
When the ancient army broke through the city, did the beautiful woman have a higher chance of surviving?

author:Snow talks about history

"Ten Diaries of Yangzhou":

When the ancient army broke through the city, did the beautiful woman have a higher chance of surviving?

This is just 3 pawns, not the major general of the enemy country that the female frequency author fantasizes about, not even a centurion.

When the ancient army broke through the city, did the beautiful woman have a higher chance of surviving?

Do you think that the enemy's big soldiers will give their commanders beautiful filial piety? Others are not stupid, where can they find the generals in a hurry? What should I do if there is an errand on the escort road? Filial piety to the squad leader, squadron leader, and group leader? Forget it, maybe in a few days we will have to emphasize discipline again.

feel that you can rely on your own appearance to shade your relatives and children in troubled times.

When the ancient army broke through the city, did the beautiful woman have a higher chance of surviving?

In the TV series, women paint their faces with pot ash, cut small flat heads, wrap their breasts with materials, and even bring their own potions. Is it that ancient women are stupider than the little fairies of today, and they won't use the weapon between their legs to counterattack and turn over step by step?

When the ancient army broke through the city, did the beautiful woman have a higher chance of surviving?

Of course not, even if you take the initiative to cater to it, it is better to live than to die.

When the ancient army broke through the city, did the beautiful woman have a higher chance of surviving?

Or die a painful death.

When the ancient army broke through the city, did the beautiful woman have a higher chance of surviving?

From April 25th to the second day of the first month of May, countless women starved to death, and the little fairies felt that their appearance and IQ were better than them to live a confident life.

When the ancient army broke through the city, did the beautiful woman have a higher chance of surviving?

According to the historical information I know, if in troubled times, you had better look hateful, including men.

Pretty women (men) (especially those over 10 years old and under 50 years old) certainly have a better chance of surviving...... It's just that the general thing you will face is that you will have one round, then a second round, and then a third round...... It was made miserable, there were no sexual characteristics, and finally it was disposed of.

Therefore, after the ancient enemy army broke through the city, almost all the wells in the city were full.

Either you see the level of Calice, before the battle between the enemy and us, seeing your peerless face will stop moving, and shedding a tear can make the enemy feel like his first love.

The appearance is low, although it is useless, but at least it is not so painful.

Some people say that this is ancient, the productivity is not high, there is no food, and the modern army is more civilized.

In fact, once the city is breached, the money and grain are obtained by the enemy, and the wine pond meat forest is too late, and no one rarely eats human flesh.

In times of war, life is in danger, and the first thing human beings lose is moral restraint. It's like Qianlong pacified the size and Zhuo Yi, and there was no shortage of food, but when the other party's women were caught, the Qing soldiers still cooked people in the morning and used them as pillows at night, and what people wanted was spiritual compensation and healing PTSD.

The same is true of foreign examples.

The real crusaders started a century-long feast of troubled times in European history, and a large number of civilian women were recruited to boil water, cook, and warm the bedding for the knights in the barracks. It also collects arrows during the siege, which is a veritable combat power. This is also the reason why the crusaders abandoned their wives and many scumbags during the long war.

Its rivals, the Arabs, had a peculiar penchant for the white women, ravaging them and seeing them as a symbol of defeat over Western armies. Laws were also enacted: ordinary civilian women were caught and gathered together as a tool for the benefit of the army, and money was extorted from royalty or princesses with status. In fact, it has also been repeatedly violated in specific operations.

The Arab leader, Saladin, was known for his incorruptibility and strict military discipline, and it was difficult for him to control his post-war "routines." The following picture shows the triumphant record of its civil servants:

When the ancient army broke through the city, did the beautiful woman have a higher chance of surviving?

Saladin was indeed a benevolent monarch, and he could not avoid the "conventions" of war.

In ancient times, in addition to the handful of Yue Fei and Qi Jiguang, even after conquering Goryeo during the Zhenguan period, Tang Taizong had to use the treasury to redeem nearly 10,000 enemy women. What so many Korean women have experienced in the previous Tang camp, please make up for it yourself.

In fact, in the 3 and 40s, the army of the island country also had a law of abusing civilians, but this law requires a whistleblower, so for the ordinary island country chief soldier after the incident, they were basically killed, and the whistleblower was solved, and there was no abuse, and there was no violation.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything, and by the way, I will introduce a Gone with the Wind with a formal historical basis.

Yang Guang's wife, Xiao Shi, was born in 567 AD.

At the age of 15, he was used as a marriage tool by Liang Guo and married Yang Guang, who was not a prince at the time.

When she was 20 years old, her mother country was destroyed by the Sui Dynasty, and Xiao was still at ease as her princess.

17 years later, Yang Guang seized the throne and was known as Emperor Yang of Sui, and Xiao became the queen of the Middle Palace. Emperor Yang is extravagant and obsessive, collecting beauties all over the world. However, Queen Xiao has always maintained a standout, and she can suppress a group of new favorites in the second and eighth years without confusion, and the extent to which her appearance has reached can be described as a leaf.

When the ancient army broke through the city, did the beautiful woman have a higher chance of surviving?

In 618, Sui died, and Emperor Yang died. Empress Xiao, who was in her 50s, remarried the rebel general Yu Wenhua.

One year later, Dou Jiande attacked Shandong, killed Yuwen, and swore allegiance to Empress Xiao.

After another 1 year, the Turkic leader clearly asked Xia to send Xiao to the grassland, otherwise he would send troops to attack the city. Dou Jiande was forced to agree, and Empress Xiao, who knew the Mandate of Heaven, remarried to the grassland people.

10 years later, Li Shimin swept Mobei, broke through Yin Mountain to capture the Turkic leaders, and brought back Empress Xiao, who was over sixty years old, by the way.

In 647, Empress Xiao, who had traveled most of China, died quietly in Chang'an at the age of 80. Li Shimin placed the Xiao family in Yang Guang's imperial mausoleum with the specifications of the middle palace, and posthumously sealed it.

Looking back on the life of this beautiful woman, spanning the rise and fall of 5 dynasties, meeting 6 sons of heaven in turn, she can survive every time the city is broken, and after being weathered, she can watch the New Year's fireworks in Chang'an with Tang Taizong in the twilight years.

When the ancient army broke through the city, did the beautiful woman have a higher chance of surviving?

Of course, you fairies can be a role model!