
"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

author:Poisonous tongue movie

(This article was originally produced by Sir Films: dushetv)

Say it's this year's king fried action movie, no problem.

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

56-year-old Atang Ge, 22 years of special agent (Ethan Hunter) career, against the sky, with the flesh to resist the trend of green screen movies.

Applause because his guts are clear.

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

But is the Mission Impossible series just an action movie?

As a fan of this series, today, Sir would like to take you from the "fine" to talk about the "deep".

Start with the unprecedented opening of Disc 6:

Ethan and his wife swore an oath to each other at the wedding scene, and the priest's words became more and more bizarre.

Ethan looked up and saw that the pastor was actually Solomon Lane, the villain of Disc 5+6 (anarchist, anarchist, and former MI6 agent of the terrorist group).

The "marriage speech" becomes a "sacrifice language", ethan is overwhelmed...

Suddenly, a nuclear bomb detonated in the distance.

In an instant, the couple vanished!

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

It turned out to be a dream.

Why did Ethan have such a fierce nightmare?


Why Anxiety?

Because he still has a big knot in his heart that has not been resolved.

His love, or more precisely, marriage.

Back in Disc 3. For the sake of his lover, Ethan once wanted to "wash his hands and not dry."

What makes Agent Ethan Hunt the goddess "wash your hands and don't dry"?

It's actually an ordinary woman.

Ordinary family, ordinary appearance, ordinary profession (nurse) - Julia (Michelle Monahan).

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

Ethan loved it so much.

Even teammate Luthor Stickel, the only teammate who has played alongside him since the first film, doesn't understand:

This girl, what do you like about her?

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

Luthor reminds Ethan:

Marriage is not for people like you and me

23 months, up to that long, especially in the midst of this stressful and lifestyle situation

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

Subtitle source: Renren subtitle group, the same below

This is not cursing him.

It was because Luthor himself was an insider. He knew all too well that for the agent, love was a burden, both for him and for those around him. Not to mention the safe landing in the marriage hall.

Ethan, however, has been committing the prohibition.

Disc 1, Claire (Emmanuel Bea), Ethan's teammate and the wife of her boss Jim (John Wat), is arranged by her husband to seduce Ethan.

Ethan was emotional, and the two had tried on the brink of danger.

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

"Disc 2", we all know that this film is very Wu Yusen.

In addition to the classic Elements of Wu style such as pigeons and gunfights, the most important point is that we Ethan have grown up, and even grown a little fast, from ignorant boys to style chivalrous.

Hairstyles are proof.

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

Emotional drama, of course, is a wave to the end.

The first time he met with the heroine Naiya (Sandy Newton), he opened a yellow cavity to discuss the posture.

In the name of work, the mountain road drags, the cliff is picked up, and the hero saves the United States.

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

(Is it not finally known why you are single)

After hanging on the line, he went straight to the third base and woke up to find himself missing...

Why many people still think that "Disc 2" is the worst part of the series.

The real reason may be that Wu Yusen has never entered the spiritual world of Agent Ethan. Sir dared to speculate that Wu Yusen might not even know ethan's history as a "farm boy".

"Disc 1" has a plot to suggest that Ethan's hometown is Wisconsin, and he is the child of a peasant family.

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

What is a farm boy?

Conservative values, a tradition of a sense of justice, this is Ethan's original portrait of a figure.

He is not a playboy like Bond, and his love can and can only be one word - pure.

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

Therefore, after experiencing the short off-target of "Disc 2", "Disc 3" immediately corrected in all directions.

First of all, in the action scenes, it was back on track.

Disc 2 has a large number of "bullets can never be finished" scenes.

But by disc 3, when Ethan went to rescue his apprentice Lindesay, there was a line like this—

— I don't have any bullets, how many more do you have?

- (The last bullet left in the magazine) is enough.

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money
"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

Then, get up, aim, and kill in one hit.

This is a rebuttal to the action scenes of the second episode.

Feelings are the same.

Ethan's choice tends to be conservative.

Stop driving casually and no longer act frivolously.

By Disc 4, Ethan's personal desires had melted to zero.

Whether she is Leia Saidu or Paula Button.

In short, it is:

No calls at all.

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

How is this possible?

It wasn't until the last scene that we learned the truth about the Ghost Deal—

Ethan arranges for Julia to fake her death, and the two break up by default.

He finally understood that as long as they were together, she would always be in danger.

"Ghost Deal" is a subtitle for Disc 4 and the first time a subtitle appears in the Mission Impossible series.

This is certainly not a design of a whim.

Ostensibly, it is the code name for a covert operation initiated by the government. But when the two look at each other across the street and say goodbye secretly, it refers to another meaning.

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

Don't forget, it was Julia who made Ethan "betray" the national ethics for the first time.

Human nature is the first triumphalism in Ethan because of Julia.

Ethan's first complete loss of control is also related to love.

Villain Owen David threatens the safety of his lover:

What the fuck are you calling it?

Do you have a wife? girlfriend?

You know what I'm going to do.

I will go and find her, no matter who she is, I will find her and hurt her.

I'll make her bleed while calling your name.

And you can't do anything, you know why?

Because you're dying, I'm going to kill you in front of her.

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

And that's not all.

Infuriating him, there is the following sentence:

In the factory, you saw me dealing with the blonde kid, right?

If nothing else, just, just fun. It was a lot of fun.

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

This directly tore Ethan's three views apart, stabbing the faith that had prompted him to become an agent and was now crumbling.

