
The original good brother Hu Ge, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no scenes to film?

In this fiercely competitive entertainment circle, Hu Ge and Huo Jianhua were close comrades-in-arms who struggled and grew together. This dates back to the distant 2005, when they were all new generations who had just stepped into the industry, and they entered the interpretation camp of the legendary costume drama "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" together.

It is because of the baptism of this well-known TV series that they have created an extraordinary and unforgettable deep friendship.

The original good brother Hu Ge, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no scenes to film?

At that time, they were immature but energetic, and everyone was full of vitality and full of expectations for the future. Hu Ge's sparkling eyes seem to contain endless infinite passion, and although Huo Jianhua is silent, his preoccupied expression can also give insight into his firm pursuit of the responsibility of being an actor.

It was at that dawn that they solemnly stated to the world that they would keep their promises, support each other, and spend the next five years together, no matter the wind or rain.

At the time, this promise deeply touched countless viewers. People have praised their friendship with "brotherhood", which seems to indicate that they will work together to overcome obstacles and eventually climb to the pinnacle of life.

However, the reality is that in the next few years, their careers are flourishing and the best things are going on. In particular, Hu Ge swept the country for a period of time and was known as the "popular student" in the hearts of the audience.

Just when everyone thought that their friendship would be eternal, fate began to turn a new page.

2019 is undoubtedly the most difficult year for Huo Jianhua's career. In this year, his career began to take a sharp turn for the worse, the number of new works plummeted, and his popularity also showed a precipitous decline.

The original good brother Hu Ge, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no scenes to film?

As a film and television superstar who was once in the limelight, this is undoubtedly the heaviest blow.

In this ever-changing entertainment industry, word-of-mouth and popularity can be called the most precious wealth. Once lost, it is difficult to recover it. For Huo Jianhua, the impact of this frustration is immeasurable.

In the years since, he has suffered a series of heavy losses, with few new works and a significant reduction in income. It can be said that he is at a low point in his career, and his future is bleak.

For the majority of audience friends, what everyone is looking forward to is that Hu Ge will come forward and solve problems for Huo Jianhua, who is in deep trouble, just like the covenant they made back then, to face all kinds of challenges in life together.

The original good brother Hu Ge, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no scenes to film?

Indeed, in the eyes of the public, the deep friendship between Hu Ge and Huo Jianhua can be described as deep and meaningful, and such friendship should be deservedly and eternal, regardless of each other, no matter when and where, as long as the other party is in trouble, the other party will not hesitate to lend a helping hand.

Shockingly, however, events have not turned out as expected. When Huo Jianhua was at the lowest point, Hu Ge chose to be silent, he sat idly by and watched the "iron buddies" he was proud of.

Reminiscing about the good old days of interacting happily and sharing intimate photos on Weibo is really melancholy.

At that time, Hu Ge was handsome and chic, with firm belief revealed between his eyebrows, his eyes were full of confidence, and the corners of his mouth often hung a shy smile.

The original good brother Hu Ge, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no scenes to film?

Although Huo Jianhua's face is cold, from his focused gaze, we can still feel his enthusiasm and dedication to his career.

The relationship between the two of them is so close, who would have expected that only a few years later, their friendship would come to an end.

As an industry insider, Hu Ge is well aware of Huo Jianhua's dynamics. He knows that Huo Jianhua is facing a low point in his career, and he is under unprecedented pressure and blows.

However, even so, Hu Ge still failed to lend a hand, but chose to be indifferent and watch, leaving this old friend to bear all the pain alone.

The original good brother Hu Ge, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no scenes to film?

In fact, for Hu Ge, making such a decision is also excusable. After all, in this showbiz where fame and fortune are consumed, every friendship needs to pay a corresponding price.

When a person is no longer of use to you, then you will naturally lose the motivation to maintain the friendship.

Looking back on the relationship between Hu Ge and Huo Jianhua, it is not difficult to find that the reason why they were able to become close friends was precisely because when they first entered the circle, they were just unknown small characters, and there were not too many conflicts of interest between each other.

At that time, they were innocent, kind, and full of blood, just for the pursuit of their dreams in their hearts, but as time passed, when one of them gradually surpassed the other, this friendship inevitably came to an end.

The original good brother Hu Ge, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no scenes to film?

There is no doubt that as a popular idol who is currently in the spotlight, Hu Ge's net worth is steadily rising, and the continuous huge investment has made his income increase exponentially.

However, in stark contrast, Huo Jianhua fell into a low period of his career.

Under such a grim situation, the gap between the two is widening, and the benefits they can bring to each other are gradually decreasing. Hu Ge was well aware of this, and understood that it was no longer of much benefit to him to continue to maintain this friendship, so he resolutely left it behind.

After all, in this highly competitive entertainment industry, it is often difficult for old feelings to transcend real interests.

The original good brother Hu Ge, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no scenes to film?

Once Huo Jianhua can no longer bring him any substantial benefits, then the necessity of maintaining this friendship will naturally disappear.

Of course, for Hu Ge, there is another explanation for his reluctance to help Huo Jianhua, that is, he did it completely out of the defense of his professional ethics and bottom line.

As a professional actor, the relationship between him and Huo Jianhua is just an ordinary friend, and there is no conflict of interest. Therefore, when Huo Jianhua faced a difficult situation, he was not obliged to stand up.

As many have said, Hu Ge probably stood by because he didn't want to interfere in other people's careers beyond the boundaries, so as not to attract unnecessary controversy.

The original good brother Hu Ge, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no scenes to film?

Once he takes the initiative to intervene, it is very easy to arouse public suspicion and misunderstanding, thinking that he is using his network of personal interests to seek personal gain. It is foreseeable that if Hu Ge really did this, there would be a large number of reports and comments the next day criticizing his behavior.

At that time, his positive image in the minds of the audience may suffer a heavy blow.

In order to avoid such a situation, he chose to remain silent. Therefore, Hu Ge chose to remain silent, not out of selfish desires, but out of awe of the rules and adherence to professional ethics.

Only in this way can he concentrate on his own work and avoid being disturbed by the outside world, which will affect his own development.

The original good brother Hu Ge, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no scenes to film?

However, there are still some people who are deeply skeptical about this. They firmly believe that Hu Ge's indifferent attitude towards Huo Jianhua is entirely due to the latter's inability to bring any practical benefits to himself.

In this commercial entertainment industry, once the two lose the bond of common economic interests, then the once brilliant "brotherhood" will naturally dissipate like a mirror.

Therefore, Hu Ge, who seems to be cold to Huo Jianhua, is actually only out of careful protection of his own interests, rather than being constrained by any so-called "professional ethics".

Let's look back on the past, the photo Hu Ge and Huo Jianhua once shared on Weibo, the two looked at each other, smiled, and were full of joy from the heart.

The original good brother Hu Ge, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no scenes to film?

At that time, their eyes were firm, as if this deep brotherhood would accompany their acting careers forever.

However, the cruel reality has dealt us a heavy blow, and we suddenly realize that all this is just an ethereal dream.

Driven by financial interests, once close friends may turn against each other in an instant, and those promises and alliances that were once made will also come to naught.

Huo Jianhua in Hu Ge's eyes has gradually changed from the closest "brother" to a stranger, and the former feelings between the two have long been gone.

The original good brother Hu Ge, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no scenes to film?

Looking at Huo Jianhua's current situation, the former "popular student" is now curled up in a dark corner, physically and mentally exhausted.

And at the moment when he needed help the most, none of the people around him reached out to help, including even his best friend Hu Ge.

This callous phenomenon is truly amazing!

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