
How to deal with workplace obstacles and be a workplace queen who rides the wind and waves

author:An ink of informed Darley

Women in the process of advancement in the workplace always seems to be full of obstacles, the workplace efforts are habitually ignored, career development is limited everywhere. Do you often encounter this situation in the workplace:

The department's program itself completed the most important part, but when the program was passed, it was a very embarrassing behavior to hear praise from others, because of her lack of self-confidence, and because it was a very embarrassing behavior for a woman to go out of her way to discuss merit with male colleagues for these things.

Busy every day, no less than others, anyone in the company who needs help never refuses, even if they are afraid of affecting the relationship between colleagues and do what they don't want to do. I have done so much work in obscurity, but I have never dared to express myself in the face of leaders.

It's not easy to change social cognition, but it's not hard to change your own thinking and cognition. How to solve the obstacles encountered by women in the advancement of the workplace still has to start from self-change.

How to deal with workplace obstacles and be a workplace queen who rides the wind and waves

Dare to fight for dare to refuse

So, let's take a look at what aspects of women's career advancements have changed to cope with workplace obstacles and hold up half the sky in the workplace? What is the way to change?

First, the workplace "her time" is not far away from us

Ma Yun once publicly stated that one of the secrets of Ali's success is that it has 49% of female employees, including 30% of female executives! More and more women in the workplace are eager to improve themselves, gain personal value and accept more job challenges.

In traditional Chinese culture, women are gentle and elegant, and in the workplace ruled by the law of the jungle and full of competitive pressure, the rise of men is not easy, women are even more difficult, and the difficulties that need to be overcome are unimaginable.

Next, we will talk about how women can break through their own limitations through the right methods in the process of career advancement. Step out of traditional cognition, overcome workplace obstacles from the inner layer of the individual, and improve yourself.

Second, have the mindset and leadership style of a strong person

In the workplace, there is a general prejudice against women, and it is not uncommon for a slight difference to be magnified, but despite this, women can still occupy the C position through the essence and follow some rules.

1. Enhance self-confidence, learn to express yourself, and dare to fight for the opportunity to improve for yourself

Speaking about the barriers to women's advancement in the workplace, Holly Yuan, female, chief operating officer of SAP China Research Institute, has worked in the male-dominated high-tech/software industry for 19 years and is a director of the Shanghai Overseas Enterprises Young Talents Association. Her view is:

"Lack of self-confidence and lack of self-expression have become a bottleneck in women's career development."

In fact, 'men and women match, work is not tired' this sentence is reasonable, women as long as they build confidence, overcome the inner lack of self-confidence, many male leaders still appreciate the female employees in the team, but also hope to work with female colleagues, their own strengths, cooperation, better management of the team.

Xiaofang has been a producer assistant for nearly 10 years, working diligently in her work, and the leaders have never questioned her ability to work. Xiaofang hopes to become an excellent producer one day.

In the spirit of "obscurity" dedication, every time he finishes his work, he hides behind the scenes and never takes the initiative to express himself. Therefore, everyone thinks that Xiaofang enjoys it every day and should also like her current work and state. The company has not promoted Zhao Fang several times, watching the assistant who has just worked for 5 years has been promoted, she is full of doubts in her heart, and does not understand why she can't get the opportunity to be promoted with her own ability.

After thinking about it again, she decided to communicate with the leader once and fight for a chance for herself to rise. The result surprised her, and the leader said that it was not that she was not good enough, and everyone recognized her ability to work. The root cause of the problem is that Xiaofang herself has never taken the initiative to show that she wants to go further, and the leader believes that Zhao Fang is very satisfied with her current work status. Xiaofang, on the other hand, thinks that the company should pay attention to her contribution and will take the initiative to promote herself..... Through communication with the leader, Xiaofang understood the problem and began to adjust her work attitude and methods.......

In the workplace, like Xiaofang, who does not know how to express herself, does not take the initiative to fight for opportunities for herself, but thinks that leaders should see their contributions to the company to take the initiative to promote themselves, this kind of misunderstanding of workplace advancement is large among women.

How to deal with workplace obstacles and be a workplace queen who rides the wind and waves

2, dare to refuse, establish principles, have clear goals

At this point, Marshall, author of "Being a Woman in the Workplace", directly gave advice: "Don't neglect the overall development of your career because you pay too much attention to the work at hand." Sometimes, it's good to do 95%, and spend the remaining 5% on future development. ”

Xiao Fang in the case, although she has a strong ability to work and dedicates herself to the company silently, but in her work, that is, she does not know how to express herself, and she will not say "no" to the unreasonable demands from colleagues, although she has obtained good popularity, she has not made a step forward in her career in the past 10 years.

Fortunately, Xiaofang found problems in time, no longer helped others without principles in her work, and when she learned to reject them correctly, she found that her work was more efficient and had more time and energy to do more valuable things.

With his many years of work experience, he used the SMART principle to determine a specific and clear career goal for himself, [that is, the goal should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-limited.] Successfully completed his career advancement.

Therefore, in the workplace, we must have a scale in our hearts and understand our work goals. Understand what work must be done and what should be avoided. Rejection is also a science that needs to be weighed up and decided by yourself.

Make a "don't do" list, treat the needs of others, not immediately agree or reject, but think carefully about the stakes; you can't nod your head without principle when others speak, and don't do things you don't want to do because you please others. When helping others, it's also important to remember to shape the value of your own help.

3. Give full play to women's own advantages, break through their own limitations, and be a workplace queen who rides the wind and waves

When scientists studied the structure of the human brain, they found that men's thinking patterns are single-line, that is, they are accustomed to thinking about the second thing after the first thing is done, while women are the opposite. Women are more responsive and more coordinated in the face of sudden events at work, which is undoubtedly important for challenging management positions.

"In my IT industry, for example, there are mostly men, but so are the leaders. You may feel that in such an environment, women's development will be limited. In fact, I think women should explore and play their female advantages in this environment. This sentence comes from Holly Yuan's personal experience.

Undoubtedly, optimism, humanity, good perception, good communication, meticulous work, and perseverance are the natural advantages of women in the workplace. Women's greatest charm is self-confidence, excellence, and the same tolerance and resilience as men when difficulties come.

Alibaba has a powerful female executive named Wu Wei, who joined Alibaba in 2007 at the age of 46, after working for KPMG for 15 years at a consulting firm.

In most people's minds, this should be the peak of Wu Wei's career, and she doesn't have to work too hard in the future, because she has already lived well, and she can be satisfied with the status quo and enjoy the rest of her life. But she did not stop, but took the olive branch thrown by Alibaba.

In her first year at Alibaba, she was involved in the listing of Alibaba Group's wholesale website, and subsequently, she was involved in the privatization of the listed subsidiary. She is also the leader of Alibaba's investor roadshow in the United States.

At this step, not only because Wu Wei has a wealth of workplace work experience, but also she also gives full play to the advantages of women themselves.

Although women are in a long-term predicament in the workplace, with the improvement of management thinking in most enterprises and the emergence and growth of emerging enterprises, the soft power and importance of women as managers are becoming increasingly prominent.

After all, no matter what the external environment is, your behavior is still controlled by yourself.

So, starting today, starting with changing small behavior habits, starting with speaking out loud, taking a step forward, letting change meet a better version of yourself.

How to deal with workplace obstacles and be a workplace queen who rides the wind and waves

Be the best version of yourself

Try to "meet a better version of myself" while telling myself that I will do better tomorrow. Michelangelo said: "David was in the stone, he just chiseled off the part that was not David, and David himself came out." ”

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