
The Journey of the Well-off Looks Back and Prospect (Zou Qixin)|Mountain Trail

author:The editor-in-chief of the mountain trail, Xiao Dianqun

【Mountain Trail Literature Club Recommendation】(Sunset Singing)

Background music: Tomorrow will be better


The review and prospect of the well-off journey


【Zou Qixin】


I've read a similar online post many times: "There's a joke that says it well, there are only two countries in the world, China and a foreign country." Chinese is really tired of living, not only to compare technology with white people, but also to compare sports with black people, to compare cars with Germany and machine tools, to compare with Japan with electronics and animation, and even more with the United States to compare aircraft and aircraft carriers, to compare South Korea with plastic surgery, and Thailand to compare massage, and India to compare democracy, and Northern Europe to compare welfare, and Africa to compare grasslands, and South America to compare forests, and New Zealand to compare milk, Argentina to compare beef, and Brazil to compare football, Russia to compare nuclear bombs, and Britain to compare aristocrats, and Italy to compare monuments......"

In the Olympic arena, there is no absolute champion, no all-round champion, and no permanent champion. All countries, in the global village, are both good and bad, uneven, and one has its strengths and weaknesses. Compared with other countries in the world, especially the developed countries, there are still gaps in some aspects between China and other countries, and this is something that needs to be directly faced and should be tried to catch up. When the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949, compared with the British bourgeois revolution in 1640, the declaration of independence of the United States in 1776, the French Revolution in 1789, the iron-blooded policy of Bismarck in Germany in 1862, the Meiji Restoration in Japan in 1868, and the unification of Italy in 1870, New China lagged behind the developed countries by 300 to 80 years on the road to modernization. Moreover, in the modern history of mankind, China is the only semi-colonial and semi-feudal society that has suffered from all the imperialist aggression in the world. Although the mainland ranked second in the world in terms of economic aggregate in 2010, it is still a large developing country with a per capita income of more than 60 in the world and is still in the initial stage of socialism, and it only plans to realize socialist modernization by the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.


The Journey of the Well-off Looks Back and Prospect (Zou Qixin)|Mountain Trail


Only by comparing horizontally can we discover the gaps, can we be self-aware, can Chinese history move forward, and can the Chinese nation be sublimated. However, we should not only make horizontal comparisons and find gaps in the breadth of the world, but also make vertical comparisons from the height of history to see progress. This is the dialectical method of observing, analyzing, and studying problems comprehensively and developmentally. Because since the founding of the People's Republic of China more than 70 years ago, especially over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, we have built the old China, which was poor and white, into a new China with a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and has laid a solid foundation for striving to build a modern socialist country with Chinese characteristics. The online post said that "Chinese are so tired of living". If you only see the gap from the horizontal side, you may lose your vitality and vitality, and add twilight and inertia, and you will indeed "live a really tired life". If we still see progress in the vertical aspect, even if we are "tired," we can still "not be tired," but we should be bold and bold in strengthening our ambitions, strengthening our spirit, enhancing our righteousness, summoning up courage, and striving to realize socialist modernization on the basis of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. Therefore, a brief review of the journey of a well-off life may have a slight role in promoting our future, enhancing our confidence and boosting our morale.

First, let's talk about the "eating" aspect. When the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949, China's economy was extremely backward because of the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society that lasted for more than 100 years, with a Chinese population of 54.2 billion and a per capita grain of only 210 kilograms. At that time, in order to alleviate the major problem of "the people regard food as the sky", in 1953, the "unified purchase and sales" of grain and other agricultural products were implemented. Before the reform and opening up, staple foods and non-staple foods such as grain, oil, meat, poultry, sugar, and eggs were all supplied by ticket. At the beginning of reform and opening up, the party and the government absorbed the successful experience of the peasants in Xiaogang Village, Fengyang, Anhui Province and other places in implementing the practice of contracting production to households, implemented the contract responsibility system for joint production throughout the country, and issued Document No. 1 at the beginning of the year for many years in a row to promote rural reform. Finally, in 1992, grain and oil stamps were abolished, grain and oil prices were liberalized, and the unified purchase and sales that had been implemented for more than 40 years were withdrawn from the historical stage, indicating that the mainland had basically solved the problem of "eating". In 2006, the agricultural tax was abolished, marking the 2,000-year-old imperial grain tax and was sent to the Museum of History. In 2008, the subsidy policy for grain planting was introduced, which further marked the historical leap of industry feeding agriculture and cities supporting rural areas. At present, the total population of the country is 1.41 billion, and the per capita grain has reached 490 kilograms. No one can deny, and no one will ignore, that now the main thing is not how to "eat enough", but how to "eat well". That is, how nutritious to eat, how to be delicious, not only to eat domestic, but also to eat foreign, not only to eat fine, but to eat coarse, in short, to be rich and diverse, can adjust the mouth.

