
Zhang Ting's daughter domineeringly responded to the appearance controversy: self-confidence is a person's best spiritual appearance

author:Rich Books

Wen | Boran smiles (Columnist of Fushu)

Zhang Ting's daughter domineeringly responded to the appearance controversy: self-confidence is a person's best spiritual appearance

Recently, Zhang Ting posted a funny video of himself and his daughter on the social platform.

Zhang Ting's daughter domineeringly responded to the appearance controversy: self-confidence is a person's best spiritual appearance

In the video, 11-year-old Lin Jialing patted his small face while eating and said: "Don't comment on my looks anymore, I don't eat by my face." ”

Zhang Ting's daughter domineeringly responded to the appearance controversy: self-confidence is a person's best spiritual appearance

Zhang Ting, who was beside him, smiled and asked, "Then what do you rely on to eat?" ”

Lin Jialing rolled his eyes, and then replied: "By the mouth, do you still need to ask?" ”

Hearing this, Zhang Ting made a grimace of eating, and then looked at his daughter and couldn't help but laugh. In that look, there was a lot of praise and pampering.

Lin Ruiyang, who was handsome when he was young, was the "royal male protagonist" in Qiong Yao's drama; Zhang Ting, a dimple beauty, was also the "immortal goddess" in the hearts of the public.

Zhang Ting's daughter domineeringly responded to the appearance controversy: self-confidence is a person's best spiritual appearance

However, the appearance of her daughter Lin Jialing has been the focus of discussion among the public since she was born.

It is gratifying that this 11-year-old little girl did not fade under her mother's dazzling light, but was confident and cheerful, and lived a bright life.

In Zhang Ting's Vlog, Lin Jialing generously faces the camera and plays a variety of eccentric roles;

In Zhang Ting's Weibo, you can often see Xiao Nizi painting quietly, dancing happily, and climbing bravely...

Zhang Ting's daughter domineeringly responded to the appearance controversy: self-confidence is a person's best spiritual appearance

Even if there are no big eyes and white skin, but the Chinese style of Dan phoenix eyes, the international standard of wheat color, coupled with such a sunny and confident personality, is not also beautiful and charming?

Director Er Dongsheng once mentioned in "Actors Please Take Place 2" that a person only relies on appearance and is not far away.

As the saying goes, you don't necessarily change your life; likewise, appearance doesn't necessarily determine attractiveness.

What can really determine a person's appearance is not the so-called "three courts and five eyes" beauty standard, but the spiritual appearance between hands and feet.

In this world, where is there any "beauty that never fails in time"?

Only the confidence and abundance of the heart can make a person resist the erosion of the years, and the more he lives, the more beautiful he is!

Zhang Ting's daughter domineeringly responded to the appearance controversy: self-confidence is a person's best spiritual appearance
Zhang Ting's daughter domineeringly responded to the appearance controversy: self-confidence is a person's best spiritual appearance

Remember that photo of the "freckled lily" that shocked the Chinese fashion industry more than 20 years ago?

The Jiangxi girl in the photo, Lu Yan, who has small eyes and thick lips, was frantically shaking her shoulders for the first time in 18 years and praising her beauty.

Zhang Ting's daughter domineeringly responded to the appearance controversy: self-confidence is a person's best spiritual appearance

According to Bole Li Dongtian, although Lü Yan's appearance subverts the traditional oriental beauty of "big eyes, small face, high nose and cherry lips", the confidence and tough temperament revealed from her are not possessed by ordinary girls.

Indeed, Lu Yan is a person with self-confidence, ideas, and willingness to work hard for it.

She felt that her 1 meter 8 self was suitable for modeling, so she tried everything to save money to go to modeling training classes, sign up for various model competitions, and step by step towards her dream self, getting closer and closer.

But Lu Yan's road is not easy to walk. Before becoming a supermodel, she experienced setbacks and difficulties that others could not imagine.

Lu Yan also thought about retreating, but the confidence and tenacity in her bones made her finally go all the way without fear of the eyes and evaluation of outsiders.

Finally, the self-sufficient but hard-working girl became the most special and dazzling star on the international catwalk.

Today's Lv Yan is still active in the fashion circle.

She has become a fashion designer and founded her own brand "comme moi".

This somewhat romantic-sounding French name translates to Chinese is "like me", just like the bold and assertive confidence of Lu Yan.

Zhang Ting's daughter domineeringly responded to the appearance controversy: self-confidence is a person's best spiritual appearance

Self-confidence, not conceit.

It is an affirmation of oneself and the efforts made by a person who is willing to accept the imperfect self.

Confident people have dreams in their hearts, and they never lose themselves in the eyes and evaluations of others.

Even if they don't have a good hand, they can boldly work hard in the direction of their dreams and live another advanced life!

