
If you don't buy a house, you will use water, electricity and gas to clean you up? This central enterprise is questioned for openly robbing money, who gives you the courage?

author:Good luck accompanies you

Hey, old guys, have you heard? There is a big news recently, which has shocked many people, and it feels like they are in their own kitchen, and they are suddenly urged to marry by the three "big housekeepers" of water, electricity and coal -- not really want to marry you, but to pay for you obediently. The protagonist of this "forced marriage" is a large central enterprise in our country.

If you don't buy a house, you will use water, electricity and gas to clean you up? This central enterprise is questioned for openly robbing money, who gives you the courage?

Some people say that this central enterprise seems to have changed as a person, and it used to be everyone's honest child, but now why has it become so "ruthless"? Yes, this company has been questioned about raising water, electricity and coal prices, and seems to be quietly "grabbing money." Isn't this strange, don't you think?

If you don't buy a house, you will use water, electricity and gas to clean you up? This central enterprise is questioned for openly robbing money, who gives you the courage?

I remember the old saying, "Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn a boat", and now it seems that this is also quite applicable in the business world. This central enterprise, which used to rely on the support of the state to provide basic living services for everyone, now makes people feel a little "forgotten". Shouldn't we ask, where does this "money grabbing" confidence come from?

If you don't buy a house, you will use water, electricity and gas to clean you up? This central enterprise is questioned for openly robbing money, who gives you the courage?

Some people speculate that it may be the pressure of market competition, or the drive of profit goals, that made them make such a choice. After all, everyone understands the truth that "people die for money, and birds die for food". However, we always hope that while pursuing economic benefits, enterprises will not forget that social responsibility and why they started in the first place.

If you don't buy a house, you will use water, electricity and gas to clean you up? This central enterprise is questioned for openly robbing money, who gives you the courage?

Think about the famous saying, "Public service is the conscience of society", if even the basic cost of living has become a burden, then how much conscience will be left?

If you don't buy a house, you will use water, electricity and gas to clean you up? This central enterprise is questioned for openly robbing money, who gives you the courage?

Of course, we also understand that enterprises want to make profits, but can this way of making profits be more sunny? After all, we are all ordinary people who rely on wages to eat, and the price increase of water, electricity and coal is like a silent salary increase, who can stand it?

This article is like a tea party in the neighborhood, and we are all concerned about this big issue. If you feel the same way, you might as well like it and forward it so that more people can see it. After all, this is not only our water, electricity and gas bills, but also everyone's livelihood.

If you don't buy a house, you will use water, electricity and gas to clean you up? This central enterprise is questioned for openly robbing money, who gives you the courage?

Finally, I hope that the relevant departments can take a good look, after all, justice is in the hearts of the people, and the responsibility of enterprises and the rights and interests of the public should be respected. Let's look forward to a fair and transparent market environment where everyone can live with peace of mind.

If you don't buy a house, you will use water, electricity and gas to clean you up? This central enterprise is questioned for openly robbing money, who gives you the courage?

Like and forward is to add fire to this topic, let more voices sound, and look forward to a reasonable answer. After all, we are all part of this big family, and the matter of water, electricity and coal is also a family matter that we are all concerned about.

If you don't buy a house, you will use water, electricity and gas to clean you up? This central enterprise is questioned for openly robbing money, who gives you the courage?