
After staying at a fellow student for one night, his wife looked displeased, and I asked him to look at the coffee table after leaving

author:Mr. Xia has worked hard

Narrator: Zhang Liming

My name is Zhang Liming and I am 45 years old. I was born in a small remote mountain village in the north. The village is very closed, and there is only a small narrow road from the village.

At that time, my father went out to learn carpenter, and was introduced to my mother in the county seat. Later, my uncle also got married, and the family house could not be lived. My father took my mother and me to the county seat.

When I first arrived in the county, my parents had no savings in their hands, so they had to rent a house. In the early years, the county was full of bungalows, and the houses were all connected to each other, and I met very good friends there. His name is National Day, and we grew up together. When we were children, we were playmates, rolling hoops and playing marbles together. Growing up, we were friends and brothers. Let's learn!

After staying at a fellow student for one night, his wife looked displeased, and I asked him to look at the coffee table after leaving

At that time, my parents were busy with work and didn't have time to take care of us, so we all grew up. If you are hungry, you will go to whoever has food to eat. Parents know each other anyway.

Later, we went to elementary school together, junior high school separated, and high school went to school together.

In the early years, the conditions at home on National Day were not very good! The grandmother on National Day was sick. Therefore, the new house cannot be built for a long time, and other houses have been built, leaving his house. The mother of the National Day is anxious to turn around.

At that time, my father worked as a carpenter, and my mother sold vegetables at a street stall. After building a house, I have some savings in my hands. The house of the National Day family was built with the help of his father and the money he took to build it. The money for building a house took a long time for the National Day family to pay back. The parents of the National Day have always remembered this love. I have to say that the human touch in the early years was stronger.

When I was in high school with Guoqing, my father had an accident and needed surgery, and all the family's savings were still not enough. I borrowed the place where I should have borrowed it. Just when my mother and I were at a loss, our parents and National Day came. Brought money to it. Helped our family through this.

My relationship with the National Day is as close as a brother, and we took the college entrance examination in the same year. However, my grades in the first year were not very good, so I chose to repeat my studies. And the National Day was admitted to an undergraduate university in the south.

When I first went to university, communication was not yet developed, and there were no mobile phones, so we barely kept in touch for those two years. After that, with the phone, we got in touch again.

After graduating from university, he stayed in the southern city on National Day. And I went back to my hometown county. Because the parents are not in good health.

National Day engaged in mechanical work. Later married, his wife was local. I went to his wedding on National Day to witness the happy moments of his life. Guoqing's wife, who is not tall, has the characteristics of a southern girl. He is also very understanding, and I am really happy for him!

After staying at a fellow student for one night, his wife looked displeased, and I asked him to look at the coffee table after leaving

I went back to the county seat and didn't find a job. The salary is also not high. However, the cost of the county is smaller, so life is okay.

Later, I met my current wife. After getting married, with the help of my father-in-law, my wife and I exchanged a store and opened a physical store for decorations. However, because of his lack of experience, in less than a year, he lost a lot!

At that time, it was just in time for his wife's pregnancy to be due soon. My wife and I only have more than 2,000 yuan in our hands. Guoqing knew that we had lost money in the trade and should need money, so he was afraid that I would not be able to open my mouth, so he asked me directly and transferred me 10,000 yuan. That really helped us a lot.

Later, Guoqing's wife gave birth to a daughter. Far away, the child is still young, and he has never returned to his hometown. My wife and I transferred 1,000 yuan to our children when they were one year old.

That's it, we're not together, though. However, they have always been supporting each other.

My wife and I later opened a cosmetics store. At the same time, I also opened an online store, which was done online and offline together, and the market was not bad in those years, and we also caught up. Business is good. I bought a house and slowly saved up. After that, they gave birth to a second child.

In the past few years, there has not been much contact with the National Day, and they are busy with their own families. Because of the mask problem, they have not come back.

On May 1 last year, my wife and I discussed that our two children were also older, and we wanted to take them out for a walk. I chose the National Day there. Also by the way to see him.

Before leaving, I made a special trip to Guoqing's house and asked his parents what they had to bring. The parents of the National Day were very happy to hear this! They packed up a lot of mushrooms and stuffed them. And pancakes. Anyway, if you take the high-speed rail, you won't be delayed too long on the road. You can't break it with food!

After staying at a fellow student for one night, his wife looked displeased, and I asked him to look at the coffee table after leaving

I didn't call the National Day in advance, I went directly. Thinking of surprise him.

We originally planned to go to see the National Day and leave, after all, it was a bit troublesome for a family of four to live in a house. But the National Day said why not let go. also said that if he left, he would be slapped in the face. also said that the friendship that grew up can live outside.

The house on National Day is quite big, but it can be lived. It doesn't feel good if you go hard. However, during dinner, my wife and I could see that my wife was unhappy on the National Day!

After eating, my wife also told me that people don't want to, so they should just go. Cause trouble for others. I told my wife not to think about it, I can't go now.

I asked my wife to bring my two children in the room and I went out and poured a glass of water. Overheard the two of them talking on National Day. I heard his wife say, "What should I do?" Mom will have surgery in two days, but we still have more than 10,000 left. I just heard the National Day say: Don't worry! I'll think of a way again!

I quietly went back to the house and closed the door and told my wife about it. The wife said: You go out and find a place to get 20,000, and leave it before you leave tomorrow morning. We used to be so difficult, we were embarrassed to speak, and people were so righteous to help us on National Day. Now he is in trouble, and he is just as embarrassed to speak. I'll call again tomorrow when I'm gone. I promised.

Before we left the next day, I found an opportunity to put the money under the coffee table. Later, when I called Guoqing, I also talked about him. I told him, "You don't treat me as a brother at all, and you don't tell me if your family is in trouble." I accidentally heard last night that your mother-in-law was going to have surgery. Your sister-in-law and I will leave you 20,000 yuan, and I will put it under the coffee table, so you should be in a hurry first. If it's not enough, I'll tell my brother. ”

Only then did he say that in the two years that he had worn a mask, his wife's job was not very good. This time, his mother-in-law's illness was a bit serious, and the money in her hand couldn't be strung together.

Later, we went home, and Guoqing and his wife made a special phone call to thank them. No, this year is May Day again, and the National Day deliberately asked for leave in advance, and the family came back to see. His wife even bought gifts for my children.

Life is like this, many people walk and walk and then disperse. There are also people who know each other for a lifetime. In the end, there are only three or two real friends. When something happens, I never say anything.

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