
Netizens shouted: This is not a fish, it is a "mandarin fish" in the world!

author:Fishing bait fragrant

On a mysterious night on the bank of the starry Xijiang River, a fisherman actually caught a jaw-dropping "giant mandarin fish"! This fish is so large that it occupies almost the entire small flatbed, and people can't help but wonder: Is this really a fish? Or is it the legendary "mandarin fish" in the world?

Late at night, the giant appeared shockingly, and the angler borrowed a board car to drag it home

Recently, a fishing friend in Guangdong returned from fishing in the Xijiang River late at night and accidentally caught a giant mandarin fish. Because the size of this mandarin fish is too large for ordinary fish guards to accommodate, the angler actually had an idea, borrowed a small flatbed truck, tied this "giant mandarin fish" firmly to it, and dragged it all the way home. The scene was accidentally photographed by another angler and quickly sparked heated discussions on social media.

Netizens shouted: This is not a fish, it is a "mandarin fish" in the world!

Netizens are hotly discussed: This mandarin fish has become a sperm?

As soon as this photo of the "giant mandarin fish" was released, it immediately attracted widespread attention from netizens. Everyone left messages to express their amazement, and some netizens bluntly said: "This mandarin fish is like a little pig, how many catties does it have to be?

Experts revealed: The ecology of the Xijiang River has improved, and the appearance of giant mandarin fish is possible

In the face of all kinds of speculations and questions from netizens, Yangtze River fish research experts gave professional answers. Experts said that Xijiang, as a wild fishing paradise in Guangxi and Guangzhou, has always been very rich in wild fish resources. In the past, the fish resources in the Xijiang River have been damaged to a certain extent due to illegal fishing practices such as electric fish and medicinal fish, as well as environmental pollution. However, in recent years, with the continuous increase of efforts to protect the ecological environment of rivers in the two regions, the ecological environment of the Xijiang River basin has been significantly improved.

Netizens shouted: This is not a fish, it is a "mandarin fish" in the world!

The expert further explained: "Large native carnivorous fish such as mandarin fish grow very fast in a good ecological environment. As long as there is plenty of food, clear water, and no human interference, they can quickly grow to an astonishing size. Therefore, experts believe that it is entirely possible to catch such a huge mandarin fish in the Xijiang River.

Fishing friends share: Late-night fishing is thrilling

According to the angler who caught the "giant mandarin fish", he chose to go night fishing in a remote section of the Xijiang River that night. At first, there was no special catch, until late at night, when I suddenly felt a violent tremor of the fishing rod. He immediately realized that a big fish had taken the bait, so he quickly retracted the rod and lifted the fish. After a fierce struggle, this "giant mandarin fish" was finally successfully caught ashore.

The angler excitedly said, "I couldn't believe my eyes! This mandarin fish is so big! I've never seen a mandarin fish this big! I feel like my heart is going to jump out!" He also revealed that the mandarin fish was so large that he could barely put it in the fish guard. In the end, I had to borrow a small flatbed truck and tie this "giant mandarin fish" to it and drag it home.

Netizens shouted: This is not a fish, it is a "mandarin fish" in the world!

Netizen comments: I am envious, looking forward to catching huge things

The photos of this "giant mandarin fish" and the experience of the anglers have sparked widespread attention and discussion on social media. Many netizens expressed their envy and left messages saying: "Amazing! If only I could catch such a big fish!" and some netizens said: "This is simply a legend in the fishing world! I want to learn from this fishing friend!"

Conclusion: Protect the ecology and let the giant reappear

With the continuous improvement of people's awareness of ecological and environmental protection and the crackdown on illegal fishing by government departments, it is believed that fish resources in Xijiang and other rivers will be better protected and restored. In the future, we may be able to see more giant fish like this "giant mandarin fish" in the rivers! Let's look forward to that day!