Secondly, let's talk about the aspect of "wearing". Before the reform and opening up, each person was only given 7 feet of cloth per year, and it was often necessary for husband and wife to give each other, or parents to let their children, so that it was possible to cobble together a person to make a new set of clothes a year. It was a common phenomenon at that time that the clothes worn by the elder brother were worn by the younger sister, and the clothes worn by the older sister were worn by the younger brother. On the street, at the venue, at a glance, it is either gray people's clothes, yellow liberation clothes, or blue labor shirts, and there are few people who wear red and green flowers. At the beginning of the reform and opening up, suits and jackets became trendy clothing, and obsolete clothes from abroad were imported into China, which once became fashionable goods for people to buy. At present, China has long become a big country in textile production and an important commodity for earning foreign exchange through exports. In terms of texture alone, if someone still wears synthetic clothes such as pure nylon and polyester, they are considered to be outdated. Most of the people now return to nature, and wear cotton, linen, silk and fur as healthy, high-end and fashionable. As for the color and style, it can no longer be described by a hundred flowers, but is strange and ever-changing, and people are pursuing novelty, uniqueness, and singularity. At the end of the 20th century, it was still possible for people to donate their old clothes to rural areas and disaster areas. Since the beginning of the 21st century, even children in rural disaster areas have been wearing brand new clothes donated by caring volunteers.

Again, let's talk about the aspect of "use". Before the reform and opening up, when young people got married, many of them just moved their bedding and clothes together, and the gifts given by relatives and friends were nothing more than pots and pans. At the beginning of the reform and opening up, it developed to the point where watches, bicycles, sewing machines and radios were needed. At the turn of the century, household appliances such as color televisions, refrigerators, air conditioners, and washing machines were generally available. As for today, when many young people get married, they have already moved into new houses and driven new cars. At the beginning of the reform and opening up, whoever owned a 20-inch Panasonic color TV or a 100-liter Toshiba refrigerator was not only happy, but also enviable. Today, domestic household appliances such as Changhong, Haier, Midea, and Gree not only occupy the domestic market, but also become a major producer and exporter of household appliances. Taking mobile phones as an example, at the beginning of reform and opening up, some people were full of vigor when they held a brick-like big brother and a matchbox-like fart machine on their waists. Later, Nokia and Samsung and other handheld cigarette box-like mobile phones dominated the world. If in 2000, the multi-functional Apple smartphone was launched and became a fashionable item that people queued up to buy day and night, then in just a few years, most Chinese held domestic smartphones such as Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, and vivo. On the road, in the car, men, women and children, bowed heads have become a common landscape.

Fourth, let's talk about the aspect of "living". Before the reform and opening up, most of the rural population lived in thatched houses, adobe houses, and wooden houses. Even the brick houses of the landlords during the land reform were dilapidated due to the increase in population and the erosion of wind and rain. Now, whether you take a train or a car, most of the buildings you see along the way are already steel, cement, and red bricks, and some of the walls are covered with porcelain plates and stone chips. Before the reform and opening up, there were very few privately owned houses in the urban population. Most of the leaders and the masses of party and government departments and public institutions have only one room in the building, and most of the college students who have just graduated are crowded into a room of about 10 square meters. At the turn of the old and new centuries, after the implementation of housing reform across the country, the real estate industry flourished, which not only gradually alleviated people's housing problems, but also became a major pillar industry of the national economy. The majority of the urban population now owns their own housing, with an average of 110 square meters per household and 40 square meters per capita. The infrastructure construction of the mainland's north, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, as well as some provincial capitals in the eastern and central regions, is not inferior to that of the big cities of the developed countries. Some predict that when the only children of the post-80s, post-90s and post-00s generations dominate Chinese society, housing may become a cheaper commodity. Because many young couples are only children, if they inherit the housing of their respective grandparents, grandparents, and parents, some may reach as many as 5 to 6 units.