What is justice?

If even my dearest people cannot be protected, is this the justice I want?

What is an axiom?

I do my best to be kind to every life, but in the eyes of some people, human life is like an ant.

He would rather be an outlaw trapeze artist

Nor is he willing to hurt a hair of the guard

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

In Sir's opinion, Ethan's struggle, which stems 100% from good intentions, has been throughout the series.

It was placed the largest in "Disc 6", which reacted to the protagonist, and the cost was also even greater-

Ethan of this part, the fatigue almost reached its peak.

He is everywhere to save people, save teammates Luthor, save irrelevant policewomen, and for this reason, he does not hesitate to miss the opportunity to change the mission plan.

"Salvation" is the ripple of his marriage, Julia.

Look again at the beginning of Ethan's desperate expression:

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

The English title of "Disc 6" is "Fallout", which translates to "sediment after the nuclear explosion", and by extension, the aftermath, the sequelae.

These aftermaths are ripples of Ethan's choices that can't be done both ways.

Ethan's choice to marry not only does not give the other party happiness, but also endangers the other party's life.

Ethan chooses to save his teammates, loses three plutonium cores, fails the mission, and plunges the world into a terrorist crisis...

Ethan's choices seem to have become the "fruit of good intentions" in Lane's mouth.

And he was destined to be wrapped in this layer of "Virgin's Robe".

By the self, by the other, by the world.

He thought that if he continued to complete the impossible tasks, he would be able to break the nightmare of choice.

But fundamentally, he had no choice.

The source of everything comes from his original sin as an agent.

This is a vicious circle that cannot be reversed:

In order to get rid of the nightmare, Ethan hits the difficulty again and again.

But every time the impact is difficult and successful, the next step is a thicker and darker nightmare.

Sir must remind you of a few details.

In every Mission Impossible, Ethan would deceive his opponents with a human skin mask.

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

It's a deceptive metaphor for his identity.

Every Mission Impossible will have a scene of Ethan's sling weightless fall (infinitely close to the ground).

Disc 1

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

Disc 2

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

Disc 3

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

Disc 4

This is a metaphor for the degenerate nature of his identity.

Each time, Ethan was questioned, betrayed, framed.

All these contradictions are trapped in a person's heart and will always be borne by one person.

Normal people have long since collapsed.

Who can accept this spiritual oppression?

Superheroes, or, gods.

Connect the six Mission Impossible together, and you will find that this is a god-making movement of Atango himself.

On the one hand, it constantly emphasizes the truth of "sacrifice".

Everything you see is true.

HALO skydive (high jump low open) is true.

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

Climbing the sermon rock with your bare hands is true.

Roof parkour leaps are real (and break my foot).

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

These horrific action scenes rarely use green screen keying, CG special effects, and do not play with stand-ins.

On the one hand, Brother Atang is getting more and more King Kong not bad.

In "Disc 4", he rushed to the Burj Khalifa head-on and jumped.

With a "bang", Sir felt pain when he heard it.

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

As a result, when he looked up after being rescued, his face was still that face, he was not injured, and there was no blood.

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

What is Brother Tang playing so desperately for?

In order to make Ethan a person like this, a real superman who does not use superpowers.

In order to make a person like Ethan become a god who single-handedly fights against Marvel and DC superheroes.

In "Disc 6", ethan's action scene hanging under the elevator, is it familiar?

"007: Skyfall" is also available.

Remember its English name?

Skyfall means falling from the sky.

Disc 6 is also a fall.

It's all about the secret agent's knot, the ultimate nightmare.

All are acting heroes landing, desperate to rebound.

The Hollywood Reporter said of Disc 6: It felt like the end of an era and the beginning of something new.

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money
"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

With this sentence, Sir boldly guessed that "Disc 6" was the watershed of the series.

Total disintegration, total rebirth.

You look at the action.

The final scene of "Disc 6" is a reactionary rewrite of "Disc 2".

The chase tool is changed from a motorcycle to a helicopter.

The fall reached the peak of the fall (7,000 meters in height).

Rock climbing, also in close combat, rejects any romanticism.

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money
"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money
"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

You look at the feelings.

By the time of Disc 6, Ilsa's identity was about to be revealed—Ethan was incumbent.

What kind of woman is this?

A woman who doesn't need his protection, and can even in turn protect him.

In Disc 5, Irsa is able to complete difficult moves with Ethan.

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

Ilsha also gave Ethan a first aid resuscitation during the mission, saving his life.

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

In Disc 6, In order to prove her innocence, Irsa personally kills her undercover villain superior, Solomon Lane.

Seeing her again, Ethan was surprised:

Haven't you stopped doing it?

Have you found anything?

Ilsa was like going the way Ethan was.

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

At the end of the film, Ilsa whispers to "Ethan's predecessor" Julia, Sir guesses that she is saying —

"Rest assured, I will take care of him in the future."

Julia had questioned Ethan when they were together, "Who is going to protect the world while you protect me?" ”

This question, in Ilsa, has the answer -

"Because I know you're there, I sleep soundly every night."

Ethan finally stopped dreaming (dreams are nightmares).

Ethan finally stopped hoping for an ordinary person's love affair.

Ethan has finally completed the super turn from a farm boy to a god of King Kong who is not bad.

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

The picture in this article comes from the network

Editorial Assistant: Anto Bend

"Mission Impossible" looks like this to be worthy of the ticket money

Sir Movie Original, WeChat ID: dushetv

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