
Steamed egg custard, only warm water is a layman, keep in mind 3 tips, smooth and tender, no pores, no fishy smell

author:My Chef Lai

Is there a difference between native eggs and fodder eggs? Today, my mother took a lot of native eggs from her hometown, and told us not to eat fodder eggs in the future, but to eat more of these native eggs.

Steamed egg custard, only warm water is a layman, keep in mind 3 tips, smooth and tender, no pores, no fishy smell

I said that in the future, let my mother raise a few old hens by herself and lay eggs, after all, this kind of native eggs is quite expensive. Ordinary feed eggs cost less than a dollar, while this kind of native eggs cost 2 yuan each.

Eggs are highly nutritious and are the food we eat every day, according to scientific calculations, we need to eat at least 1 egg a day to meet the nutritional needs of our body. Especially children, who are developing physically every day and need nutrition the most, must eat eggs every day.

Steamed egg custard, only warm water is a layman, keep in mind 3 tips, smooth and tender, no pores, no fishy smell

There are many ways to make eggs, you can fry, scramble, fry, stew, boil, stew, steam, etc., among so many practices, steaming and boiling are the healthiest, will not destroy the nutrients, and are easy to digest, and the nutrients are easy to absorb. Personally, I like the steamed egg custard the most, the taste of the egg custard is particularly tender, the key is that the eggs are easier to digest, especially for children.

Steamed egg custard, only warm water is a layman, keep in mind 3 tips, smooth and tender, no pores, no fishy smell

The following shares the practice of egg custard, although it is simple, but many people do not do it well, there are always pores, not tender. Steamed egg custard, only warm water is a layman, keep in mind 3 tips, smooth and tender, no pores, no fishy smell.

Steamed egg custard, only warm water is a layman, keep in mind 3 tips, smooth and tender, no pores, no fishy smell

To prepare the steamed egg custard:

Ingredients: 2 eggs, chopped green onions. Seasoning: salt, soy sauce, white vinegar, warm water.

Steamed egg custard, only warm water is a layman, keep in mind 3 tips, smooth and tender, no pores, no fishy smell

1. Crack the eggs in a bowl, then add a spoonful of salt and a small spoonful of white vinegar, white vinegar can remove the fishy smell of the eggs, this is the first trick.

Steamed egg custard, only warm water is a layman, keep in mind 3 tips, smooth and tender, no pores, no fishy smell

2. Then add 1.5-2 times the warm water and stir well, this amount of water determines the tenderness of the egg custard. In fact, warm water and cold water have little to do with it, bubbles will be produced after stirring, so be sure to skim off the bubbles, which is the second trick.

Steamed egg custard, only warm water is a layman, keep in mind 3 tips, smooth and tender, no pores, no fishy smell

3. Pour the eggs into a plate, then put them in the steamer, remember to buckle a plate. Some people will recommend wrapping plastic wrap, but I personally feel that plastic wrap is not good when heated in the pot, so directly buckle a relatively large plate, which can be completely covered, so that the effect is the same. This is the third trick.

Steamed egg custard, only warm water is a layman, keep in mind 3 tips, smooth and tender, no pores, no fishy smell

4. Steam over medium-low heat for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat and simmer for 2 minutes. Finally, drizzle with soy sauce, sprinkle some chopped green onions and serve.

Steamed egg custard, only warm water is a layman, keep in mind 3 tips, smooth and tender, no pores, no fishy smell

The steamed egg custard in this way has a tender taste, no pores, and no fishy smell. According to this method, you can basically succeed.

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