system continues to mature

Second, the franchise changes the composition and operation mode of laundry enterprises

Third, the service characteristics of the laundry chain industry

Fourth, the chain brand building has achieved initial results

Fifth, the main characteristics of the laundry franchise market

Section 3 Discussion on the problems existing in China's laundry service industry

1. Irregular behaviors have repeatedly appeared, and the chaotic situation needs to be changed

Second, there is still a big gap with international counterparts

Third, the profitability has declined, affecting investment enthusiasm

Fourth, the laundry industry has become a hot spot for consumer complaints

Chapter 5 Analysis of the market operation of key regional industries of China's laundry chain

Section 1 Analysis of laundry chain industry in North China

1. Analysis of economic conditions

Second, the distribution of major brand laundry chain enterprises

3. Analysis of the development advantages of laundry chain industry in North China

Section 2 Analysis of laundry chain industry in Northeast China

1. Analysis of economic conditions

Second, the distribution of major brand laundry chain enterprises

3. Analysis of the development advantages of laundry chain industry in Northeast China

Section 3 Analysis of laundry chain industry in East China

1. Analysis of economic conditions

Second, the distribution of major brand laundry chain enterprises

3. Analysis of the development advantages of laundry chain industry in East China

Section 4 Analysis of laundry chain industry in Central China

1. Analysis of economic conditions

Second, the distribution of major brand laundry chain enterprises

3. Analysis of the development advantages of laundry chain industry in central China

Section 5 Analysis of laundry chain industry in South China

1. Analysis of economic conditions

Second, the distribution of major brand laundry chain enterprises

3. Analysis of the development advantages of the laundry chain industry in South China

Section 6 Analysis of laundry chain industry in western region

1. Analysis of economic conditions

Second, the distribution of major brand laundry chain enterprises

3. Analysis of the development advantages of laundry chain industry in the western region

Chapter 6 Analysis of the Competitive Situation of China's Laundry Chain Industry

Section 1 General competition in China's laundry chain industry

First, the degree of market competition in the laundry chain industry

Second, the competitiveness of the laundry chain is reflected

3. Analysis of laundry chain brand competition

Fourth, laundry chain service competition analysis

Section 2 Analysis of the concentration of China's laundry chain industry

1. Market concentration analysis

2. Analysis of regional concentration

Section 3 Analysis of the Strategy of China's Laundry Chains

Chapter 7 Analysis of the Competitiveness of Foreign-funded Enterprises in China's Laundry Chain

Section 1 GEP

1. Analysis of the company's business performance

Second, the current situation and development model

3. Distribution of stores nationwide

Fourth, the company's development prospects

Section 2 Fournet

1. Analysis of the company's business performance

Second, the current situation and development model

3. Distribution of stores nationwide

Fourth, the company's development prospects

Section 3 Prand

1. Analysis of the company's business performance

Second, the current situation and development model

3. Distribution of stores nationwide

Fourth, the company's development prospects

Section 4 Ilsa

1. Analysis of the company's business performance

Second, the current situation and development model

3. Distribution of stores nationwide

Fourth, the company's development prospects

Section 5 Jiefeng dry cleaning

1. Analysis of the company's business performance

Second, the current situation and development model

3. Distribution of stores nationwide

Fourth, the company's development prospects

Chapter 8 Analysis of the Competitiveness of China's Laundry Chain Enterprises

Section 1 The Elephant King

First, the basic situation of enterprise development

Second, the main business analysis of the enterprise

3. Analysis of the business situation of the enterprise

Fourth, the analysis of the competitive advantage of enterprises

Section 2 Aunt Shirley

First, the basic situation of enterprise development

Second, the main business analysis of the enterprise

3. Analysis of the business situation of the enterprise

Fourth, the analysis of the competitive advantage of enterprises

Section 3 Rongchang

First, the basic situation of enterprise development

Second, the main business analysis of the enterprise

3. Analysis of the business situation of the enterprise

Fourth, the analysis of the competitive advantage of enterprises

Section 4 Taijie dry cleaning chain

First, the basic situation of enterprise development

Second, the main business analysis of the enterprise

3. Analysis of the business situation of the enterprise

Fourth, the analysis of the competitive advantage of enterprises

Section 5 Sanyo dry cleaning chain

First, the basic situation of enterprise development

Second, the main business analysis of the enterprise

3. Analysis of the business situation of the enterprise

Fourth, the analysis of the competitive advantage of enterprises

Section 6 Kangjie laundry

First, the basic situation of enterprise development

Second, the main business analysis of the enterprise

3. Analysis of the business situation of the enterprise

Fourth, the analysis of the competitive advantage of enterprises

Section 7 Shanghai Zhengzhang Washing and Dyeing

First, the basic situation of enterprise development

Second, the main business analysis of the enterprise

3. Analysis of the business situation of the enterprise

Fourth, the analysis of the competitive advantage of enterprises

Chapter 9 China Dry Cleaning Machine Equipment Market Operation Dialysis

Section 1 Overview of China's dry cleaning machine equipment market

Section 2 Comparative analysis of China's major dry cleaning machine equipment manufacturers

1. Beijing Yousa Washing Equipment Co., Ltd

2. Shanghai Hangxing Machinery (Group) Co., Ltd

3. Shanghai Luzhou Industrial Co., Ltd

Fourth, Jinan Oasis Cleaning Equipment Co., Ltd

Section 3 Analysis of the current situation of competition in China's dry cleaning machine market

Chapter 10 Analysis of the development status of China's dry cleaning consumables market

Section 1 Overview of China's Dry Cleaning Consumables Market

Section 2 Application status of perchloroethylene in the market

Section 3 Application status of petroleum solvent market

Section 4 Application Status of Dry Cleaning Accessories Market

Chapter 11 Forecast and Analysis of China's Laundry Chain Industry

Section 1 Prospects of China's laundry chain industry

1. Forecast of the scale of the laundry chain industry

2. Forecast of the structure of the laundry chain industry

3. Prediction of the development direction of the laundry chain industry

Section 2 Market Forecast and Analysis of China's Laundry Chain Industry

1. Forecast of supply and demand in the laundry chain market

Second, the profitability of the laundry chain industry forecast

Section 3 Analysis of the new trend of China's laundry chain

First, the survival of the fittest effect of laundry chain will gradually appear

Second, the laundry service market is further segmented

Third, the laundry service is developing in the direction of green environmental protection

Fourth, green environmental protection services will become the development trend of the industry

Chapter 12 Market Investment Analysis of China's Laundry Chain Industry

Section 1 Investment Analysis of China's Laundry Chain Market

1. Investment opportunities and risks in the laundry chain market

Second, the laundry chain store market promotion strategy

Section 2 Investment Analysis of China's Laundry Chain Equipment Market

1. Investment opportunities and risks in the laundry chain equipment market

Second, the washing chain equipment market investment strategy

Section 3 Investment Analysis of China's Laundry Chain Consumables Market

1. Investment opportunities and risks in the laundry chain consumables market

Second, the laundry chain consumables market investment strategy

Section 4 Analysis of Investment Entry and Exit Barriers in China's Laundry Chain Industry

1. Barriers to entry

2. Exit barriers

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