
I just finished a six-day and five-day tour of Nha Trang, Vietnam organized by an insurance company, and I will talk about the real situation. Tour price

author:Wei Xia music

Title: Nha Trang Low Price Tour Trap: The Shopping Pressure Behind the Beautiful Scenery

I just finished a six-day and five-day tour of Nha Trang, Vietnam organized by an insurance company, and I will talk about the real situation. Tour price

Nha Trang, a coastal city in southern Vietnam, attracts countless tourists with its stunning scenery and warm climate. However, the truth behind low-cost tours is not as rosy as it seems.

I just finished a six-day and five-day tour of Nha Trang, Vietnam organized by an insurance company, and I will talk about the real situation. Tour price

We joined an insurance company's six-day, five-day tour of Nha Trang, Vietnam at a very low tour price, and we thought it was a good deal, but we didn't expect to fall into a shopping whirlpool. Although the insurance salesman made it clear that there was no compulsory consumption when signing up, the tour guide constantly emphasized the importance of shopping during the tour, and even put pressure on tourists on the grounds of the company's interests.

I just finished a six-day and five-day tour of Nha Trang, Vietnam organized by an insurance company, and I will talk about the real situation. Tour price

From the second day, our itinerary alternated between visiting attractions and shopping spots. The tranquility of Longshan Temple, the small hot pot in Wonderland Bay, the relaxation of the mud bath, and the high-priced goods of the Three Treasures Pavilion and the Jade Pavilion have all become memories of this trip. Despite the beautiful scenery, the words of the tour guide and the salesman shrouded the whole journey like a shadow.

I just finished a six-day and five-day tour of Nha Trang, Vietnam organized by an insurance company, and I will talk about the real situation. Tour price

The most unacceptable thing is that the tour guide openly stated in the car that if we don't shop, the company will lose money. This way of moral kidnapping makes the otherwise enjoyable trip heavy. Many group members chose to buy under pressure, while those who insisted on not shopping felt snubbed by the tour guide.

I just finished a six-day and five-day tour of Nha Trang, Vietnam organized by an insurance company, and I will talk about the real situation. Tour price

During this trip, we were deeply aware of the risks of low-cost tours. Although the scenery of Nha Trang is intoxicating, the high prices of the shopping spots and the pressure of the tour guide to force consumption are exhausting. If you want to really enjoy the trip, it is better to choose a tour with a regular price to avoid falling into the trap of low-priced tours.

I just finished a six-day and five-day tour of Nha Trang, Vietnam organized by an insurance company, and I will talk about the real situation. Tour price

Netizens hotly discussed:

I just finished a six-day and five-day tour of Nha Trang, Vietnam organized by an insurance company, and I will talk about the real situation. Tour price

Some netizens believe that low-cost tour groups are often based on the premise of shopping, and if you don't have the intention of shopping, it's better not to participate easily.

I just finished a six-day and five-day tour of Nha Trang, Vietnam organized by an insurance company, and I will talk about the real situation. Tour price

Some netizens feel that tour guides should respect the choices of tourists, rather than forcing shopping through moral kidnapping. Travel should be a process of relaxation and enjoyment, not a burden.

I just finished a six-day and five-day tour of Nha Trang, Vietnam organized by an insurance company, and I will talk about the real situation. Tour price

Some netizens said that they also encountered a similar situation when participating in low-cost tours, but they would stick to their principles and would not change their travel plans because of the words of the tour guide.

In the author's opinion, travel is a personal experience, and everyone's travel style and choices should be respected. Whether you choose a low-cost group or a normal group, you should be clear about your goals and expectations to avoid getting into unnecessary trouble and pressure. Only then can we truly enjoy the trip and make good memories.

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