
Why did it take three years for Tianshu Qitan to be put on the big screen

author:Zhongguancun Online

If the most popular news on the big screen recently is undoubtedly the "Tianshu Qitan" 4K commemorative version will be released nationwide on November 5, with the release date announced, many netizens found that this domestic classic animation work from film to digital film has experienced three years of time, in this technology so developed today, film to digital is really so difficult?

Why did it take three years for Tianshu Qitan to be put on the big screen

Tianshu Qitan is an 89-minute animated feature film based on some chapters of The Legend of PingYou, produced by the Shanghai Fine Arts Film Studio in China in 1983. Many of the character images come from the opera modeling, and the familiar ShengDan Jingmei ugly in this play is to make the characters face, such as the fox girl's squinting eyes and two pieces of blush, which absorb the Peking Opera Danjiao face. But what you don't know is that the negative film of this 1983 domestic animation still uses old-fashioned film technology, which creates a corresponding threshold for the later digital 4K version of the release.

Why did it take three years for Tianshu Qitan to be put on the big screen

As with "The Haunting of The Heavenly Palace", as a "painted" animation, "Tianshu Qitan" has worked hard in terms of background, characters, etc. According to mr. Qian Yunda, who is more than 90 years old, in order to draw the mouth shape of the corresponding character of "Tianshu Qitan", the painters used the stopwatch to determine the time required for the line, working overtime day and night for three years. 38 years ago, the older generation of artists created classics with such ingenuity. Today, 38 years later, in order to meet the contemporary big-screen viewing standards, the 4K commemorative edition of "Tianshu Qitan" has undergone a scientific and meticulous overall restoration and digitization process.

Is film-to-digital really hard?

Many friends who have played film cameras know that if you want to digitize the negatives, you need to use extremely high resolution scanning products, users need to clip the film on the characteristic clip for scanning, and the highest physical resolution of this scanning device is about 1200dpi, when the scanning resolution is higher than this value, the scanning unit needs to scan frame by frame, and the scanning speed at this time is extremely low.

Why did it take three years for Tianshu Qitan to be put on the big screen

As an 89-minute animated feature film, it is difficult to use traditional scanning equipment to carry out fast and accurate scanning work, which requires professional film scanning equipment.

First of all, we need to understand that film digitalization and then restoration and release are two jobs, and in the American film industry system, film archiving is treated separately as a separate work and discipline. Under the proposition of film archiving, it can be divided into two major topics: film to digital film preservation and film restoration for effective restoration of digital information.

Why did it take three years for Tianshu Qitan to be put on the big screen

In the step of digital scanning of film films, the film needs to be digitally scanned using a professional film scanner, which stores each picture in the form of a sequence frame like a projector. The scanners currently used in the mainstream restoration process are scanners of brands such as Spirit 4K, Arri Film Scanner and Scanity 4K.

The process of film scanning can not only be completed by installing film film to the film scanner with one key to start, but also many parameters that need to be paid attention to during the scanning process, such as resolution (2K, 4K, 6K), dry door wet door scanning, full hole scanning or line scanning, etc. need to be selected according to the situation. The scanning work should also be based on the specific conditions such as film width, film base form, film damage and so on.

Why did it take three years for Tianshu Qitan to be put on the big screen

After the film has been washed and dried by ultrasonic water, it can be put into the film scanner for transcreditation and saved to the corresponding hard disk, at this time, this "Tianshu Qitan" 4K commemorative edition is only the first step from the release. After that, the professionals will enter the color correction, frame-by-frame repair, sound scanning and repair stage through the computer, and finally complete the basic repair by sound and picture synthesis. The follow-up 4K restoration was carried out by Migu Company, a subsidiary of China Mobile, and the restoration team followed the principle of "repairing the old as old" to de-denoising, de-scratching, color enhancement, super-resolution and other processing of the film, while improving the clarity of the film, while retaining the brushstrokes and graininess of the original animation to the greatest extent.

The reason why the 4K commemorative edition of "Tianshu Qitan" has gone through three years to go online is mainly due to the huge manual color correction and repair workload, it is rumored that although ai automatic repair technology has been used this time, due to the different degrees of damage to single frame film, there are still a large number of films that need to be repaired manually.

Why did it take three years for Tianshu Qitan to be put on the big screen

According to the 24 frames per second of the entire "Tianshu Qitan" a total of 89 minutes to calculate, the domestic animation needs to be digitized and repaired a total of 128160 pictures, the workload can be imagined. I would like to use this document to those who guard our childhood memories.


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