
The voting is on! 700 and 800 server naming votes are in full swing, and wonderful ideas are waiting for you

author:Orange chops
{"info":{"title":{"content":"投票启动!700服与800服命名票选火热进行中,绝妙创意等你","en":"The voting is on! 700 and 800 server naming votes are in full swing, and wonderful ideas are waiting for you"},"description":{"content":"在武侠的世界里,江湖风云再起,一场盛大的命名盛宴正在《天龙八部》手游的700服与800服中展开。这不仅仅是一次简单的投票...","en":"In the world of martial arts, the rivers and lakes are rising again, and a grand naming feast is being launched in the 700 and 800 suits of the \"Dragon Babu\" mobile game. It's not just a simple vote..."}},"items":[]}