
Women over the age of 50, don't deliberately pretend to be tender! Especially these 3 colors should be worn less, tacky and cheap

author:Sister Nanxi

When a woman is getting older, what is terrible is not the aging of her appearance and the sagging of her skin, but the aging of her dressing taste, and the cheap and aunty dress. Therefore, when a woman reaches the age of 50, she puts more effort into dressing and learns to wear clothes without an obvious sense of age, so that she can quickly avoid old-fashioned and become age-reducing and fashionable.

Women over the age of 50, don't deliberately pretend to be tender! Especially these 3 colors should be worn less, tacky and cheap

Dressing without a sense of age is not the same as dressing up tender, deliberately dressing up tender, will make a woman become rustic and abrupt, especially in the selection of inappropriate colors, it makes the complexion become dark yellow, and the taste and texture of dressing are greatly reduced. If you want to be a middle-aged woman with a good look and temperament, don't touch the following colors~

【Part 1】The cheesiness and cheapness of middle-aged women are inseparable from the following colors, which are ugly and black when worn

❌ Color 1: Not everyday, old-fashioned and earthy red

Women over the age of 50, don't deliberately pretend to be tender! Especially these 3 colors should be worn less, tacky and cheap

Although red is a very festive color for us, it is only suitable for specific occasions, as a daily wear, it is recommended not to try it lightly. Especially middle-aged women who are over fifty years old should wear less and wear a bright red outfit to increase the sense of age, and the outfit is high-key and unfashionable.

❌ Color 2: Unfashionable, dirty and cheap earthy yellow

Women over the age of 50, don't deliberately pretend to be tender! Especially these 3 colors should be worn less, tacky and cheap

The earthy yellow color visually gives people a dirty feeling, the color has an old feeling, there is no fashion at all on the body, and the older woman will wear it to make the outfit more old-fashioned, the clothes look cheap, and the temperament of the whole person is lowered by several grades.

❌ Color 3: Deliberately pretending to be tender, abrupt and age-inappropriate Barbie pink

Women over the age of 50, don't deliberately pretend to be tender! Especially these 3 colors should be worn less, tacky and cheap

Older women in the color should not choose the kind of color that looks deliberately tender, Barbie powder is a classic representative. This color picks on a woman's temperament, skin and figure, the color of Barbie pink is highly saturated, and the yellow-skinned woman wears ten degrees of black, and it is not only conspicuous when put on it, but also has a kind of rustic atmosphere, ordinary people really can't control this color.

【Part 2】Middle-aged women must first know the color if they want to dress well

>>> understand the color sense of color, which can reflect different style emotions

Women over the age of 50, don't deliberately pretend to be tender! Especially these 3 colors should be worn less, tacky and cheap

Women want to wear color on their own good-looking and brilliant, first to clearly understand the color, first understand the color sense of color, it can invisibly enhance their color matching ability, color and color between the formation of harmony and beauty, truly grasp the charm of color.

Women over the age of 50, don't deliberately pretend to be tender! Especially these 3 colors should be worn less, tacky and cheap

Different colors will present different color senses, it can show different emotions and styles of wearing, the cold Modilan color system can leave a quiet and rational image, and the enthusiastic red system will show vitality and confidence, and there is a kind of charm of a big woman.

>>> different colors have different shades and have different effects on skin tone

Women over the age of 50, don't deliberately pretend to be tender! Especially these 3 colors should be worn less, tacky and cheap

In addition to the cognitive mastery of color sense, the understanding of color tone is very important, which is the key to wearing white temperament on the body. The color is mainly divided into two kinds, one is a cool tone, its surface gives people a refreshing and cool feeling, the color is dominated by blue, and you don't have to worry about the problem of black when you wear it, which is suitable for most yellow-skinned women. The other is a warm color, mainly yellow and brown, which gives people a warm and comfortable feeling, and will be picky about the skin to wear, and the yellow skin should be carefully chosen.

【Part 3】The correct way for middle-aged women to wear colors and be a temperamental and elegant woman

(1) Middle-aged women wear the following colors to increase their temperament and dress more foreignly

❶ Everyday versatile neutral color: black, white and gray

Women over the age of 50, don't deliberately pretend to be tender! Especially these 3 colors should be worn less, tacky and cheap

Middle-aged women who have just learned to dress do not know how to choose a good color, starting with neutral colors, it refers to the three colors of black, white and gray, with the characteristics of versatility and simplicity, most women do not have to worry about stepping on thunder, and can quickly create a temperamental and intellectual image.

