
The 59-year-old uncle died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and there was no three highs to exercise, doctor: Ignore these three things

author:Lao Li Health said

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In the emergency room, a 59-year-old Uncle Lin suddenly suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctors tried every possible means to save him, but in the end they couldn't keep him. The families were grieving.

They were puzzled and stared directly at the doctor: "You said, the uncle usually doesn't touch the 'three highs', and he often exercises, why did he suddenly have a cerebral hemorrhage like this?" The doctor patiently explained.

Speaking of this Uncle Lin, he is a lively and healthy person. He usually doesn't smoke or drink, and likes to participate in various physical exercises, so he is simply a "fitness maniac". But this cerebral hemorrhage struck so suddenly, which scared everyone.

The 59-year-old uncle died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and there was no three highs to exercise, doctor: Ignore these three things

The doctor looked at the anxious eyes of the family members and cleared his throat, ready to unravel this unbelievable mystery.

He said: "You know, although Uncle Lin is healthy, he also has a small problem, that is, he likes to eat salty. "Yes, it was this seemingly trivial habit that may have cost him his life.

The 59-year-old uncle died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and there was no three highs to exercise, doctor: Ignore these three things

"Salty" is not a joke. The salt you eat every day may be quietly taking advantage of your health. Too much salt will increase blood pressure and harden the arteries, which can easily lead to cerebral hemorrhage.

It's like if you eat a meal and put too much salt, and the whole dish is so salty that you can only soak in boiling water to quench your thirst, and the same is true for this salt, too much salt will make your life salty and tasteless.

The 59-year-old uncle died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and there was no three highs to exercise, doctor: Ignore these three things

Moreover, speaking of which, although Uncle Lin loves to exercise, he also has a problem, that is, he often neglects to protect his head. You see, when some people exercise, their heads are bare, like a fan.

If you are not careful, you will fall on all fours, and your head will not be worth the loss. Don't look at the hard scalp, the head inside is very delicate, and a small trauma can lead to brain problems.

The 59-year-old uncle died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and there was no three highs to exercise, doctor: Ignore these three things

Moreover, there is another important detail, that is, Uncle Lin is usually under pressure and often stays up late. You see, stress is no joke.

When you are stressed, the hormone secretion in the body is unbalanced, blood pressure soars, and the heart is overloaded, causing blood vessels to rupture easily, and cerebral hemorrhage is one of the possible results.

The 59-year-old uncle died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and there was no three highs to exercise, doctor: Ignore these three things

You say, don't these little details sound subtle? It's like a cup of tea, you have to get the heat right, the water is too hot, it burns your mouth, the water is too cold, and it doesn't taste the way it should.

Life is the same, details determine success or failure, and health is challenged in these seemingly inconspicuous places.

The 59-year-old uncle died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and there was no three highs to exercise, doctor: Ignore these three things

Of course, health is not something that can be solved by words. It's like a hard nut to crack, and you have to chew it carefully, bite by mouth.

Don't think that you can relax without three highs, health is a craft that must be carefully cared for at all times. Just like you are a guardian of a garden, you have to keep an eye on every flower, every leaf, and you can't take it lightly.

The 59-year-old uncle died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and there was no three highs to exercise, doctor: Ignore these three things

"Well, do you have any other questions at this point?" the doctor asked with a smile, his eyes revealing infinite concern for his health.

The family members exchanged glances, and there seemed to be a question in their minds. Eventually, an elderly family member stepped forward and spoke in a deep voice

The 59-year-old uncle died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and there was no three highs to exercise, doctor: Ignore these three things

"Doctor, we understand a lot when you say this, but I want to ask, for people like Uncle Lin who usually have a regular life and love to exercise, are there any other special ways to prevent cerebral hemorrhage?"

The doctor listened to the question, his eyes flashed with professionalism, he thought for a while, and then said: "Of course, in addition to the usual healthy diet, regular work and rest, and regular physical examinations, for high-risk people like Uncle Lin"

The 59-year-old uncle died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and there was no three highs to exercise, doctor: Ignore these three things

"There are some special precautions that can be taken. For example, you can appropriately add some foods rich in fatty acids, such as salmon, flaxseeds, etc. ”

He paused and continued: "In addition to these, there are also some targeted exercises, such as walking, jogging, swimming, which are all very good options. ”

The 59-year-old uncle died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and there was no three highs to exercise, doctor: Ignore these three things

"They can make your heart and lungs stronger, help blood circulation smoother, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. And, don't forget that mental health is also important. ”

"Maintaining a good state of mind and avoiding being in a state of tension and anxiety for a long time can also effectively prevent the occurrence of cerebral hemorrhage. It's like giving yourself a beauty job to keep your soul in a happy mood, and health will follow. ”

The 59-year-old uncle died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and there was no three highs to exercise, doctor: Ignore these three things

His words reveal the care and responsibility for health, as if he is a navigator of escort, guiding the way forward in order to sail to the other side of health.

The family members listened to the doctor's answer, and their faces showed a look of relief and gratitude. Every detail of life has the potential to affect health, and only by being vigilant at all times can we prevent the risk of disease and make life better.

What do you think about Uncle Lin not having three highs but suddenly having a cerebral hemorrhage? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 59-year-old uncle died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and there was no three highs to exercise, doctor: Ignore these three things