
Shameless and obscene! US politicians protested against China over the outbreak of colleges and universities, and the comment area of the global network exploded


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Shameless and obscene! US politicians protested against China over the outbreak of colleges and universities, and the comment area of the global network exploded

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Some netizens commented: What kind of stuff is this? Talking nonsense, using what he often does to buckle China's head. I'm baba


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They don't suspect it, they are planting it, and the difference with suspicion is that the person who planted it knows how innocent you are better than you.

Shameless and obscene! US politicians protested against China over the outbreak of colleges and universities, and the comment area of the global network exploded

They are not lying, they are convinced that they do it a lot, and they think that others are doing it too.

Shameless and obscene! US politicians protested against China over the outbreak of colleges and universities, and the comment area of the global network exploded

Blinken Jews, who want the United States, Britain, Ukraine, Argentina, Japan, South Korea, Germany, became Jews, dishes on the table.

Shameless and obscene! US politicians protested against China over the outbreak of colleges and universities, and the comment area of the global network exploded

It shows that they often do this kind of thing, there are ghosts in their hearts, we live our own lives, how can we have time to care about them. When a friend comes, there is good wine, and when an enemy comes, there is a shotgun.

Shameless and obscene! US politicians protested against China over the outbreak of colleges and universities, and the comment area of the global network exploded

It's so embarrassing, the slander comes out casually, American politician: Although I don't have evidence, I think it's definitely yes.

Shameless and obscene! US politicians protested against China over the outbreak of colleges and universities, and the comment area of the global network exploded
Shameless and obscene! US politicians protested against China over the outbreak of colleges and universities, and the comment area of the global network exploded

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