
Before the election began, foreign heads of state took turns to visit Trump in the United States


Although Trump has been tried in New York for several days, and has been squeezed by Biden and Democrats, looking at the polls where Trump is ahead of Biden, the heads of state of various countries are not stupid and have lined up to meet Trump.

Before the election began, foreign heads of state took turns to visit Trump in the United States

Newly elected Argentine President Milley met with Trump at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Maryland on February 24, just a day after Milley met with visiting U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the presidential palace in Buenos Aires.

Key points: Milley came only for Trump, only for the conservative platform in the United States, and did not go to see Biden

As a foreign president, he went to the United States not to meet the president of the United States, but to meet his strong political enemies, which is not a small responsibility!

Milley is known as "the most Trump-like one" among the "little Trumps" in Latin America: he is politically incumbent, mainly uses online social media to expand his influence, and puts building personal branding above partisan interests, all in the same vein as Trump.

Not only that, but his campaign slogan of "Make Argentina Great Again" is almost an original copy of the slogan of Trump's victory in 2016.

Before the election began, foreign heads of state took turns to visit Trump in the United States

Perhaps because of this, Trump is almost the first "big man" to publicly congratulate Milley after his election. Just a few hours later, he took to social media to cheer "Congratulations to Milley" and "You will turn your country around and truly make Argentina greater", and Milley responded with a return of words less than 10 minutes.

In his speech, he called Trump the natural spokesman for the "freedom" he admired, while once again punning on the words "MAGA" (the acronyms for "Make America Great Again" and "Make Argentina Great Again" are both MAGA)

Then, Polish President Andrzej Duda said he had met privately with former U.S. President Donald Trump during his April 17 visit to New York, suggesting that Europe was preparing for a possible second term.

Duda's term ends in 2025 and he was one of Trump's key international partners during his presidency.

Before the election began, foreign heads of state took turns to visit Trump in the United States

"Mr. Donald Trump invited me to his private apartment. Duda told reporters in New York. He said that "when one country maintains good relations with another," it is common practice to want to build as strong a relationship as possible with "representatives of all parties in the political arena."

Duda described the friendly relationship that has been built up with Trump over the years.

"We know each other as people. I can say that, in a way, we are like two friends. Duda said.

The Trump campaign also said the two were "very good friends," and in a reading of the meeting, the two said they discussed a proposal by Duda that NATO countries spend at least 3 percent of their gross domestic product (GDP) on defense.

On Duda's arrival, Trump praised the Polish president and said, "He's done a fantastic job, he's my friend." "We've had four wonderful years together," Trump added, "and we've always supported Poland." ”

Most analysts believe that many European countries are actively building relationships with the Trump team in preparation for Trump's second term.

A week before Duda's visit, Trump met with British Foreign Secretary David Cameron at Mar-a-Lago in Florida.

Before the election began, foreign heads of state took turns to visit Trump in the United States

On March 8, Trump hosted Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. Mr. Orban shared footage of his meeting with Mr. Trump on his Instagram in what looked like a formal bilateral meeting.

Before the election began, foreign heads of state took turns to visit Trump in the United States

The most recent example is yesterday, April 23, when Taro Aso, vice president of Japan's Liberal Democratic Party (ruling party) and former Japanese prime minister, met with Trump, becoming the latest foreign dignitary to seek ties with Trump.

Mr. Aso, 83, entered the Trump building in Manhattan on Tuesday night and met with the former president for about an hour.

Before the election began, foreign heads of state took turns to visit Trump in the United States

"He's a highly respected person in Japan and abroad, and I've always liked him and I met him through our mutual best friend, Shinzo Abe," Trump said as he welcomed Aso into the building. ”

Aso was the deputy prime minister under Shinzo Abe. During his tenure as prime minister, Shinzo Abe forged a deep friendship with Trump. A veteran of Japanese politics, Aso has decades of experience shaping Japan-US relations.

Before the election began, foreign heads of state took turns to visit Trump in the United States

In the run-up to the Nov. 5 U.S. presidential election, Japan has been trying to connect with those close to Trump, reflecting its belief that if Trump wins, it could change U.S. trade policy, and that it is necessary to engage early to avoid the impact of policy changes in Tokyo.