
Gao Junyu, banned by the whole network: the queen of traffic or the victim?

author:Geek Boom Documentary


The whole network is blocked, and the girl who reads the machine suffers a "voice" loss of contact

On April 24, a digital storm blew through, and the voice of Gao Junyu, a girl on the reading machine, disappeared in the online world.

Before, her distressing recovery journey was like a serial drama, attracting the attention and praise of countless people.

Gao Junyu, banned by the whole network: the queen of traffic or the victim?

The show took a turn for the worse. Unveiling this veil of mystery is like uncovering a deep scar in the heart, and behind the original warm story, there is a cold truth hidden.

Gao Junyu, banned by the whole network: the queen of traffic or the victim?

It was found that the video of Gao Junyu's operation was not recorded in real time, but "stock". The term is reminiscent of supermarket shelves, but this time the items on the shelves are a complex emotion called "sympathy". Hangzhou Suddenly Enlightened Technology Co., Ltd. was accused of creating this storm, a performance with illness as a gimmick.

Gao Junyu, banned by the whole network: the queen of traffic or the victim?

Viewers have been deceived into investing in their emotions, and the fate of this account seems to have become the price of those who have been manipulated emotionally.

Emotional consumers


The response of netizens was swift and fried, and they expressed their opinions on the Internet. Some people say, "When I was a child, I was deceived into buying a learning machine, and when I grew up, I was deceived into my kind heart", this sentence is like a pebble thrown into the middle of the lake, causing layers of ripples. When kindness is consumed, and the price tag is torn off, everyone finds that what they are buying is nothing more than an empty shell.

Gao Junyu, banned by the whole network: the queen of traffic or the victim?

Some people compared this incident with previous cases of script fraud to remind everyone to keep a clear head. Whether it's picking up Qin Lang's homework book or the story of the point reader, these seemingly touching story lines may actually be carefully woven traps. And these traps capture not only likes and retweets, but also people's trust in real emotions.

Gao Junyu, banned by the whole network: the queen of traffic or the victim?


In fact, when Gao Junyu's true condition was exposed, the public's focus was not on her health, but on which network company her account belonged to. The transition from ICU to MCN makes people reflect on what makes us lose our way in the sea of traffic.

Gao Junyu, banned by the whole network: the queen of traffic or the victim?

The leader of the social atmosphere

Many people angrily pointed out that it is this unscrupulous behavior for the sake of traffic that distorts the otherwise pure online environment. People and things that really need attention and help are overlooked, while some methods of creating topics have repeatedly attracted attention. The social climate seems to be tilting in an unhealthy direction, but everyone's choices will determine where it goes.

Gao Junyu, banned by the whole network: the queen of traffic or the victim?

The double-edged sword of traffic

Traffic has become the passport to modern society, but it is a double-edged sword. While people are chasing traffic, they are also unknowingly becoming slaves to traffic. When stories are woven and emotions are manipulated, can we still tell which voices are trustworthy?

Gao Junyu, banned by the whole network: the queen of traffic or the victim?
Gao Junyu, banned by the whole network: the queen of traffic or the victim?

In the face of this wave of controversy, perhaps we should stop and think. With every click and retweet, we are voting on the shape of the online world. In this vast network of information, every voice could become the next wind direction. In the storm of controversy, Gao Junyu's account was silent, but the discussion it provoked was far from there.

Gao Junyu, banned by the whole network: the queen of traffic or the victim?

Now it's your turn to speak, what do you think about this?How do you think people who really need help should stand out in this kind but complex world? Jump into the comments section and share your thoughts!

Gao Junyu, banned by the whole network: the queen of traffic or the victim?

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