
KTV "Hi" can't get up? Insiders: Innovative social experiences last

author:Jimu News

Jimu news reporter Liu Dongli

Intern Tang Xiaofeng Chen Yanli

Once upon a time, eating + K songs became a "one-stop package" for many people to gather. Statistics show that about ten years ago, the number of Chinese KTV companies grew at a rate of 20% per year, and in 2013, the number of KTV brands sold nationwide reached 9920, and the related market size of alcohol, snacks, consumables, audio equipment and other related markets driven by it totaled 400 billion yuan.

However, with the increase of entertainment options available to people, KTV's profit space has shrunk, and many once-hot KTV have chosen to close stores for survival. The KTV industry began to enter a period of reshuffle.

Traditional KTV is gradually being shunned by young people

Xiao Wang, a wuhan citizen after the 80s, was once a senior Mai Ba, and he almost patronized the major KTV in the three towns of Wuhan.

"When I went to college, almost every college had a street of food and K songs." Xiao Wang said that he was most impressed by a street near the Nanhu Campus of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, where there were at least a dozen KTV of all sizes, and he could find a KTV almost a few steps away. But with the upgrading of the street environment, this scene no longer exists.

On August 5, the reporter searched for "KTV" as a keyword on the Tianyan check and found that there were more than 100,000 related enterprises, but less than 60,000 existed, and nearly 50,000 enterprises were deregistered and revoked. In March 2021, there were still 64,000 KTV companies in the state of survival. In other words, in just 5 months, more than 10,000 have disappeared. Previously, there were reports that there were more than 120,000 KTV companies at its peak. Today, this figure is a waist cut. (Please check and delete this data with another version of the data)

On July 24-25, the two days were weekends, and Jimu news reporters visited a number of KTV in Wuhan.

The Haoledi KTV Street Exit flagship store in Wuchang District has at least 40 private rooms. At about 3 p.m. on July 24, the reporter saw that only 4 small bags and 3 middle bags had customer consumption, and other private rooms were idle; at 8 p.m., the nightlife began, the guests increased slightly, and a total of 10 private rooms were open, of which 6 were small bags, and the large private rooms were still empty.

Sunday, July 25. At 8 p.m., in the King of K Songs of Wuhan Tiandi in Hankou, among the dozens of beautifully decorated private rooms, only 3 small bags and 2 large bags were open. If there is no other consumption, the cost of singing for three hours is 404 yuan, the cost of the middle bag is 698 yuan, and the customers who come to consume are middle-aged.

In the interview, the staff of Holliday KTV admitted that compared with last year, the current passenger flow has dropped significantly, and the consumer population is mainly middle-aged and elderly, and there will be company personnel to organize team building on weekdays, and students will also come to organize birthday parties.

"They want to find a small, quiet, dimly lit space to party, and it's not about singing." The staff said that unlike many years ago, when young people were the main consumers, although the middle-aged and elderly people have replaced the young group, their overall consumption capacity is not as good as that of young people, and the passenger flow is also significantly reduced.

Online K songs are popular with all kinds of groups

Why are young people reluctant to go to KTV?

In the interview, the answers received by the reporters were different: too few songs, too little to keep up with the trend of the times, bored with listening; replaced by other entertainment projects, the replaceability is too high; too wasted time during the day, too expensive to consume at night...

The reporter noticed that almost most people who like to sing will download K song APP such as "Sing It" and "National K Song" on their mobile phones. With the penetration of the mobile Internet, music innovation models such as mobile phone online K songs and online song practice have also quietly emerged. In the Huawei mobile phone application market, the number of K songs installed by the whole people is 3 billion times, and the number of installs on the sing bar is also 600 million times.

The reporter's experience found that the online K song APP is rich in functions. Users can not only entertain themselves and enjoy the K song process, but also share it with friends and let others rate it; they can pay attention to their favorite singers and attract more fans. Obviously, the online K-song software is not just a singing software, it has gradually evolved into a social platform for friends who meet with songs.

Some citizens said that people's time is fragmented now, and the low-cost, mobile phone K song software that can be experienced anytime and anywhere can meet people's needs very well.

According to the "2020 China Online K Song Social Entertainment Industry Development Insight White Paper", the number of monthly active devices in the online K song industry has reached 200 million in 2019, and the user scale of the online K song industry in 2020 has exceeded 1 billion people.

Not only K songs, with the increasing perfection of mobile phone functions, the rise of online K songs, wireless microphones to open the market, cloud concerts, cloud bungee and other online interactive entertainment methods brush the screen.

Traditional KTV should explore diversified operations

All along, the KTV industry has not formed a complete talent training system, and the quality of practitioners is uneven.

"The KTV industry can only come back to life if it innovates in models." In the interview, a number of industry insiders explained the breakthrough of traditional KTV: "In the future, KTV will pay more attention to the personalized customized service experience and singing function of different groups of people, dig deep into the needs and preferences of young consumers, break the homogeneous competition of traditional KTV, and use the technology-based Internet gene to create more personalized experiences." ”

A senior industry insider said that there are currently two successful models for the transformation of the physical K song industry, one is lightweight, such as "star gathering", and the other is a re-interpretation of the show class, such as "Walnut Li".

The new K-song enterprises will grasp the consumption characteristics of young people, explore the new possibilities of "KTV+", and create a social space with functions overflowing in the category of KTV. Models such as "KTV + E-sports", "KTV+ Boom", "KTV + Private Cinema", "KTV+ Business Meeting", "KTV+ Live Broadcast", "KTV + Board Game" and other modes will be selectively combined according to the area where the store is located, providing consumers with a richer social experience, and also extending the frequency of use of KTV packages. According to the data, the turnover rate of star gatherings is about 3 times higher than the industry average, with an annual turnover of 700 million yuan, covering 21 cities across the country, operating more than 2 million VIP members, and receiving more than 20 million passengers per year.

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