Also, talk about the "line" aspect. Before the reform and opening up, most of the railways were slow trains, and most of the roads were paved with gravel. The mainland now ranks first in the world in terms of highways, high-speed railways, and inland waterway shipping. At present, there are 435 million motor vehicles in the country, and 523 million motor vehicle drivers, accounting for 37% of the country's population. The number of people traveling for the Spring Festival every year is more than the population of the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Britain and Italy combined. The number of outbound tourists reaches 150 million every year, and the vast majority of them travel by air, making it the world's largest country with the largest outbound tourist population. In 1957, the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge was built, which was known as "a bridge flying north and south, and the moat became a thoroughfare". Now on the Yangtze River, more than 100 bridges have been erected. It can really be described as "a hundred bridges fly north and south, and the moat becomes a smooth road". At present, among the top ten ports in the world, the mainland occupies 7. In the 50s of the 20th century, someone returned from the USSR and praised the Moscow metro. At present, in China, not only some provincial capitals in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and eastern and central China, but also more than 20 prefecture-level cities have built or are building subways. The Yunnan-Guizhou high-speed railway from Kunming to Nanning, 80% of which is bridge crossing and piercing. The height difference of the Beipanjiang Bridge from the bridge deck to the water surface is 565 meters, and the main bridge span is 720 meters. China accounts for 8 of the top 10 bridges in the world. Nowadays, if people are galloping on the highway: passing over bridges, it is like soaring in the sky, crossing rivers and lakes is like floating on water, and passing through tunnels, as if crossing underground.

There are so many delicate rivers and mountains, and the scenery is unique here!


The Journey of the Well-off Looks Back and Prospect (Zou Qixin)|Mountain Trail


I only briefly looked back at the mainland's well-off journey from the aspects of clothing, food, housing, and transportation, and did not involve high-tech fields such as "Shenzhou Flying to the Sky", "Chang'e Running to the Moon", "Dongfeng Express", "Jiaolong Entering the Sea", "Sky Eye Exploring the Universe", "Beidou Cover the World", etc., but clothing, food, housing, and transportation are the foundation of the survival and development of human society. Over the past 70 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese nation has not only made glorious achievements in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, historically solved the problem of absolute poverty, but also laid a solid foundation for realizing socialist modernization. Among those born before the reform and opening up, if some people ignore this great historical change from the overall aspect, and among those born after the reform and opening up, if some people ignore this leap of the times from the perspective of development, they may see only the trees and not the forest, and grab sesame seeds and lose watermelons. The Chinese, who account for one-fifth of mankind and are equivalent to the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Britain, Italy, and Canada, that is, twice the total population of the G7, have generally solved the basic problems of survival and development of clothing, food, housing, and transportation. On the streets of New York, the largest city in the United States, the world's largest developed country, some homeless beggars can still be seen. On the streets of small Nordic countries where per capita income is much higher than that of the United States, Japan, Germany, Britain, France, Italy, and other developed countries, I have also seen singers in classical gentleman's costumes, monkey charmers in circus clown costumes, and souvenir sellers chasing tourists. After building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, although the mainland still has to see a gap with the United States, Japan, Germany, Britain, France, Italy, and other developed countries, it must also be compared with other large developing countries such as India, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Mexico, and the Philippines, which have a population of more than 100 million. Most of them were founded at the same time as the mainland, or even earlier. Today, however, the mainland is not inferior on the whole, but has greatly surpassed theirs. Only by observing and analyzing the overall social situation from an overall perspective can we study and think about the achievements, shortcomings, and prospects of the mainland's journey of moderate prosperity in a relatively comprehensive way. (Started on December 7, 2016, three drafts on December 31, and deleted and revised on April 20, 2024)


The Journey of the Well-off Looks Back and Prospect (Zou Qixin)|Mountain Trail

(Journey of well-off, high-speed progress)


Attached--Professor Cheng Kaihua's gift:


The embedding joint gift Qi Xin


Qi Xing is accustomed to seeing the autumn moon and spring breeze, knowing people and talking about the world

New friends and old friends pour tea and wine, talk about the past and the present


Cheng Kaihua's note: Qi Xin, Zou Qi Xin. Professor of Chinese Department of Shaoyang University, Hunan. He is a scholar and literary critic of modern and contemporary Chinese literature. (2024.4.22)


【About the author of this article】

The Journey of the Well-off Looks Back and Prospect (Zou Qixin)|Mountain Trail

(Prof. Zou Qixin)

Zou Qixin, male, born in Changsha, Hunan Province in 1938, graduated from the Chinese Department of Hunan Normal University in 1962 and taught at Shaoyang No. 1 Middle School in Hunan Province, transferred to Shaoyang Teachers College in 1970 to teach in Chinese Department, was promoted to professor in 1995, and retired from the Chinese Department of Shaoyang University in 2007. He is a member of the Chinese Contemporary Literature Research Association, a member of the Chinese New Literature Society, and a member of the Hunan Writers Association. (Professor Zou Qixin was the editor's mentor when he was studying at Shaoyang Normal College.) )


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[Edited by Xiao Dianqun of the Mountain Trail Literature Society]

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