>>> neutral color can best show the high-end texture of a woman

Women over the age of 50, don't deliberately pretend to be tender! Especially these 3 colors should be worn less, tacky and cheap

Neutral color to resolve the sense of ordinary, you need to make the outfit wear out of the texture, the best is to create a big woman's high-end style first to choose a good material, in order to give the best play to the fashion of neutral color, it is recommended to wear, satin, cotton and linen, etc., so that you can get the effect of one plus one is greater than two.

❷ Soft temperament violet

Women over the age of 50, don't deliberately pretend to be tender! Especially these 3 colors should be worn less, tacky and cheap

Violet is simply the natal color for middle-aged women, the color reveals elegance and generosity, calmness and confidence, just to show the woman's mature charm just right. If you want to control the beauty of purple, you need a woman's sense of stability, and there is a little looming fantasy in the stability, so that a woman's dressing taste can be improved wirelessly.

>>> matching demonstration: violet blazer + black dress

Women over the age of 50, don't deliberately pretend to be tender! Especially these 3 colors should be worn less, tacky and cheap

The blazer has the blessing of violet, the sense of fashion is doubled, the unique color makes the blazer no longer look dull, and reduces the taste of neutral style, there is a kind of elegant temperament. Bottoms are not recommended to be paired with trousers but skirts, choose the best black dress, handsome and feminine, dark colors can form a color with violet, and look thinner.

❸ Rational, quiet and elegant light blue

Women over the age of 50, don't deliberately pretend to be tender! Especially these 3 colors should be worn less, tacky and cheap

Violet is a mature and dreamy beauty, while light blue is a rational and intellectual beauty, it has a cool feeling when worn on a woman, and the clothes are clean and refreshing, and the clothes look younger. You can wear light blue all over your body, which not only makes you feel visually comfortable, but also exudes a serene beauty.

>>> Dressing Look: light blue cardigan + gray umbrella skirt

Women over the age of 50, don't deliberately pretend to be tender! Especially these 3 colors should be worn less, tacky and cheap

Wear a light blue cardigan to reduce the blue sense of distance and dress more softly, the material of the cardigan is recommended to be knitted, which can be worn by women of different figures, and it can also show the grade of middle-aged women's dressing. The lower body is equipped with a gray umbrella skirt to add a sense of luxury to the whole outfit, pay attention to the length of the umbrella skirt, it is best to cover the shortcomings of the legs but not the ankle, and also create a dignified temperament.

(2) Master the color matching method of dressing and enrich the diversity of wearing

❶ Increase the sense of layering and learn to match shades of color

Women over the age of 50, don't deliberately pretend to be tender! Especially these 3 colors should be worn less, tacky and cheap

Once we have learned to choose the right colours, we also need to master the art of colour matching in order to form a complete and successful outfit. To use color matching to highlight the layered wear, use the technique of dark and light color matching, dark colors are used in fat places to form shadows to appear thin, and light colors are used in thin places as highlights in dressing.

▷ The color matching should be divided into three or seven, and the optimized ratio is tall and thin

Women over the age of 50, don't deliberately pretend to be tender! Especially these 3 colors should be worn less, tacky and cheap

The color matching of shades is used in the outfit, pay attention to the proportional division of the two areas, it is not recommended to divide the ratio of five or five, the color of the half will make the figure extend horizontally, and it will look short and fat visually. The optimal area ratio is divided into three and seven, three points in the upper body, seven is the lower body, the lower body is longer, and the height is also high.

❷ Take the minimalist high-end style and learn the same color matching

Women over the age of 50, don't deliberately pretend to be tender! Especially these 3 colors should be worn less, tacky and cheap

I don't want to spend too much thought on the color matching, but I don't want to lose the sense of luxury, just learn to match the same color, use a color for the whole body, dress smoothly and comfortably, this minimalist outfit can also show the temperament of a middle-aged woman.

Women can not be treated casually when they are fifty years old, they should face up to the choice of color, and use the color of youth and temperament to make themselves fashionable and advanced, confident and elegant~