Zhang Ting's daughter domineeringly responded to the appearance controversy: self-confidence is a person's best spiritual appearance

Some time ago, at the Shenzhen Fashion Week catwalk show, Lei Qingyao, a girl from Sichuan, attracted the attention of everyone.

In a group of tall and beautiful models, Lei Qingyao wore a brown sleeveless shirt on the upper body and a light green lotus leaf long skirt on the lower body, which looked elegant and dignified.

Zhang Ting's daughter domineeringly responded to the appearance controversy: self-confidence is a person's best spiritual appearance

If you don't look closely, you may not notice that she is an armless girl.

When Lei Qingyao was three years old, he was unfortunately struck by electricity and lost both arms.

But with the help of her family, with perseverance unimaginable to ordinary people, she learned to eat, swim, paint, and ride a bicycle with her feet.

When he grew up, Lei Qingyao was confident and optimistic.

She not only actively participates in various paralympic sports and activities, but also is passionate about performing, and at the age of 16, she participated in the filming of the movie "Invisible Wings" and became an inspirational role model for young people.

Zhang Ting's daughter domineeringly responded to the appearance controversy: self-confidence is a person's best spiritual appearance

After graduating from university, Lei Qingyao became a host of Chengdu TV. Later, with her wonderful performance in "Super Speaker", she once circled countless fans.

In the eyes of others, Lei Qingyao is an angel with folded wings. But she did not feel inferior because of this, but insisted that she could be beautiful and different.

Lei Qingyao on the T-shaped platform stood there quietly. In the face of the various eyes in the audience, her face always has a confident and idyllic smile, like a "Oriental Venus." ”

Zhang Ting's daughter domineeringly responded to the appearance controversy: self-confidence is a person's best spiritual appearance

A confident person does not mean that he is perfect, nor does it mean that he has not experienced suffering and setbacks.

A person is confident because he transcends the pain of suffering and is willing to accept his imperfect self, so that he can face everything that happens in life with a more positive force.

A confident person is definitely a person who loves himself.

It is precisely because he loves himself that he will continue to tap his potential and persistently believe that everything will get better and better!

Zhang Ting's daughter domineeringly responded to the appearance controversy: self-confidence is a person's best spiritual appearance

Priscilla Chen, the Chinese wife of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, has been complained by netizens that she is not beautiful enough.

Everyone wonders why billionaire Zuckerberg chose such a girl with a dull appearance, dark skin, and even a little fat as his wife.

Zhang Ting's daughter domineeringly responded to the appearance controversy: self-confidence is a person's best spiritual appearance

It is said that U.S. President Trump, who was still a real estate tycoon at the time, jumped out a few days before Xiaoza's wedding and suggested that he sign a "prenuptial agreement" with his girlfriend.

How did this little girl, who seems inconspicuous to outsiders, grab the hearts of billionaires?

In Xiao Za's own words, it is wisdom and self-confidence.

In Xiao Za's eyes, no woman is smarter than her wife. The radiance of confidence and wisdom that emanated from her deeply attracted and guided him.

Indeed, smart women are very confident; and confident women are the most beautiful!

Voltaire once said: "The beauty of the outside can only please the human eye, but the inner beauty can infect the soul." ”


The beauty of a person's appearance, although dazzling, will eventually be thin; and the beauty hidden in the heart will become richer and richer with your efforts and experience. This is actually a spiritual appearance.

Zhang Ting's daughter domineeringly responded to the appearance controversy: self-confidence is a person's best spiritual appearance

Among the many spiritual looks, confident people are the most beautiful!

True self-confidence is not self-righteousness, but total acceptance of oneself, giving up on becoming the impossible.

Such a person, with an increasingly abundant heart, will throw up enough time to exude a light of grace and self-confidence.

Confident people will not stop moving forward, they will accept their imperfect selves, they will also achieve a better self; they will seize the fleeting opportunities around them, and they will also create opportunities for themselves for their efforts.

Confident people will not lose themselves in front of anyone or anything, even if they are powerful, even if they are dogmas, even if they are questioning in the eyes of others.... They will live simply and easily, and they will live with great strength!

I once saw such a passage on the Internet, and at this moment it is used to describe confident people, which feels most appropriate: "Character is written on the lips, happiness is exposed in the corner of the eyes." There is a recent state of mind in the expression, and between the eyebrows are the past years. ”

It is true that there are thousands of kinds of beauty in the world, but self-confidence is always the most beautiful spiritual appearance of a person!

Zhang Ting's daughter domineeringly responded to the appearance controversy: self-confidence is a person's best spiritual appearance

About the author: Bo Ran a smile, Rich Book columnist, Rich Book Writing Camp students, Rich Little Book people, I handwritten my heart, firmly believe in the power of words, this article was first published Rich Little Book (ID: fxsfrc), the best girlfriend around you, Rich Book 2018 launched a new book "Good Life".

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